Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey | Official Trailer | Netflix

An in-depth look into the secretive polygamous sect of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the rise of self-professed prophet Warren Jeffs. From forced underage marriage and pregnancy to a complete unraveling into an oppressive criminal cult under Warren Jeffs’ rule, the story uncovers extraordinary bravery battling tyrannical control in modern America.


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Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey | Official Trailer | Netflix

This docuseries examines the rise of Warren Jeffs in the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and his shocking criminal case.


42 thoughts on “Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey | Official Trailer | Netflix”

  1. I cannot stop thinking about this… How and why aren't ALL the adults that were accomplices to rape and underage marriage in prison?? That includes all the wives that sat around and watched as these children were raped by Warren Jeffs. This is a massive pedophile / human trafficking ring happening in the United States RIGHT NOW and only 1 man is in jail? And somehow he is still able to operate this torture chamber?! Put this guy in solitary confinement, cut off communication, and SAVE THESE CHILDREN!!! Wake up, America!!!!

  2. Its mouth dropping how one cult can do whatever they want and the government and the law can't do nothing about it … or it takes them a lot to do something about it … but people like us can't go breaking the law without getting caught !

  3. How stupid and brainwashed do you have to be to allow your underage age daughter to marry a man and be sexually assaulted or to let your children be taken away from you to go to a ranch where you won’t be allowed to see them?

  4. One thing that isn't said too much in documentaries like this, that WAS said in this particular docu-series, is that these cults are also massive sex trafficking rings. Like we all tend to call them religious cults (I mean that's exactly what they are), but this documentary showed me just how much the women and young girls are completely taken advantage of and treated like property and are just disregarded. They're physically, emotionally, and sexually abused all for the satisfaction of these disgusting men. I feel so horrible for them all.

  5. There's something I don't understand. They got Warren, that's fine, but what happened with all those men that married underaged girls and raped them? Did they get caugh aswell? And what happened with all those women that witnessed these ilegal marriages and these rapes? Why is Warren allowed to keep his communication with his cult? Can't that communication be labeled as a danger to society and be stopped?

  6. I just finished watching the series. It is very good, but I wish they give more updates on some of the people that were interviewed. Like what is Warren's brother up to? Was he able to get any of his children out? How about the man that got kicked out for saying he would stand up to even the prophet if they wanted any of his daughters before they were 18? How do they get to rebuild their life outside if everything was taken from them? What happened to all the boys that get kicked out at such young age? Etc

  7. Netflix needs to make a similar documentary but about Islam and Muhammad, it is a cult and this cult leader married multiple wives and normalised child marriage. We still suffer from the oppression till this day. I think he's the one who inspired Joseph Smith in the first place cause Jesus was against polygamy.

    What's more alarming is how Islam is spreading fast like cancer, if we question it or decide to leave it we get killed! So Muhammad made sure no one knows about its truth.

  8. Everyone in that cult that still worshiped him after he was sentenced, really shows the brainwashing and how deep in their psyche he beat that nonsense into them

  9. Ya know what scares me? It’s not scary movies. It’s not horror flicks, which yea they’re scary, but still. It’s not little monsters popping out from under a bed for jump scares in a creepy cult film.

    It’s the principalities & spiritual forces of wickedness at work in society & in people as Ephesians eludes to. It’s the silent unknowing undercurrent of evil at work. This power of influence is deeply hidden within the works & intentions of Man (as in, the human race). This is a force that even “woke” people can’t always sense until we are knee deep in chaos. There is nothing scarier to me than a person who is so genuine in their beliefs but so genuinely wrong. This man did not know his own deception. Possession isn’t always just someone rolling around on the floor like a wiggly worm & with creepy looking eyes. It’s also this.. this man is evil. He’s sick.

  10. This shit is still going on because I've had quite a few friend requests from Mormon girls and when I investigated I discovered there's a large pack that roam around the country. Always in a new state but where do they get their money?

  11. I was surprised that about 1 in 10 of these women looked distinctively manly. Is that just blurry footage and a failure to pluck their eyebrows, or is it related to a gene pool that's only ankle deep?

  12. Its incredible how parents have many years experiences world and go to cult, sell Kids to fake prophet, even a kids known its wrong and leaving it. Just LOL, parents are most guilty!! Brain size of walnut. For me law should proibithed who have cult around country. Story isnt clear how people become believe at first prophet before Warren, how its started, what prof prophet did… Answers parents have brain such a walnut! Ahhh wait…they dont care if he is a prophet or shit, Just want sex with 20 womans, ofc.

  13. Unfortunately every religion, aka cult utilizes these same tactics. They may not be as extreme, but trust me they're a cult as well. Don't fall for this stuff, think for yourself and stop believing in ancient texts and fairytales.

  14. Good show. Fascinating, but so infuriating! These people were born into the cult and totally cut off from society, totally brainwashed. The women who lied to the police and the press should have known better, but they were told they were helping God. The older men were just plain evil.

  15. Gross! Why do these still happen nowadays? If religion demands something in sex and money, it's no good. I'm glad I believe in myself. Thank you Netflix for making such a wonderful documentary.


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