Kayak Crabbing the Last Hooray 11-4-2022

I know I said I was done kayak crabbing for the year, but I decided to try one more time with the low winds predicted and the warm weather and waters in November. I would end up moving my 600 foot trotlinee 3 times, From 6 feet to 9/10 feet and finally to 13/14 feet. The water was so clear, I could see 6 feet down

All I can say is that today would be my personal best from a kayak running a trotline in November!

I caught a few crabs in the 6-10 foot range over the morning starting after 9am. But it was not until I made the final move to 13/14 feet of water that I hit the mother load and quickly busheled out for the day. This was the latest that I ever kayak crabbed using a trotline and bushed out. A personal best for me. I cannot wait for next year. I could go out one more time, but my work schedule may not allow it. The water temp in the morning started out at 60 degrees with a heavy layer of fog and ended up just over 64 degrees. The crab size ranged from 5.25 inches to 7.5 inches. The average was over 6.5 inches.


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