Katt Williams worship of the Fallen Angels

What is the meaning of Katt Williams’ Jewelry? Where did he get the design ideas? Lets see if we can pinpoint what he believes.



32 thoughts on “Katt Williams worship of the Fallen Angels”

  1. The Nephilim are mentioned just before the Flood account in Genesis 6:4, which states: The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown.

  2. TMH destroyed giants in Amos 2:9
    [9]¶ Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the Cedars, and hee was strong as the okes, yet I destroyed his fruite from aboue, and his rootes from beneath. How tall are cedars? They can grow up to 80ft. So is TMH misspeaking and there were no giants on the earth, just really tall men?

  3. Pastor not to take away from your teaching because it helped me a lot but I want you to take on everything in the water surviving because the scripture never stated that it died only the things in the air and the land

  4. Part 2 on this! These pagan religions came out of Freemasonry (origin Babylon and Egypt) and worship Baphomet (alphabet ppl god) either knowingly or unknowingly. OneCode247 (I do not agree with everything he states) but did a great job revealing the black conscious cimmunity worship Annunaki (Fallen angels) and Baphomet. Now, I know why their channels are not bothered like our Yasharal channels. Barak you for this.

  5. Bruh, it's witchcraft to have a cell phone. It's just a watch it's a play on words. If the world follows the times of the fallen. Then by default the watch is a annunaki time keeping compass. Compass because it's a circle…

  6. There is definitely a divide in the ‘black’ community in regards to religion and spirituality ! It’s like belief in the globe and flat earth.
    Some people believe in a man in the sky and some are becoming aware of the Bible being a metaphor for the universe and the body and for us to make change ourself instead of being oppressed and waiting for a man in the sky to come down and save people whilst our oppressors know better/ know the truth. I’m not trying to ruffle feathers or be disrespectful to religion but it’s almost impossible for a religious individual to upgrade their thought process because they are held down by FEAR (the same way we were indoctrinated with the globe) rather than an honest belief in God.
    I’m sure this comment is going to get a reflexive response of “belief in fallen angels/demonic teachings” however my point is there is way more to this world/realm than what we’ve been taught in regards to both the physical world, spirituality and religion ! Whether you believe in prayer or meditation, peace positivity and blessings.

    P.S. Is thinking outside the box (ie what’s been forced on us like the globe) or upgrading one’s thought process in regards to this world an offense or blasphemous to God ?!
    Or does that help us progress closer to God ?!
    Critically filter what any spiritual or religious individual presents to you because it’s presented externally by “men (people)” who are not physically God themselves, and only God can judge you !

  7. 0:48: 🦁 Empowerment message about staying true to oneself and resisting external pressures.
    6:30: 🔍 Controversial claims about the ancestry of Jewish people and the prohibition of DNA testing in Israel.
    13:06: 👹 Exploring the origins of Cat Williams' folk woke Medallion and watch in relation to Fallen Angels.
    20:06: ⚠️ Discussion on the belief system of Katt Williams and its potential implications.
    26:58: 🎲 Influence of Roman goddess Fortuna on gambling and luck, seen in roulette and board games.
    34:08: 🔮 Exploration of connections between mythical figures like St. Nicholas and Greek sea god Poseidon.
    41:19: 👹 Exploring the connection between ancient deities, wristwatches, and potential demonic symbolism.
    48:25: 🔍 Interpreting biblical passages to suggest intimacy between Adam and Eve leading to the birth of Cain and Abel, and exploring the origins of giants.
    55:14: 🌊 The catastrophic flood wiped away all abnormal giants and people, leaving only Noah and his family.
    1:02:00: 📜 Discussion on the physical variations among tribes and caution against associating them with mythical giants.
    1:08:24: 👽 Discussion on beliefs of a comedian aligning with ancient astronaut theories and celestial origins.
    1:14:41: 📚 Discussion on omitted texts from the Bible including Enoch, Apocrypha, and disciples' testimonies.
    1:20:55: 💬 Discussion on avoiding certain texts, continuing with a different topic, and a past lesson on the Apocrypha.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  8. "That" compass, watch, timepiece "Is" demonic Because Of What the Person Wearing It Is "Using" It For!!!!!! And People "Still" Sleeping And "Don't " Believe this man Isn't a "Controlled Psyop"!!!!! I Heard Him "Acknowledge" That There Must Be, "A" god, He "Didn't" say Anything About The 1, True Living GOD, Of The Bible Though, Nor Did He say That He "Has A Relationship" With HIM Either!!!!!!

  9. So katt Williams "Is" As Usual Leading Multitudes Unfortunately Straight to hell, In Order To Sell jewelry, Which Represents PAGAN/demonic Ancient Practices Of Old Cultures!!!!! Plus From What I've Learned the 4 Winds Are High Ranking demonic spirits That "Are" Usually Called Upon During Ancient, pagan demonic Rituals Or Rites, Including Human sacrifices!!!!!!!!! Leading Whole Multitudes Of African Americans Astray And To hell!!!!!!!!!😮😡😡😳😣😡😡

  10. Sometimes jewelry is just that, an interesting time piece, compass that has a great backstory. Katt Williams seems to go against the industry and there demonic ways and worship. Blessings to you and the whole world, praise JESUS CHRIST the one and only true God


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