KATARA's REVENGE! | Avatar The Last Airbender Book 3 Episode 16 Reaction

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40 thoughts on “KATARA's REVENGE! | Avatar The Last Airbender Book 3 Episode 16 Reaction”

  1. 12:07 Soooo… did you notice that after that night with Suki, Sokka is (seemingly for no reason) holding a flower necklace?
    Otherwise known as a lei?
    Sokka has a lei… he got a lei? Eh? Ehhhhh?

    Yes, the creators have confirmed exactly what you're thinking right now. It means exactly that.

  2. 21:50 I know exactly how you feel but sadly my bullies were ironically black. I still get singled out today because I am not like them. Calling me wet back, always trying to act like they are going to attack me or getting smart with me. Sadly I didn’t have the luxury of fighting back because I would be seen as racists and everyone always jumped to conclusions on their side.

  3. It's low-key, but it's also pretty funny how hypocritical Zuko is early on in this episode on the subject of forgiveness, especially given that he's doing all this in the first place to earn Katara's forgivness.

    "Oh, forgive him like some goody goody two-shoes? How about we let him join our group, give him our trust, share our food with him, let him teach Aang fireben… oh. "

  4. Honestly the hypest part was seeing Katara stop the rain in a surrounding area and turn that into a water dome. Like from the trailers of Book 3 way back when that looked SO AWESOME. And with the context of this episode it felt so worth it.

  5. For any of my fellow berserk fans this episode would’ve ended massively different if the former southern raiders commander acted anything similar to wild/ wylad. He would’ve been filled with so many ice shards you couldn’t even tell it was a human corpse, but hey that’s just a thought that jumped into my mind and I felt like it would be funny to state it.

  6. There's a major fan theory that the reason the leader of the Southern Raiders wasn't taking prisoners and just killed Katara's mom was because of Hama using blood bending to escape so they weren't taking any chances with water benders.

  7. Zuko taking his own anger about his own missing mother out on these fire nation guys. Just listen to how his voice sounds when he says "you don't remember…" Zuko is working through some stuff vicariously.

  8. Sokka confirmed broke sukis back that night, kataras mom wasn’t a water bender she covered for her daughter like a legend. And she was also killed on the spot, with katara and her father seeing her corpse.

  9. Fun Fact: When Zuko went to talk to Sokka in his tent, Toph had built an earth wall between her tent and his. Toph knew what Sokka was going for and made preparations so she could at least “muffle” what might go down as best possible.

  10. I swear Alicia is a Predicting Patricia at this point XD
    The amount of times she has said something for it to be said in the show immediately afterwards or her thoughts are shown on the show maybe 20 sec later is astounding XD

  11. The show glosses over it, but we just saw the first cannon of this world, and because of weird tech tree progression because kids show, they already have HE impact fused shells, and the potential to rig it with a metal tip to pierce. A little work, and post impact fused APHE shell launchers could become a thing. Though HE warheads are good enough in general for now due to the lack of enemy armored vehicles.

    Azula has a lot of issues, and fratricide is her chosen coping mechanism today.

    Hakoda is going to be more useful keeping group B out of more trouble than they can manage.

    No. Azula CAN'T fly. She can boost her leaps, but she can't achieve sustained flight. Even airbenders need gliders.

    There are many reasons why Zuko's redemption arc is still held as a gold standard next to original trilogy Vader. And unlike Vader, Zuko has to live on. Dying is easy, Earning forgiveness is hard.

    It's a good thing Toph sleeps with her feet up.

    "This is my favorite episode" mmhm, and let's see how the trauma changes your opinion.

    3rd side question with Zuko!….. if you don't count the Sun Warrior "ruins" as part of the main questline.

    Nah, Iroh ran into the Rough Rhinos. Also an in and out raid group, but the rhinos are land based as opposed to coastal.

    Zuko being our resident Ninja again.

    The attack was a feint. A diversion. So their commander could kill the last waterbender of the tribe.
    And she is very very very much dead. Some have noted that Hama's escape might be why they switched to killing instead of capturing. So Katara probably saw her mother's charred corpse. Even if only a glimpse.

    Was waiting with anticipation for how you'd react to her blood bending.

    Zuko just realized how dangerous Katara has become when she stops holding back. Pretty good maintaining of composure in the face of that.

    Why would they fake being the Southern raiders?

    I can't relate to that kind of anger. I know I've had anger issues, but I had episodes, not justifiable anger.
    Words should be enough, but I am of the mind that violence is sometimes the correct answer, and there are much much worse things than a racist getting punched.
    Your dad sounds cool.

    Fighting a waterbender on an island during the rain is already a very bad time. Fighting in that scenario when the waterbender has almost boiled over with righteous fury is a nightmare. That she has one of the better firebenders around is just murder sprinkles on this smackdown sundae.

    Kya pulled a "I am Spartacus."

    Katara still hates, she just didn't strike a death blow.

    Well the Fire nation may not be racist, but they've been trying to eradicate other "lesser" cultures. So not any better.

    I think teaching kids that "violence isn't the answer" is a good principle to keep them out of trouble, but when they're older, they need to learn about nuance. And the sad limitations of the real world. The best examples of justified violence on the national level are putting slavery and the nazis down. Violence may be evil, but at times a necessary evil.

  12. I love this episode, it is the best character building episode in the series. Kitara accepts and moves forward which is the right thing to do but refuses to forgive the man that killed her mother was the human thing to do. Seeing her use her blood bending so easily just shows how powerful she is and how they did such an amazing job with her character. She did it to terrify the man she had thought killed her mother, he was no match for Zuko so it wasn't to protect him. The way Zuko looked at her when she did, he understood what she could do to him if he betrayed their group again. Still the best line at the end was Zuko point blank asking Aang what he was going to do about his father if violence wasn't the answer. Kill one man and end a hundred year war that has killed millions of people already or hold to your beliefs and don't. Tough choice, personally I have no problem with killing one to end a war but I am Catholic we have done worse, Aang is a Buddhist and that goes against his teaching and his spiritual identity.

  13. This episode is so raw and powerful and yet such a missed opportunity to me. I agree with you 100% about kataras portrayal of lashing out at her brother as a depiction of genuine human emotion. The resolution of her forgiving zuko at the end was perfectly depicted. My issue is that sokka deserved an apology, and doing it on screen in a kids show would be such a powerful thing to see them see. To watch a character go through all of the stages of grief and end with "sokka, I shouldn't have snapped at you. I know you loved mom, I was just angry, and I'm sorry I took it out on you" would have been a beautiful full circle for acceptance and ownership on how your grief affected your love ones. At the end of the day, the difference katara and sokka was guilt. Katara watched her mom get taken, and part of that anger was at herself, even though she was a child and couldn't have done anything. Realistically this is a small nitpick, but I think that due to the fact this is a kids show dealing with intense topics, that was an apology that should have happened. I completely understand it could have happened off screen, but we as an audience member, as a potential 10 year old kid watching this dealing with loss, could have benefited from this.

  14. 30:40 I, too, did lash out at bullies when I was a teenager. We aren't better because of that, we are weaker. Obviously we can't be blamed, but we shouldn't think "that was the right thing to do": a justified slip-up is still a slip-up.
    The best way to impact that type of people isn't to hurt them and increase their hostility… rather, it's having the strength to plant a seed of potential remorse and doubt in their conscience by being the better person.

  15. "I like Azula with her hair down!"
    Yeah, that image of her on the cliff face is definitely Azula at her "hottest".
    She may be evil & violent, but she is a very attractive character.

    This is a great episode that IMO is in a 'block' of the BEST Avatar episodes. (starting around The Firebending Masters)
    So much emotional depth. Plus, it shows our heroes (like Katara) are not PERFECT "white hats". They are PEOPLE. With flaws & weaknesses & shortcomings. She was good enough NOT to murder the man, but "forgiving" him was a step too far for her to go.
    So good.

  16. The moment I heard that story, all I could think was:
    You're a hero
    Your dad is a hero
    And chuchu would be proud.

    But in all seriousness, that's never okay to just say that. I can empathize with your mother's stance, but as a minority, I would have done the same without question, civility be damned.

  17. 23:24 you dad is an absolute GOAT for understanding. I got into a fight my freshman year of highschool because a racist didn't like that my girlfriend was Native American and I was Scottish American. This guy would uses every slur for a Native American he could think of when talking to me and even would call me a "race traitor" after almost 8 months of this, I got so pissed off I punched him in the face and broke my pinky doing it. He ended up with a black eye and a bloody nose, I broke my finger. When the teacher came back in the room and saw the results she asked what happened, 2 of the older students (seniors I think) in the class explained exactly what happened and why I did what I did. I got a stern talking to by the teacher, the racist got a week long suspension.
    I haven't used violence since to fix an issue like that but I have become quick witted and use cleaver insults to turn their own words and ideas against them. I find this to be a more efficient way of shutting them up and getting them to reevaluate their own beliefs


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