Karen Wheaton: God Will Defend Your Cause & Deliver Your Children (Isaiah 49:25)

Karen Wheaton: God Will Defend Your Cause & Deliver Your Children (Isaiah 49:25)
Karen speaks at King of Kings in April, 2019. Quotes: “One word from God would be enough to carry you the rest of your life. When [my daughter] Lindsey first left, I was up early in the morning. She had just left, filed for divorce, it was awful. I’m sitting on the couch and I’m just praying by myself. I’m just asking, God help me, God please. Isaiah 49:25, “The captive of the warrior will be released. The plunder of the tyrant will be retrieved. For, I will fight those that fight you and I will save your children.”

Remember: you have been “blessed to be a blessing.” (Genesis 12:2) Pay it forward!
Full message here: https://youtu.be/Y8HqiSr223w
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It was in the beginning days of our daughter leaving
and our world had just turned upside down.
My whole family, her husband, her children, Lauren, all of us.
And we’re very close family,
always worked together in ministry.
She was so beyond.
And so it was the beginning days.
I felt, maybe if I could just talk to Lindsey…
she’d always listen to me.
We’d always had a good mother-daughter comradery.
So, I’m thinking, and I’d invited her to the house
and I had it sort of planted in my mind already
what I was going to say to her.
So I was just going to have the mother daughter talk
of the price that she was going to have to pay to do this,
this unthinkable thing. She had just separated.
She had not filed for divorce yet at this point,
she was just thinking about it, and she’d already let us know
that she had already separated. I couldn’t even imagine
that it would go any further than the fact that she had just separated.
In my mind I’m just thinking now she’s going back.
I mean, of course. So I’m sitting there at the table with her
and I’m just pouring my heart out to Lindsey.
She’s sitting there looking at me and she was hard and cold.
I was just… everything I could think of telling her.
Lindsey, Lindsey, this is, there’s no way
this is God’s will for your life Lindsey.
You are about to drop off of a cliff.
You’re heading straight toward the end of a cliff, Lindsey.
This is going to destroy everything in your life
if you do this, if you follow through with this Lindsey,
everything, everything in your life is going to be affected by this.
So we get to the end, and I talked and talked and talked.
and she wasn’t saying anything. She’s sitting there, staring.
So, finally we get to the end of all things.
I said to her of the conversation I get through,
and honestly, I’m thinking that she’s going to break
and say, mom, I see it. It’s I mean, obviously, it was so clear.
Surely she’s going to see it. I thought she’d say, “Mom, I see it.
You are right, I can work this out.”
So instead I looked at Lindsey and I said, “So Lindsey,
what’s your final answer? She looked at me
and she tells me her final answer is she is finished, she’s done.
She is getting a divorce… and it was just like this knife.
I physically felt pain shoot through my body.
I just looked at her and said, “Lindsey,
I can’t tell you how sad and hurt I feel to hear you say this.
And I can’t stand with you in this decision to support you in it
because it’s not the will of God for your life.
She grabs her keys, heads out that door and slams it behind her.
I got up and headed to The Ramp by myself and stayed in that Ramp.
It had been hours. I stayed in a ball on the floor
at the altar, right in front of that step and that floor.
I was just calling, “Oh God, with everything I knew how to pray in me.”
And it was like, the word says,
when you don’t know how to pray, it’s just groans,
that cannot be uttered. I’m lying on that floor,
just groaning in the Holy Ghost, calling on my God.
Suddenly I heard his voice… I hear God.
He says as clearly as you hear me…
What was weird, I was talking out loud in prayer
and I hear a voice talking to me
while words are coming out of my mouth.
I’m hearing a voice speak to me.
This voice is as clear as you hear me,
the voice said, “You asked for her final answer. You didn’t ask for mine.
God speaks in all these unique ways.
I just don’t even have time to tell you
about all the ways God speaks. I just wish I did.
Can I just tell you one more time you see, I get all rabbit trailed
but I’ve got to go somewhere. Let me just tell you, can I brag on God?
I want you to learn… you already know,
but let me just tell you another way
of beginning to watch for his word.
He just loves to talk! He’s talking so loud!
If we just… that’s why we need to cut off
those stupid phones and listen to what he has to say more.
Because if you’ll tap in to that frequency,
you’ll realize how clearly he speaks.
He will blow your mind.
He will blow your
He will speak to the point.


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