Karen Teacher Broke my Phone! So I REPORTED Her! – r/EntitledPeople

Our Karen Teacher took my son’s cell phone during class and took it home even though it was supposed to be held in the office. While at Karen’s house, her son broke the phone. Now Karen is offering to pay me back for the phone, but I’ve got a little something special in store for her. Subscribe for more r/EntitledPeople stories!

Welcome to another episode of r/EntitledParents stories!

Here on the mr redder podcast YouTube channel we read stories about entitled people, entitled parents, and am i the jerk stories with Karen.

I’m a voice actor that narrates reddit stories. I record all of the VO and edit all videos myself. On this channel I play the roles of mr redder and Karen as we read reddit stories and discuss them. Story genres include entitled parents, revenge, malicious compliance, and AITA.

Our videos include music under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0) and background footage from Pexels, under the Pexels license. Every Saturday we release a longer compilation video which includes some of our best stories from last year. Subscribe for daily uploads!

😎 One of my favorite Karen Stories!
r/EntitledPeople – Smug Karen Demands I Pay Her Car Off! It Gets WORSE.

mr redder podcast on Spotify – https://open.spotify.com/show/5ZVzMm0Pr3bwlM26VuVv8J

Karen and I can make a video for your special occasion! 👉 https://entitledparents.com/custom-message

Subscribe for the best stories from reddit every single day.

Background Footage: Pexels, under the Pexels license.

If you want your story removed from a video, please message me on Reddit at u/mr_reddit_YT and I will remove it.

Stories in this episode of r/entitledparents:
0:00 – Intro
00:36 – Story 1
03:32 – Story 2
08:05 – Story 3
12:34 – Bonus Stories

#karenstories #funnykarenstories #entitledparents


29 thoughts on “Karen Teacher Broke my Phone! So I REPORTED Her! – r/EntitledPeople”

  1. To the person thinking the lady is a jerk for yelling at her husband she's not. I was an independent teen myself. My parents paid for basic needs (food clothes school supplies etc). For what I want paid for myself. I am a homeowner own two cars a steady job which gives me purpose in life. No wife no kids no girlfriend because I like my independence.

  2. Aaahahahahaaa!! That one commenter that crap talked on the "kinds of ppl" that comment on reddit… dude!!! Just like they say "never grocery shop when you're hungry" (bcz you tend to buy everything you see) … translate that to "never comment angrily, while self loathing in the mirror!" 🤣 oh the cries of "someone plz tell me im worth something!!" 🤦‍♀️😂 smh.. someone plz buy that dude a friend! Lol

    "Processed food" 🤭🤭😂🤣

  3. On going out to eat-food costs way too much to buy a dish you're not going to eat. If nothing looks good I don't order either. It wastes food and money and I've just ordered a drink or even a small side/ app to nibble on.
    But I have not had anyone get pissy and walk out.

  4. For that bonus story about the picky eater I feel offended because I'm not a picky eater by choice nobody is I actually will puke over some foods 😃 and you say we're annoying get to know us first before you judge us

  5. I might be going against the grain with the first story, but I think it's an everybody sucks here situation. Yeah, the teacher definitely should have done a better job keeping the phone out of her toddler's reach if that is indeed how it broke. But the teacher is willing to repay the phone in full when able and gave OP a temporary phone for her son to use in case an emergency comes up.

    Why I think OP is also the jerk is due to the fact that the teacher wants to fix the situation. I don't think it's fair to punish people over making one dumb mistake by threatening their job position. Like seriously people, how many of you reading this right now can think back to a time where you did something that, in hindsight, was the dumbest move you could have made? We're all human and we all do something dumb at least once. This issue would have been resolved peacefully without OP involving the school.

  6. Story 2: does this stepfather not realize that it is literally the parents’ responsibility to provide for the child until they are 18? The mother went about it the right way: I’ll pay for your meals, but anything additional, you have to pay for yourself. That is not unreasonable and the stepdad just wants to be controlling.

  7. That person who said mentally unstable people: You are the AH. I am mentally unstable. Legally disabled. You targeted an entire group of people! I hope you read this comment. You raised your kids to be independent? How are they going to treat you when you get old and sick and need someone to take care of you? They are going to take your teachings and put you in a nursing home. If I were your kid, I would. You thoroughly disgust me with your idiotic ideals. Even as an adult, my father still helps me when I really need his help. You don’t just parent your kids when they live with you, you parent them even as they get older. Your children need to feel secure enough to rely on you and to be able to ask you questions. You openly denied them that.

  8. Picky Eater story: NTA. One notable thing about most picky eaters (including myself) is that they know they are picky and will refuse to let anyone be inconvenienced due to it. I’ve been to outings with friends who are in the mood for a specific meal I will absolutely despise, but will go anyways and have a drink because I enjoy their company and will be fine. I can eat after or before and none will be affected by my difficult pallet. No harm no foul.
    The YTA commenter is ignorant, self righteous, and exhausting. This guy is the kind of person who would most likely CONSTANTLY shove food into someone’s face and practically “force” them to try something they already know they won’t like. As of it’s their job to fix a problem that cannot be fixed. We’re already stressed out enough making sure your okay eating what you want regardless of our own pallet. But for you to judge those who don’t like what you like and call them exhausting!? GFY

  9. I am so sick of people acting like their pets are the center of the universe "It's my baaaaaaby" Then get mad when I'm offended when their "fur baby" wants to jump on me while I'm running through the park and I push them away. If I were invited to a wedding featuring dogs, they get a nice "Congrats" card from me

  10. There's nothing wrong with making sure the child's independent. But as a parent when they are a minor you're supposed to pay for everything. The stepdad in this story is literally the type of person that gives all stepparents a bad name

  11. The dog wedding: I've got two dogs. I hate kids, have never, & will never want to have those things. My dogs are my kids. Period. If she's a dog person, and he's not, it won't work to begin with. I could never be with someone who isn't a dog, or an animal person to begin with. If I ever get married I want my babies involved in my wedding too. Not to the extent of having a "doggy wedding,' but this should tell them both not to waste their money.

  12. That comment on story 2 is infuriating. There's a difference between teaching independence, and berating and belittling a kid for their own existence and needs. That kid is being scolded for "asking for money" when she's just complaining about how expensive stuff is. She doesn't even sound like she's irresponsible with money, and overly apologizes when she thinks she's spending too much? That's financial trauma forming. And yes it IS a thing. As someone who has literally had an anxiety attack when my partner suggested I go buy myself a sandwich while out doing errands, I can say it's REAL. The guilt of spending money on yourself because you think it's a burden or a problem, it's horrible. That's what the stepdad is doing. She's 16 and should not have to feel guilty for buying FOOD, a basic need.


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