Justice Vs Revenge : An Endless war for peace | Afro Samurai

In this episode we uncover and analyse the 7 main elements of the story in Afro Samurai.
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0:00 Three armed scale
02:52 Sins of the father
05:13 The ties that divide
07:26 The honey trap
10:04 There Can Only Be One
13:26 Two sides of a coin
16:55 The true face of justice
20:49 Final Observations


15 thoughts on “Justice Vs Revenge : An Endless war for peace | Afro Samurai”

  1. #8 ( Final Observations ) 20:49
    What is the outcome for a man treated unjustly by the justice system, similar to the question asked in (equality vs equity reality of Psychopass ) video. Who judges the judge who patches the oversights and abuses of power ? If fairness is not possible what is second best? If afro is to truly fight against justice he must remove himself from under the two armed system and become a third party to his own experience.

    And just like the foundation of civilisation he will have to seize his metaphorical land in the form of comeuppance install his polis or version of justice. With the strength of an army takes the land the finesse of the politicians maintain possession. 

    But as afro is just an individual under the rules of the two headband system he can either fight, walk away or the force a third choice and destroy the whole headband system.

    But what will take its place ? Water will go anywhere when the damn is broken and in the world Okazaki has created the headband system is the damp that keeps the power of water from flooding the world 

    So In conclusion from the outside looking in the metaphorical history of the two hand bands represents a much larger commentary on our own reality. The un ignorable fact is the power struggle has always been two bad guys playing cops and robbers in the name of justice.

  2. #7 (THE TRUE FACE OF JUSTICE ) 16:55
    Afro's John Wickian existence finally maroons him before a Trueman show painting of his own.
    After cutting through thousands of humans, although in self defence and self preservation. 

    The weight of the blood spilled bares unspokenly heavy on his soul. battle field after battlefields soil Saturated with plasma and entrails. 

    With the empty seven almost devoid of members and out of assassins afros assent up the mountain to justice and the number one headband can proceed un interrupted.

    He had played the role set out for him by his predecessors pursuing revenge and power and played it excellently. 
    At any time he could have chosen to walk a different road and laid down his sword but he refused.

    With truth playing the ballast of seesawing scales, number 1 and two where about to meet. The game, manga and anime all vary in the telling of this saga but for the purpose of following the timeline of the anime we will focus on the interaction between Afro and justice there. 

    Among the bones of fallen warriors we see the various numbered headbands counting down to the final two. This room doesn't exist in the natural earth of the show it is almost a realm unto itself only entered through a portal forged by the path walked of the number 1 and 2.

    There is speculation that this room only exists inside of afros mind but it is not confirmed only implied. 
    It's in this super-positioned space that just operates from not only the character but the idea. 

    Afro finds a warped dried and dehydrated being sat at the end of the room in a throne like chair. That being is the aged and now dead justice that murdered his father.
     Justice's goal was to become a God and inadvertently afro was both his apostle and adversary, each battle he endured was like a prayer to the one who sent him off on his journey each drop of blood libation poured. 

    The tiny thread pulled from fates tapestry at the begging of the show is finally beginning to unspool. 
    You can image the twisted irony of what revenge gets you, the chaos that begets order, the crime that requires justice. A never ending self consuming cycle personified by the ouroboros. One replaced by two, two replaced by three until the end of time.

    The barbarous foundation of justice is playing its masterful symphony the third element that begun it all still pulling the strings from outside of the room.

    The corpse of justice begins to reanimate from the energy of anger and hate, with his body metaphorically rehydrating from all the blood spilled to reach him. 

    Its at this point the viewer is forced to ask himself if afros road was truly justifiable
    And if so was not justice's? 
     He killed one man afro killed many to get to him 
    All of this happened in the name of afro seeking justice Ironically.

     The cycle perpetuated to quench his own self righteousness with an eye for an eye.
    All these metaphysical elements of the encounter aside the showdown begins.
    The battle between all the headband holders has always truly been two bad guys playing cops and robbers.

  3. #6 (THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE) 10:04
    Making his way up the mountain in physical and metaphysical fashion, afro must face a swarm of enemies in game of death style setup.

    And like in Zelda when link faced off against his shadow self, so must afro.
    But this time the shadow clone comes in the form of a robot built to physically match the technique capabilities of afro using the data that was stolen from him.

    The recycled and retold idea of facing off against yourself pops up in so many foundational pieces of work and art from psychology and theology to modern story telling mediums like games and anime. 
    There are many ways you could look it this metaphor, in truth the summary is that each individual must overcome their own short comings be it psychologically or physically to become their ideal self 

    Some personify this idea as an internal struggle, with the psyche separated into light and dark or good an evil. 
    In self analyses they seek to Consolidate this split of nature's using psychology like Jung to incorporate the shadow self. 

    Others see this as a duality between physical vs spiritual or idealism vs materialism in a battle to depart from carnal pleasures and strife for enlightenment.

    But unlike the symbolic ying yang interplay of ninja and afro, afro vs the robot represents truth against falsehood, flesh against metal.

    At one point in the fight afro doubts his own capabilities against his foe, partly because of his fear to confront himself and partly because of the mirrored immense power and technique he posses. 

    In and outside of the battle there is a sub narrative of man vs machine at play against the backdrop of Okazaki's world. 

    The afro samurai universe is comprised of futuristic and ancient elements playing on traditionalism and modernism.
    Technology is present throughout the world, but it is still operating like a antiquated feudal Japan, from garment to architecture, cutlery and swords .

    We see this battle between traditional and modern symbolised in the very first fight scene between Afro senior and Justice. Swords and against guns, time vs the ever changing landscape of warfare where humans evolve as masters of destruction. 

    So a robot capable of sword play accompanied by hi tech destructive weaponry embodies the universe Takshi Ozaki setup. 

    The almost impossible feat of battling against artillery with swords is achieved multiple times by afro throughout the show. This highlights the prioritisation of elevating traditional human capabilities above modernification and tech. 

    Afro comes out on top against the android style robot by surpassing his capabilities ascending his skill to godly heights. 
    When analysed the true triumph appears when you overcome and outgrow the older version of yourself, the older version of afro which the robot is based on is unable to Ascend and evolve like the flesh original Sealing its mimicking fate.

  4. #5 (TWO SIDES OF A COIN) 07:26
    Under the pressure of constant attacks and isolation via afros unique circumstances, we see that psychological stake driven deeper into his psyche to the point of separating his already fractured mind into two personalities.

    The protagonist Afro, the child chasing justice and the deuteragonist Ninja ninja the physical manifestation of afros repressed emotions, self commentary and loneliness.

    The character Ninja ninja is a sometimes etherial apparition and other times physical being that appears and disappears frequently 

    In the manga ninja ninja is also one of two guardians of the world and headbands but the focus in the anime is on how afro and ninja mirror each other during their interactions.

    While afro is stoic and steadfast in his conviction, ninja ninja represents the other side of his mind that voices doubts and fears which afro must quite.

    In history both the samurai and ninja
     existed side by side both playing their respective roles in feudal Japan. One working in the light for Lord and land and the other working in the shadow for clan and country.

    The seriousness and rigid honour of the samurai discipline doesn't allow for the assassination and infiltration tactics used by ninjas. Although they can Co exist like cats and dogs, their nature's are ultimately different and how they arrive at their goals vary.

    The ninja represents a flexible elastic mind able to contort itself stealthily through obstacles in a sometimes playfully acrobatic manner. 
    The seriousness of afro doesn't allow for his playful nature to take form physically thus ninja ninja provides the comic relief of his thoughts manifested. 

    This Tyler Durdon esc split personality is bore through afros trauma and isolation. Afros subconscious mind looks out for him as ninja ninja, after all Who would be able to communicate with a traveling target outside of himself? 

    Where could afro air his thoughts? Naturally there would be some kind of effect from a constantly hunted life style and that affect comes in the form of ninja ninja.

    But with every imaginary friend the day comes when you have to say goodbye. This departure comes about by ninja ninja being cut down after several warnings against afros ambitions to fight Jino.

    The metaphorical two horses pulling in different directions finally trot in unison with the appearance of the reappearance of Jino.

    Jino is the childhood friend that afro thought to be dead and the same one who cuts down ninja ninja. 
    Subjectively speaking you could say Jino brings closer to the situation that brought ninja ninja into existence although for a fleeting moment afros friend is back.

    But his return opens a new can of worms further pressurising the already unstable afro. 

    With a refined calmness Reaffirming his resolve to fight against his once friend, afro overcomes part of his trauma and breaks through a mental barrier. Although ninja appears as if he is dying after being struck the last thing he does is a type of ninjutsu that whists him into the wind. So even though he voices his departure from afro it doesn't mean he is no more it just means his job is done for now leaving only one

  5. #4 (THE HONEY TRAP) 07:26
    Aligned with the long standing practice of systematically destroying young men's futures, we enter afros own Samson arc.

    The use of women and coitus as a weapon has been a tool in the bag of tactics of political, subversive and military groups for thousands of years. 

     We've witnessed in our own lifetime many powerful people taken down by scandals or controlled manipulated and blackmailed via this tool.

    The basic needs and nature of a human doesn't change and the same primal urges effect everyone from fool to intellectual.

    Along afros journey he has been attacked by all manner of tactics, groups and individuals on the way to his goal. Each time cutting his way through the endless hoard of desires, power lust and revenge.

    Eventually he crosses paths with an organisation that finances the countless hits placed on him. The empty seven, a warped religious cult. although there are only six physical members, the monks characters almost embody the seven deadly sins.

    narrowly surviving an ambush by a member, afro is found and taken in by a woman called Otsuru in a half dead vegetative state. 

    Otsuru is actually one of the orphans from afros childhood now a fully grown agent of the seven. Her job is to syphon afros memories as he dreams to find the key to his power and use it In a clone. Then in femme fatale fashion assassinate him when he's vulnerable.

    Unaware of her ulterior motive afro becomes entangled in her trap as she nurses him back to health. 
    With his memories and data stolen in his sleep all that's left is to assassinate him.

    The data stolen represents the history of a man, his identity what makes him tick and through coitus his dna. A psychological assassination of a man is to make him vulnerable and weak by creating doubt and confusion and ultimately break him through the twisting of his emotions. 

    Before a physical attack takes place the honey trap accomplishes all the psychological manipulation and plants the seeds that destroy men before they can reach their full potential.

    Now vulnerable the seven send a weak assassin to make sure Otsuru finishes the job. But through her own psychological hang ups and guilt she fails to commit to the plan and ends up a casualty of her own plot. 

    Although she doesn’t manage to kill him his data was successfully stolen to copy his style and create a new enemy that will mirror him.

  6. #3 (THE TIES THAT DIVIDE ) 05:13
    Like all wars the casualties are not only the soldiers but their innocent families. The everlasting conflicts leave countless orphans in their wake, some only living as survivors and others living as tools for men who will manipulate them back into the cycle as child soldiers a fully grown warriors.

    Afro is taken in by a sword master who plays a father to a group of orphaned children. He becomes fond of the group and begins to learn about friendship and how to fight from them and the master. 

    He builds his first bonds outside of his connection with his father and his destiny but he quickly learns the reality of his path.

    Although the group of kids are bonded by the ties of all being orphans under this master,
    afros unique circumstances constantly ask him if he will cut these ties to continue on the path Justice has put him on.

    as he begins fighting and killing grown men in his pursuit of the headbands. the bloody path laid before him endangers his new family by living among them.
     Afro goes through a good number of ordeals with the group and even picks up some emotional baggage with the loss of a close friend.

    Eventually even the master is willing to kill young afro both for his own selfish desire and to have afro a different life.
     but afro cuts him down leaving his bonds severed and his patchwork family orphaned again. 

    This dual with his master represent the arc of apprenticeship coming to an end bringing afro a rung closer to his goal in a twisted game of snakes and ladders.

    But by him going against the pleading of his siblings not to fight he perpetuates the cycle that brought his own origin story into existence for the his fostered siblings.
    That blood path he leaves behind him isn't much different from the one justice left for him 

    We get to see these estranged siblings resurface in the future as enemies and we learn that not all relationships are good for you.
    although it built his character as a child to make friends it also further drove that stake of emotional fragmentation deeper into his psyche by abandoning them for his destiny.

  7. #2 ( SINS OF THE FATHER ) 02:52
    Faced with the reality of his fathers unjust beheading by justice, young afro is launched into a world of childhood trauma the likes that follows him all the way back to the head of the ouroboros, Ptsd.

    The quietness off afro shows that his experience of the world takes place mostly inside of his mind with few words to spare across the series, sadness left him with the bitter taste of seriousness from a young age.

    The trauma he experiences shapes not only his future but his psychological formatting and identity as a child.
     His outlook on life becomes one of a battle hardened ronin as he is now mentally fragmented from trauma and alienated from a normal childhood away from bloodshed and death.

    After cheating with his third arm to kill afros father Justice hands the number two headband to afro and goads him into taking up the same path of destruction his father, justice an all before them have walked for revenge and power.

    Afro is orphaned on the spot and left to fend for himself where he will be relentlessly pursued and attacked for the number two head band, 
    1 because he doesn’t realise the reality of what he’s carry and two simply because he is his father's son.

    Half dying for neglect afro wonders the land as a child with the rotting head of his father in a bag. 
    At this point its not clear what his intentions are However the carrying of his father's head represents his mourning and the metaphysical reality of dna.

    Aside from the anime meta narrative of headbands and gods, carrying the head of your father is symbolically What you do until you become your own man. 
    Your education, ideals, living circumstances all come from what has been poured into you as a child but the day comes where you yourself represent the head of your father's lineage.

    With the pre loaded dna of a master swordsman and future head band holder all that's left is for circumstance to trigger the chain of events that will cement afros destiny.

  8. #1 (THE THREE ARMED SCALE) 0:00
    Throughout history various iterations of justice systems were setup after the committing of all the worst crimes to conquer and colonise the land while controlling the flow of commerce.

    After the dust settles from ideological genocides and wars fought by strong barbaric men for control. 
    Their actions get justified in history by weaker men who setup the systems or (polis) in the aftermath of land grabs and wars.

    Ultimately the foundation laid by murder robbery and rape provides a platform for civilisation to begin on the back of primitive barbarity. 

    In formula you seize power with soldiers and strength and maintain it with politicians policy and finesse.
    So the once criminals make and enforce their new laws on the land and its inhabitants as they don't want what they perpetuated done to them. 

    This formula brings into being the ironic chain reaction that is, Order proceeds chaos and laws proceed crimes. Where wrong doing is concerned revenge and justice become interchangeable and synonymous in some instances. 

    But the ethical problem is law makers never abide by the laws as they would have to provide remedy to the people they originally imposed the system on in the beginning.

    Outside of commentary on the origins of the justice system, the ever shifting subjectivity of morality permits man to live in accordance with his own interpretation of justice thus allowing for honourable and dishonourable pursuits of his ideals.

    Justice as a character and an idea doesn't play fair, in a land where all men have two hands justice has 3 Your side My side  And the truth 
    Even in the absence or interchanging of the two sides, truth should still remain

    So In order to maintain the balance of the scale that represents the justice system. you have to operate from outside of the concept to hold the scale and establish one rule and one order. Which means killing off all other versions of justice or numbers in this instance until there is only 1.

    By the constant suppression of all the numbers you inadvertently arrive at a two party system, two entities vying for the control of justice as number one. Each time you cut down number two another party takes his place.

    But what does any of this have to do with afro samurai?

    This system is what afros father was trying to protect him from but unintentionally played right into, the game Of obtaining and maintaining power. Whether for good or bad intentions this cycle is what separates father's from sons and men from gods.

  9. 🥷OMG this was f***ing fire!!!!🔥🔥🔥felt like i was watching a tv show👏👏 i remember watching the first season around 2009 its such an underated show. Did you know that Samuel Jackson does the voices for Afro and Ninja ?

  10. @CNCVIRAL deleted my reply , this is what i said roughly
    1. the justice system is based on Gods Laws and the court Judge acts as the real Judge, so if your against the justice system your against god

    2. we didnt force justice on "indigenous" people we simply conquered and dominated them and ☠the savages across the world.


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