JUST IN: Trump Responds To Twitter Files In New Video

In a video released to social media, former President Trump responded to the Twitter Files with a raft of reform proposals.

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29 thoughts on “JUST IN: Trump Responds To Twitter Files In New Video”

  1. Mr. President, I can't wait till you're back in office! Joe Biden is compromised and should've been barred from running for President. I will vote for you in 2024! We got to get rid of these stupid dominion and smart matic Machines. Mike Lindell has been wanting to do this. We were supposed to have a red wave in the midterms, but the Democrats cheated on us! Here in California, we were supposed to have Brian Dahle for Governor instead of Gavin Newsom, that sick man! Lee Zeldon was supposed to be New York's Governor! Kari Lake was supposed to be Arazona's Governor, but the Democrats played their Communist cards and prayed to their Communist God for their precious gems to win, and because of their fraud, our conservative buddies didn't win! This better not happen in 2024, or else AMerica needs to stand up and fight! We need another 1776! We need to kick Communism in the but and lock woke up in prison! No more censorship! Trump, we need you to do something here before 2024, because as far as we conservatives are concerned, you're still our president! Get rid of YouTube's CEO Susan Wojcicki! She's the one in charge of censoring Right Side Broadcasting! Once she's gone, it will be seen all over the place, and we need to get somebody whose a Christian conservative running YouTube, and get all those woke left crooks that work with Susan out of there, along with those spambots! Right? Thank you, Trump, and Mery Maga Christmas!

  2. Thank you, Thank you,Thank you, all my life I've dreamed of an awesome leader like you, someone who, is racist,sexist,anti semitic, a liar a cheat, anti constitutionist,insurectioni St, cunning, deceitful, wife cheater, sends mates to jail, frees criminals… it's such a shame we don't have more fine upstanding candidates like you i
    n the Republican party to
    back you up.
    You forgot one major thing in your rant… the quality of jail food for prisoners… hopefully they still have slop and gruel.
    Love ya Donny, you tell'em, mate.

  3. Good luck President Trump but you know that the Deep State consolidated and completed their control over the US when they had JFK assisted. They have inserted their people into every part of government, courts, FBI, CIA, DOJ and even when caught like Clintons, Comey etc they are no consequences for these untouchables.
    Some suggest martial law is the only way to drain the Swamp but the Swamp have all entrenched having infiltrated the Pentagon. So no help from them,.
    And with the colleges mass producing Libtards and millions of illegals getting the vote your being elected is far from sure. However, we wish you all best in taken on the Untouchable Elitesbthst rule over America.

    are the untouchable elets

  4. It is also important to break up the huge and powerful monopolies of Big Tech and social media companies like Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and to disempower them and divide them into many smaller and less influential and powerful companies.


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