JUST HAPPENED: China-Russia LATEST Military Pact in War Shocked US

In the vast expanse of geopolitics, a recent meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and China’s Gen Zhang Youxia has unveiled a symphony of collaboration in the realm of military satellites and prospective defense technologies. This rendezvous didn’t just mark a diplomatic tête-à-tête; it signalled a crescendo in the harmonious defense links between these two global players. At this point, it’s clear that something BIG is coming and the world might not be ready for it.

More about the revelation in today’s episode of REVEAL THE MYSTERY.

#chinanews #russiaukrainewar #israelpalestineconflict #chinamilitary #putin

00:00 – Intro
01:15 – Military Satellites
03:21 – The Economic Partnership
06:45 – The Birth of a New Era


41 thoughts on “JUST HAPPENED: China-Russia LATEST Military Pact in War Shocked US”

  1. Why must usa express apprehension and concerns over growing military cooperations between China , Russa and many other free countries when they have military bases all over the world , they have nato, aukus 5 eyes or 4 eyes, whatever it is and others.

    usa never stops showing off off its hegemonic head and hypocrisy

  2. Nothing shocking or surprising about this. My country has been bullying the world and strong arming other nations what surprised me is this hasn’t happened sooner. I suppose it’s because there are lots of differences and unresolved issues between Russia and China but now they are both severely threatened by the United States they had no choice to but aside those differences.

  3. You really have to shake your head at the gale of USA. They have utterly no shame.
    They have over 800 Military bases all over the world (300 of them surround China). China has none.
    USA have been in hundreds of foreign wars outside their country in fast 100 years. China has been involve with no wars outside their country.
    USA is the only country that has a Military Space Force (to compliment their Army, Navy and Air Force). China has none.
    USA send their Warships and Warplane cruising and flying up and down China's maritime borders on a weekly bases. China does not do this to USA.
    USA run Naval exercises every year on China's maritime borders. China does not.
    So when China builds more powerful and more advance Military Weapons to defend themselves for the constant provocations by USA, then USA calls China the aggressor? WTF!!!
    So if someone surrounds your house, constantly, with weapons on a weekly basis, and then you walk out to your own back yard with an AR … you are the aggressor???? Give me a break!!!!!

  4. If there are people who very well understand their position and vulnerabilities in this world is China and they are taking every cautious step not to fall for US trap, China's military pact with Russia is the best thing ever, both need each other for Military security and Economic security.

  5. That Biden is hilarious, ‘I talked to president Xi, made sure he understood the consequences of helping Russia’, may sounds tough and looks good to American electors, but for long suffering European allies, it’s just one more American hubris, exactly like a Hollywood actor playing the role of a mafia godfather.
    What a walking diplomatic disaster.

  6. Bene . Una collaborazione di ferro fra Russia e Cina è divenuta indispensabile. Il blocco capeggiato dagli USA, e dalla NATO ha finalmente un interlocutore di tutto rispetto.

  7. If the USA and West have NATO a strong military alies.. why USA worried if China and Russia work together closely. They were not Democratic countries, but they were more human than US and West…

  8. It’s not rocket science to say & understand that America’s arrogance & attitude of exceptionalism with threats & sanctions against China has actually helped to draw both China & Russia together. America has shot itself on the foot again & again by not changing its attitude & ways of diplomacy instead of using threats & sanctions which have not worked & never will. Instead, America now has made so many enemies that it has to fight multiple nations from Russia, China, Latin America , Africa, Middle East , Central Asia, SEAsia etc.
    Stop your warmongering and seek peace with all these nations who will be most happy to work with America for the good & peace of this world.

  9. Yeah! "Potential" risks. As opposed to actual present-day attacks. IMHO these "risks" are negligable, which is why Russia has chosen them. Their only alternative (Really no alternative at all.) was to try to patch up the relationship with the US and its puppets. As anyone who looks at history since the PRC was founded knows, the PRC means what it says, unlike certain other countries I do not need to name.

  10. As some clever person said (I forget who it was): "China and Russia do not stand shoulder-to-shoulder. No! They stand back to back!" This friendship means that China does not need to worry about an attack from the West and Russia does not need to worry about an attack coming from the East. At the same time Russia and China have very complimentary economies and a long, common, land border which no outsider can easily disrupt.

  11. Complimenti alla grande Federazione Russia
    Complimenti al grande Esercito Rosso Z
    Complimenti al grande Presidente Putin il numero uno su questa terra
    Un Presidente con grande capacità e umanità
    Un Presidente grande un Dio per tutto il mondo intero
    Lunga vita al Presente Putin il grande
    Con un grande vittoria di tutta locraina al più presto
    Ma tutta locraina tutta

  12. Do you hear the nonsense you are talking. US arms Russia to the teeth and push Ukraine to war with Ruasia sending hundreds of thousand of Ukraine to their death and millions as refugees.
    Yet as Russia friendship with China go to a new height, it is plots here and there.

  13. Why do the Anglo-Saxons always talk like they are in charge when they are NOT in charge???? Right now, China runs the show….. China and Russia together, they don't need the USA or the EU…. China has all the markets in Asia, Africa, eastern Europe, Latin America for its goods…. Russia has the Chinese market for its crude oil….. so China and Russia can ERASE the USA and EU altogether…


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