Just Happened! A New Discovery on Mars could endanger (or help) Musk's SpaceX plans…

Just Happened! A New Discovery on Mars could endanger (or help) Musk’s SpaceX plans…
Huge thanks to:
TijnM: https://www.youtube.com/@tijnm4098

Elon Musk and SpaceX are slowly but surely getting to establish a new civilization of mankind on Mars. Although things appear to be going smoothly, a recent discovery on Mars by Nasa is set to change everything.

For many decades, planetary scientists and the entire scientific community had concluded that Mars was a dead planet. The last volcanic eruptions there took place billions of years ago and the vast majority of experts believed that since then, the bowels of the planet have been practically motionless.

However, a groundbreaking study published recently has completely altered this view.
The paper analyzes data from several orbital probes and also dozens of marsquakes captured by Insight, the NASA spacecraft perched near the equator of the Red Planet, which was the first satellite to record seismic movements on Mars.

The conclusions of the study are conclusive: the subsoil of Elysium Planitia, one of the largest Martian plains, contains an area displaying volcanic activity spanning a diameter of about 4,000 kilometers, an area similar to the size of Western Europe. The study notes that Mars has now become the third planet in the interior of the Solar System with known active volcanism, together with Earth and Venus.

The work was carried out by Adrien Broquet and Jeff Andrews-Hanna, scientists at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory of the University of Arizona. Both analyzed different sets of data recorded by probes that spent decades analyzing the Red Planet, such as NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

Together with other missions, these analyses have made it possible to compose detailed topographic maps, as well as to study changes in the gravitational pull exerted by the planet, which depends on the composition of both the surface and the core layers. Adding Insight’s recent findings, both researchers conclude that the most plausible explanation for the seismic activity is the existence of a huge mantle plume in this part of Mars – a large rock conduit connecting the planet’s lower mantle with its outer crust.

The plume is 100º to 300º degrees Celsius (212º to 572º degrees Fahrenheit) hotter than the rest of the planet, so despite being in a solid state, it flows slowly upward. The head of this plume is thought to be between 25 and 200 kilometers deep. Were it to reach a distance of about 10 kilometers from the surface, the plume could heat the crust to a melting point, causing a lava eruption. According to the authors of the study, published in Nature Astronomy, the high seismic activity captured by Insight indicates that this area “is active” and that there may already be lava deposits in the subsurface.
Just Happened! A New Discovery on Mars could endanger (or help) Musk’s SpaceX plans…


22 thoughts on “Just Happened! A New Discovery on Mars could endanger (or help) Musk's SpaceX plans…”

  1. If there is vulcanism, how can it be a "dead" planet?
    Any thermal activity could be helpful to the establishment of a Martian colony. Heat, energy production… the possible uses could be quite beneficial.

  2. Respectfully, you've got a decent channel with good content. I fail to understand then why you feel the need to constantly use clickbait titles to try and garner viewership. Honestly, you really need to knock it off and let your good content speak for itself.


  3. How is anything related to Mars in any way related to Elon? He hasn't done anything except make promises while all the work thus far has been done by NASA. Given recent events, who would ever go to a Mars colony established by Elon. Can you imagine him unbound by any laws, making people work 20 hrs per day to earn their oxygen. It would be the old "company stores" taken to the extreme.

  4. Can trigger something in geologic time scales? From what you describe, Mars is a North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota level hazard — NOT an LA, Seattle, Alaska, Washington State where the risk is on an annual scale or a New York and Florida, where the risk is on a human lifetime scale. On Mars the volcanism hazard is negligible at worst. And the earthquake hazard is non-existent, as you say, became zero plate tectonics.

  5. Alarmism for fun and profit. There is volcanism under all of earth, but active volcanoes only occur in a tiny fraction of one percentage of the surface area. From what you describe, Mars is much more less active. The most active volcanic areas on mars being like Edinburgh, Scotland and Montreal, Canada, and most of mars probably being like the Canadian prairies (totally stable for over 100,000 years). And zero earthquakes because, as you say, zero plate tectonics.

  6. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was with God in the beginning. 3Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. (John 1:1-3)

  7. Merry Christmas to the whole team and thank you for all your hard work through out this year. I love your narrator's voice so much that i even Iooked into him but I'm sure people from his area already know who he is

  8. Dammit ! That's a beautiful video! Space X and Boston Robotics need a joint venture to make a solar panel cleaning robot. That Fido with the giraffe head and long neck should do it. Add wheels to the legs. A selection of dusting brushes, fox tails and brooms and an air compressor with a hose and nozzle and a means of blowing air through that Giraffe arm and the gripping hand. It's going to be needed in the future; might as well get it there ASAP. Can probably survive a hard landing if packed right. Learning constitutional law to run Twitter is really getting in the way. — — land Ingenuity on top of the solar panels and try to blow it clean.

  9. No way mars could harbour human lives.
    Not only waste of money, resources, time and human lives.
    So Elon Musk need not even have to challenge my words for that.
    Because it could bankrupt him that would make him die of poor like Nikolai Tesla.


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