Just Chattin' – Harry & Meghan: Just How Dangerous Are They?

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28 thoughts on “Just Chattin' – Harry & Meghan: Just How Dangerous Are They?”

  1. Wow, shades of David and Wallis with their connection to Hitler. So glad you did this video, it is eye opening and scary!!! I thought these two were simply low life annoying, but they are putting the United Kingdom in danger. They need to be cut off by the Royals, take their titles you take any power they have.

  2. I think the Harkles are for sale. Markle knew what the Saudi prince did to the journalist, Jamal Khashoggi and she wore the blood diamond earrings he gave her anyway. And I believe she made one of the diamonds into a pinky ring, which she wears. If they have no problem trashing the Royal Family and the monarchy for millions of dollars, they have no problem selling out the UK and the US.

  3. To counter any adverse sentiments from the Sussexes the only thing King Charles and HM Government can do is to offer up respect by embracing the Commonwealth Leaders, inviting his much loved mothers beloved Commonwealth representatives to Buckingham Palace and have one State Visit after another in recognition of solidarity and togetherness imho

  4. Because Harry is dangerously stupid and being lead about by a certain organ on his body by a very ambitious power hungry woman of no principle who is ready to sell out family, homeland UK and the Commonwealth for any amount of dollars. They will take a bank roll from anyone. It is about time they are looked at in depth for the security issues they cause …. China is bound to be behind this which is of great concern to us in the South Pacific. These dumb puppets mouthing their self indulgent garbage, filling their pockets as they do, should be of great concern to us all. Moscow & China have everything to gain from the trouble these cause.

  5. I think she would love to start up a war. As long as she was kept safe. There is hardly any racism in U.K. compared to the U.S. Megan is using her mom to get the blacks in every country of the commonwealth to side with Megan and rebel against the monarchy. Megan and Harry are spoiled evil adults.

  6. I can say that I DID already think of this. Especially when learning that the home they lived in for free on Vancouver Island was owned by a Russian. Russia just loves dividing the west with racism and has been betting on causing a race war in the U.S. for years.

  7. Hi Sue! I was watching a clip from the horrormentary and I noticed something, when nutmeg was talking about that she didn't know what was a walkabout Hawwys face was priceless,he's looking at her like what a lier, check and give us your opinion.

  8. Thank you, SueMe, for highlighting this very important article. As a UK & Canadian citizen, I've been entertained by this ridiculous soap opera for a few years now but this has really articulated my deep discomfort with the situation. The UK government is still not taking this seriously and are taking their lead from King Charles who refuses to end this farce. I will be writing to my MP for sure now to insist that H is removed from the line of succession. I will certainly hold my MP and other MPs to account because I refuse to have the UK trashed by a couple of vulgar narcissists with personality disorders.

  9. Hi Sue and Merry Christmas, I guess you could say my cup overflows my husband is a very sick man and I haven't thought of how deep the Sussexs have gone! I realise they probably don't either , I want to Thank you for making it very clear I truly wish both the UK and USA could liable them treasonous and lock them up! Let's face it the way they have treated family and friends and even their country is appalling.

  10. Sue, please look at the front page of the UK’s Daily Telegraph 29/12 an article titled “BBC ‘is going for woke in rewriting British history”. A 24 pg report was published yesterday by the academics behind the non profit, History Reclaimed, and it is available their website, titled “Can we trust the BBC with our history?”. It was the BBC who aired the Amol Rajan program about the press and the princes and also the social media documentary that featured C. Bouzy.

  11. Thank you very, very much for laying out these issues so logically, clearly and with substantially! I wish everyone would see this video!! ( I lived in South Africa until I was 32 years old and I have seen a lot of people leaving, witch saddens me ). Thank you for putting this together. L in PA

  12. This does sound serious. What you are seeing is something that some others will take with a pinch of salt.
    But seriously speaking, aren't Government leaders concerned. I would have thought that somewhere Government authorities would be checking this out.
    But maybe…. hopefully some one is doing so.
    King Charles, needs to wake up. Unnecessary hatred and enmity will be created between the UK and the USA. These two countries have been allies for ages and been through world wars together..
    And both countries should take this seriously.

  13. If there is an agenda, having an agent connected to Henry – and let's all think how out of the blue and how quickly the Rachel and Henry relationship/marriage occurred – would be a brilliant move in the game. Target the weak link in the chain you wish to break and you're halfway to success. Rachel meets Henry, dazzles him, marries him, turns his head so he turns on his family, his nation, his duty, which apparently leads to societal/racial unrest with the media fanning the flames in the "Western World"…mission accomplished, and probably for a very small "investment" considering using an on-the-way-out, never actually successful actress with a great sense of self-worth. Simplest pawn to convince she's a queen, which she could believe/prove she was if she, in fact, accomplished check mate on any board. Stranger things have happened, and truth is often stranger than fiction. Happy New Year, Sue; may 2023 bring us all peace, of every kind.

  14. Message for Sue.:

    Please listen to Lady C’s video posted 7 days ago. Title: Harry & Meghan’s Netflix Lies, Manipulations & Deception’s. Go to 52 mins and 38 secs, Lady C states Meghan compromised herself on the day a lady ticked her off for the way she was treating her father but it was a cover-up, a distraction – what do you think Lady C was implying? 🌺

  15. If and only if, the California couple would cease the blatant, ruthless attacks on the many, many people in their life and ours that are not ""bowing" to their control and influence.

  16. I rarely post anything on social media, but watching your Harry and Meghan series, I had to ask if you have ever watched "The Behaviour Panel" on YouTube. If not, I think you will find it interesting.
    Loved your Christmas shows, refreshing after watching those two.


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