JUNKPUNK – Base Building Post Apocalyptic Planetary Colonization

JUNKPUNK gameplay with Splat! Let’s Play JUNKPUNK and check out a game where you’ll clean up a toxic planet from the refuse left over by previous colonization attempts.

Download JUNKPUNK : https://store.steampowered.com/app/1585020/JUNKPUNK/
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25 thoughts on “JUNKPUNK – Base Building Post Apocalyptic Planetary Colonization”

  1. Hey everyone Rich here, designer of Junkpunk! Splatter thank you for showing JP to everyone! I've taken alot of notes and read alot of comments for the next JP update we will definately be introducing some of the features you have requested! Thanks for the support everyone!



  2. The end game of this should be a robot on a perfectly flat clear plain or an otherwise cuboid landscape.

    Then the next game should be a person sculpting that planet for sale to a 3rd party.

    So you first play Satisfactory to full exploit all resources the world offers… then you play this to clean up the factory when all the usefully resources are tapped… then you play Planet Crafter to breathe life back into the world to sell as a resort or vacation home for the wealthy

  3. There is in fact another game where you "heal" the planet: Its name is "Green Project".
    It got released but in my opinion it felt like a little early to call it finished. The developer had decided otherwise though. So its pretty much on you to decide whether its a completed game.

  4. But if we had Rejuvenation Chambers… we would have to start small until afford to upgrade like your robot… so we would have to start off small by taking a cable up the …. 🥴😵‍💫

  5. Maybe they can make 'Powered' flooring or walls to help with the cable running issue? Plug the machine directly into the floor or wall it's sitting on and power will just go through all powered floring/walls.

  6. It's an interesting approach on resource gathering. Usually it makes me feel bad to see all the trees and what not disappear as I expand my base, while in this game the more you gather, the more you help the environment.


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