June 2023, Week of Spiritual Revival, Day 1 | 6th June, 2023

#OlumayowaOke #OpenHeavensChurch #DFW #DallasChurch #ChurchesInDallas #ChurchesInTexas #churchesinamerica


1 thought on “June 2023, Week of Spiritual Revival, Day 1 | 6th June, 2023”

  1. I would encourage every pastor to become bold and preach the truth. Do not worry about offending anyone Jesus certainly wasn’t afraid ! It is better to offend someone with the truth than see them be deceived. Our country has been taken over by evil, and the church has sat for decades on their hands, not wanting to speak on politics, and its impact on Christianity. The church must rise up speak the truth of what’s going on in our nation, take a stand and stand up for righteousness and speak out to wake people up to see the catastrophic events that affecting our country. We need to be praying for for revival in America and the repentance of America and all countries around the world ! The people running our country want to squash Christianity and make us no more a Christian nation and the church is letting that happen We need to be praying for peace in Jerusalem. American has always stood with Israel. However, we have dictators in Washington DC who want to curse Israel and turn our backs on Israel. The church cannot let this happen. The church must rise up and pray for America. Stop being afraid of the blowback that they might receive! the church must get involved political policy that affect our faith and compromise, societal morality ! godly men and women need to run for office, we need to stop being seeker friendly churches . Pastors across this nation must become bold, and stop being intimidated by the culture speak out against homosexuality speak out against the transgender movement speak out against the abortion of babies and other controversial moral issues going on in our nation. Pastors are just too weak and intimidated. There comes a time in the life of every believer to stand for truth in the face of adversity. It’s unpopular. Traditional conservatism is unpopular today . Jesus called us to come out from among them and be separate from the world. The church is not even close to being ready for the return of Jesus. I recommend every believer, and every pastor to read this book. “Letter to the American Church” by Eric Mextaxis
    God bless you all!


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