Judge Tired of Him Stalking His Ex #court #trouble #troublemaker #judgesimpson #detroit #law


28 thoughts on “Judge Tired of Him Stalking His Ex #court #trouble #troublemaker #judgesimpson #detroit #law”

  1. I bet the Judge took one look at this guy and thought, he's on coke. Dude is so wide eyed that it's creepy. The Judges look at the end is like, I gotcha when you bring your fanny down here, yes sir! You gon find out today mofo!๐Ÿ˜‚

  2. This is only the second clip in which I've seen this judge and in the first clip, he sanctioned somebody for paying off his court debts and dollar bills. That's all you need to know about this judge. He doesn't understand the law because any type of US currency is legal tender for all public debts. He may dictate that the people have a debt to pay but he does not get to dictate the denominations of the legal tender to which he is paid off. So no, I don't think this judge is a very bright bulb. And absolutely, just like any pig, you don't do what they ask. You don't leave your home unless you have to because as soon as you step outside, that's when you're in their control. You want me judge, sign in a rest warrant? That's out of your jurisdiction and see how that works.

  3. lmfao, yeah i got told i couldnt use zoom for my court hearing after i had missed the original date and i knew. That judge aint asking you to come to the court for just any reason hes already decided hes arresting you


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