Judder – Against all odds he has survived the most brutal lifestyle on the streets of Liverpool

44 years of active addiction – beaten, battered, tortured and shot in the eye – Terry Johnson tells us how he is still alive after spending a lifetime on drugs and in and out of prison.

Episode 106

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Terry Johnson ‘Judder’:
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19 thoughts on “Judder – Against all odds he has survived the most brutal lifestyle on the streets of Liverpool”

  1. Great podcast, i remember the brothers from when i was knee high to a grasshopper.
    I think i remember his mum, if its the same lady she was really glam, beautiful and blonde and always looked young x

  2. My god this lad is my twin,maybe not in looks but situation. I'm 51 ALL my life has been the total devotion to obtaining drugs,I've been through the jail system, detoxifying, and one rehab,nothing worked .But my son who was six at the time,got me off the spikes.And everything else,apart from the meth.Now sixteen years later,I'm still stuck with myself, I've gone on holiday never,I have no friends, just those 3 cans of beer and a joint every night,so from 8pm to 11pm that's my hours of clarity. Then it's sleep and the battle of the day,till 8pm rolls round.
    Now what's better a "cleanish life,or full on using. Because given a choice I'm starting to wonder. THIS for my remaining years.I rember a scouser years back in a prison rapt course saying ,if been clean was that hard ,I advise you to use.well I've nearly had it with been bloody straight.

  3. Again a fascinating watch billy and a top interview it takes something of a man to hold their hands up , tell the truth and still have our scouse humour while sending a message out to others 👍 best of luck to both of you in the future

  4. No sympathy,weve all suffered,i lost my son ,nan aunt and step mum in same year, i didn't turn to drugs i kept working cos that's what real men do,he wint change he's fucked,stop moaning and get a job and provide.i bet hes wrecked loads of lives

  5. I can relate to him I've been through pancreas problems in out hospital as a young lad nil by mouth for 5 days and I still kept drinking then fifteen years of heroin rehab's I was in one rehab that got shut down for modern day slavery I lost a brother watched my friend get run over he just got out of jail we was going to go shopping and he got run over my other friend was play fighting and he fell onto the road and a transit hit him it ruined three life's that day the driver broke never drove again my other friend has 30 per cent of his liver working he hit the drink then they shut Keri's life support machine off because he had been taking valium so they couldn't operate on his brain I lost my bro to drugs he was abused then got scitsoprena he went crazy then I got a phone he was dead with a needle under his bed my cousin died of liver failure I could go on and on I never admit it effects me because I'm a man but I definitely am affected by things I gave the drugs up now I'm stuck can't get a job I only want one to be able to buy my nephew a Xbox and do things and take him places I've put my head on the railway line tried hanging myself I felt a burden on society but really I was hurting and judder thanks for the story gave me the balls to type this you can tell you and Billy are family both salt of the earth hope I can get me shit together to get a job I lost jobs for taking my street attitude too work as I was messed up then mad thing is I had my own business at 22 only bin and window cleaning right IL shut up great podcast Billy and judder good luck in the future oh and big shout out to Joe hope he's doing well and happy 🙏👍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🤝


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