JP FFXIV Players Harassed Into Deleting Characters

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42 thoughts on “JP FFXIV Players Harassed Into Deleting Characters”

  1. If i played this game for 10 years and was caught cheating…. Then i will take responsibility and get the punishment. Take the item away from me. But no way in hell will i ever delete my character. You can go to balmung and get fucked side ways. Aint no way in hell any bulling can get me to delete my character

  2. I use third party tools i like just puting in authenticator password, but i would have all my crap off if i was doing world 1st or anything that will bring attention.

    I also think it shoul be a hard no for 3rd party tools even if it subtle map and icon changes… square enix is king and they said no, no exceptions it just leads to bending the rules and potential favortism

  3. Why are we so Sensitive to public shaming?

    They got shammed out of the game? Good. If you don’t want to be punished for doing something wrong then don’t do something wrong,

  4. This is one thing I will never accept about Japanese culture. The drive they have to shame someone into the worst possible outcomes to punish them. I get these raiders did something wrong and I get that to them it tainted Japan in some weird way even though I don't agree that it did. What to me actually taints Japan more than anything is when someone makes a mistake they are shamed by society to the point some of them do things like this in a game to escape it or outside of the game they shame someone to the point they off themselves to escape it. I get the whole honor and harmony thing but you will never be on the right side of a situation by driving someone to the worst possible outcome out of your own sense of "dishonor". If someone else's actions are somehow a dishonor to you then I think that speaks a lot more about you than about them. I will never see eye to eye with the Japanese on this and I don't ever want to because to me if I ever do I will have become someone truly unforgivable.

  5. Don’t JP people usually sepukku when they bring shame on their family? Someone needs to speak to these boys, yeah they cheated but no big deal. Also Neverland no more legit than they are.

  6. That's why I never touched wow. If I can't play without modding the crap out of it, am I even playing? I am very happy with where FFXIV is because it's an mmo where I don't need a single mod to do anything in the game.

  7. I find it hard to be sympathetic towards cheaters… As you said, it doesnt really matter how it got leaked, and though I dont condone harrassment, if you want to stand in the spotlight, you should be prepared not only for the glory but also the bad and the ugly. They put this cool screenshot online, they wanted the praise and accolades, they wanted that congratulations-post from Yoshi-P. Now its back on Earth for them, and it hurts. Also, I dont believe the team mates didnt know about that hack. If they are these stellar players (no pun intended), they would've noticed that the call-out guy knows or sees things he wouldnt normally know or see. I mean, I wouldnt know, but I'm no world first raider. Even if they dont stream, they do record their tries and share them among each other, plus this team had a support member (or more?) (the one, who supposedly leaked the video), who helped from the sidelines (though I guess in itself is fine).

    Its just funny to see how they try to defend themselves… addon-ons being normal, community hates raiders… Like… come on -.- Yes, harrassment is wrong (!!!!), yes, they shouldnt be bullied into deleting their characters (!!!!), and yes, its super sad that they even stop playing FF14 alltogether (!!!!). But thats another problem, thats a stupid self-righteous mob, which is just as bad as the cheating itself – during DSR we had to content with the same mob, who would stalk streamers and report them for them smallest, insignificant add-on.

    Still, I cant find it in myself to feel sorry for them. I dont care if its normalised in some community parts to use these add ons: TOS is clear on them and always has been (even if at some point, the devs supposedly said they might look into this – I say "supposedly" since I cant find the post, apparently it was during HW). Some people think, RMT and botting are okay, and I think we can all agree, that both are not.

  8. I don't understand these people. Nothing would ever make me do this, even if everyone on this planet harassed me daily and had zero friends, I'd continue playing just to spite them lol what can I say, I am like that

  9. Wow. Thought they were using a mod that projected where all attacks would hit from. That is a crazy zoom though. I don’t think I’ve really worried about zoom in this game as much as with other games that like to throw giant enemies that you can barely target.

  10. Different crime gets different punishment.

    In sports, if you take steroids, you can get banned. But if you drew on your race number (you are not supposed to), you will not get banned though may face some other penalties.

  11. If one person cheats then everyone in the party should have their rewards revoked. Either you find trustworthy people or stop doing the content. Why bother making content for cheaters and why bother playing with cheaters.

  12. The only way they could stop this is by adding anticheat or requiring a video submission for world first from each participant.

    I don't support anticheat but if they want people to stop using addons they should really do some work on the dated UI and start adding feature we use on the regular. We've told them what we want numerous times. They add it in small trickles.

    I'm patient but the rate at which they update QoL features or add them is slow at best.

  13. I've seen some WoW players be like: Well it's whatever.
    But what they have to bear in mind is that wow raids are designed with addons in mind.
    Ion has gone on record stating that they expect players to use the addons and design raids around them.
    This means that fundamentally how trivial wow is made by addons [which to be entirely honest is quite trivial] is vastly different to how trivial FF14 content is made by them.

    In wow addons are the baseline of raiding. It is expected and accounted for. The raids are less forgiving because addons are accounted for.
    In ff addons are not accounted for and are not expected to clear content. The content is more forgiving because of this.

  14. It's actually incredibly easy to stream from console. You can link YouTube/twitch/etc and it's as easy as hitting the share button and then selecting stream. You can't cover bits of your UI or anything as people often do on XIV streams but it's incredibly easy to stream from a PS4/5.

  15. I think what feels the worst from the perspective of my semi-casual self is that.. the team felt pressured into cheating because of us NA players. World first races are fun, yea, but it stops being that for everyone involved when you look at other people cheating and conclude that the ONLY way to win is following that same path.

    I can kinda understand the UI button mod, since nearsighted people do play the game, and admittedly the UI could use a slightly bigger size option for them, but that’s a whole other can of worms.

    My main point is that I can sadly see why they felt they had to do what they did, since.. yea..
    Doesn’t make it right at all regardless of which side does it though.

  16. If this becomes an official thing, streaming or a VOD of some kind will become a mandatory thing for qualification with a full team (likely community members hand picked by the devs to verify or an internal team within the dev team) to vet and verify the integrity of the run for any splicing, cheating or tampering of any kind. It will become heavily regulated and frankly? Deserved.

    This cheating is so rampent now that regulation is honestly all SE can do anymore when it comes to World First. Players ruined it imho. Either you're a cheater for being first even when legit or you're a cheater for being first because you actually cheated. It's sad that the go-to is "They probably cheated." because our trust is that broken over how weak people are being to resort to cheating just to play the game normally.

  17. You can always restore your character after deletion.
    However, as someone who has deleted the main character TWICE just so i cannot ever recover it, its a very exhausting process. It took me a while until i got to make a new character and progress in it, and i always keep remembering my old character, luckily i have a lot of photos taken of it, so it will always be there, but its always hard to think back on it.
    Hopefully the people who ended up deleting their characters will recover them eventually, or will be able to move on, after thousands of hours of investment into a character, they will be depressed as fuck. And its not a matter of people harassing them, since most of the "damage" is usually caused by yourself when you're in that situation, you will be your worst enemy.

  18. I think officiating it would add extra pressure and temptation to use 3rd party tools. The vote of "the people" aka the community for who we want to acknowledge as a top dog seems fair and also stripping someone who is by majority vote considered a cheater is also fair. However, like in many "drama" situations the unnecessary personal attacks and harassment that come to one or more sides of the story is something that we humans do and is not or should not be considered ok. Those are my 2 cents.

  19. I not only disagree with miuna, I despise their audacity to claim that people are expecting streams for entertainment.

    no it's for verification. It's not the hardest thing in the world to edit videos. Basically every recent world first clear has been mired in cheating scandals and they have the fucking GALL to accuse those of us who are requesting evidence for their clear of demanding they do so for 'entertainment'? Fuck off Miuna.

  20. JP is more toxic than NA which is saying something. FFXIV gets awarded community of the year, but this kind of stuff happens quietly behind closed doors all the time. Should they have cheated? No. But every world prog team is cheating in some form. Nobody is going to harass the players clearing later on though, using other tools, or the people selling clears and body drags through ucob and uwu.


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