Josh and Star Wars Theory Discuss Acolyte Leaks | Will This Be Hunger Gamers with Sith?

Josh and Star Wars Theory discuss Acolyte leaks, and if this will be Hunger Gamers with Sith? What do you think?

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19 thoughts on “Josh and Star Wars Theory Discuss Acolyte Leaks | Will This Be Hunger Gamers with Sith?”

  1. Let's be honest disney aren't smart enough to plan it so that two separate projects are intimately connected. Would be cool if that was the same white haired guy tho. That would require planning though, which these dons refuse to do 🤣

  2. Sounds like the sith warrior/inquisitor starting storylines from Star Wars the old republic. Which is awesome. With the whole competition for who will be the apprentice type deal

  3. Theory should make a video addressing this narrative of putting down men and making woman the central focus of everything in star wars / disney. I hate this woke agenda and whenever it's brought up you're just called sexist, misogynistic, etc. Especially on Twitter, home of the woke drones lol

  4. I am annoyed. I am annoyed that this content is as close to the rest of the main storyline in the timeline as possible. I understand they want to call to certain things in the prequels, be creative and work outside the box already established in the main arc! Create new heroes and villains without needing to connect them to the main story. Have your story exists separate from this one! This was my rant…Thanks

  5. I'm super sad to say it but after the Kenobi abomination I've lost all hope until kk is gone and they get people in that actually care for the franchise and aren't just using it as a platform to make money while focusing on race, sex, social politics..

  6. Disney has really been pumping out some garbage. I don't think I've really liked anything since End game which already started with the preachy cringe agenda..if they really cared they would have given black widow something truly awesome years ago as she earned it. Reva, Rey etc.. none of them were written well but hogging up screen time with lazy and obnoxious writing. 🤦

  7. The show has potential but the leaks are
    concerning canon wise

    1) Why would the Sith Lord in the series have a
    "'hunger games" type scenario instead of just get
    one force sensitive child (it could've just been
    Aura) and train them from birth. Just like sidious
    did with maul

    2) This is during the banite era, where the sith
    literally are in hiding. Having a bunch of sith
    acolytes doesn't necessarily break the rule of two,
    but at the same time is very risk. In the Darth maul
    comic there already was a couple of times he
    almost came close to getting the sith exposed, so
    one Sith Lord having 10+ acolytes (or however
    many) makes zero sense

    3) If the acolytes are former Jedi, it's obvious that
    means they could be easily redeemed . All it takes
    is one of them to spill the beans and leave
    whatever planet the Sith Lord has them on and
    reveal that the sith exist and boom, they'd be

    4) If the acolytes aren't former Jedi and they
    were trained from birth, stealing a bunch of force
    sensitives could be very risky. We have to
    remember from Jedi fallen order that the Jedi
    literally have a map of a majority of force sensitive
    children across the galaxy. Not the smartest thing
    for a Sith Lord in hiding to do to take a bunch
    rather than just steal one.

    5) it seems very uncharacteristic for the Jedi to
    pretty much say
    "Oh well only help your village
    only if you give up one of your force sensitive” . Jedi aren’t the type to do deals like that at all and they don’t kidnap children. They still ask the parents for approval , like plo koon with ashokas village or Qui gon with Anakin and shmi. On top of that this is supposed to be during “the high republic” which is during a time Disney claims the Jedi are supposed to be less dogmatic yet they still do this? Even mace Windu in a comic sneakily allowed a family to keep their force sensitive , and he’s one of the most dogmatic / formal of them all.

  8. Josh is so right about prey. I was very surprised at how good it was. I'd definitely rank it as my second favourite predator movie after the original (being my 1st). Prey was done so well and the lead character is completely believable.


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