Jorogumo: The Spider Maidens

WARNING: This video does contain footage of spiders and spider like monsters. Those who suffer from Arachnaphobia or are uncomfortable seeing spiders should probably avoid this video or at least turn off your video and listen to the audio.

In this video, we discuss the Jorogumo, a yokai spider that has the power to take the form of a beautiful woman and lure men into her clutches. We will talk about the origins of this yokai, how they relate to a real spider that immigrated across the sea to the United States, see the modern impact of these creatures, and even hear three unique legends about them.

All of this in preperation for the Web of the Jorogumo event coming to For Honor!


27 thoughts on “Jorogumo: The Spider Maidens”

  1. a curiosity
    It is said that the Mother as well as the Spider Clan of the Mangaverse Spiderman belongs to a Lineage of these Creatures and that the Mother of Peter Parker herself is in fact a Jorogumo

    I have seen that people Ship Peter with Rachnera

  2. Watching this video, and seeing how the Jorogumo is typically portrayed appearance-wise, it makes me feel like a completely different spider character from mythology has taken inspiration from the Jorogumo in one of its reimaginings. In the MOBA Smite, one of the playable Greek Pantheon characters is Arachne, the woman who was cursed by Athena to turn into a spider after she challenged Athena to a weaving contest and wove a tapestry that was full of images that were blatant insults to both Zeus and Poseidon, Athena's father and uncle, respectively. Well, the way Arachne's design looks in that game appears to be HEAVILY based on a Jorogumo.


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