Jordan Peterson on the Christian Origins of Science

In his recent Daily Wire documentary, “Logos & Literacy,” Dr. Jordan Peterson visits the Museum of the Bible and discusses the impact of the Bible on literacy, universities, and science. David Wood takes a deeper look at Peterson’s comments about the Christian role in the Scientific Revolution.


To watch Logos & Literacy, click here:

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29 thoughts on “Jordan Peterson on the Christian Origins of Science”

  1. Well, it's because everyone believed in God back then, isn't it. The Babylonians had mathematics, Egyptians had mathematics, and probably had gliders. There are ancient temples in India where they have depictions of listening to a baby's heart beat, and a bunch of strange possible tech.
    The Biggest thing Western civilization had was the invention of how to build stuff. Telescopes, microscopes,

  2. Today's scientists who are without faith in the biblical God could not then; nor can they now, come up with anything of any benefit to mankind because they are idolators who's only motivation comes from greed and self interest. Thus their drugs are as likely to kill us as "cure" us – something they can't seem to accomplish at all. Nor do they have any real clue how the body God created really works. It is all smoke and mirrors and mere hypothesis. We are their guinea pigs for their own glory. Else, why create a disease and the so-called vaccine other than for the billions of dollars it generated for them…?

  3. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Your video has helped me, (a devout follower of both Christ and science), answer a question that has plagued me for a long time. When does reverence for the Bible end and Bibliolatry begin? Today's theologians are also plagued by superficial thinking that is misleading many Christians.

  4. Religion and science are non-overlapping majesteria. Mathematics are not a christian invention. For a start, all the numbers are Arabic in origin. Not Christian. Galieo wasn't doing the work of God, he was prosecuted by the church and had to endure a long trial. His books were burned by the church.

  5. For more on how a Christian worldview was essential to the origins of science, I like the book "The Soul of Science, Christian Faith and Natural Philosophy" by Nancy Pearcey and Charles Thaxton (1994, so it does not have all the more recent developments). As far as how science and Christianity came to be viewed as being in conflict, besides the examples of Galileo's work being suppressed by the church and Darwin's evolution theory being viewed as conflicting with humans being created in God's image, you can read "A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom" by Andrew D. White, though you may have a hard time finding it, as it was published in 1897. In any case, that date shows the conflict has now been running for over 120 year. I've noticed that a lot of scientists do not want to acknowledge the Christian underpinnings to science. They have a hard time accepting that while the Greeks, the Chinese, and the Muslim empires may have had technology, logic, and mathematics, they did not have the conceptual foundation for making that step to science, a foundation you do a nice job of laying out in this video.

  6. Anyone interested is this topic look up Dr.Chuck Missler here on youtube, he proves the Bible through science, physics, biology etc he is absolutely amazing with his wealth of knowledge.

  7. Because if you think the vicious cancel culture of feminists is bad, you should see unchallenged religions. If you want to survive, you pretend the magic man in the sky is sooo cool. But, keep playing pretend; what you do best.

  8. Very well done video. This explains how the world is so lost because of the mindset being godless. We are unable to engage reality properly leading to, what I guess you would call, incompetence.

  9. It's not coincidence that many early scientists were Christians – in those days there was only one answer to why we were here, how it all came to be – all was created by God, end of story. So growing up being told this, one would automatically be born into religion and therefore everyone was a Christian. But from what I know about the church vs scientists, many revolutionary scientists like Capernicus, who discovered the Sun was the centre of our solar system, contrary to the bible's Earthly centre – he was ridiculed, punished, imprisoned, called heretic, etc. In fact, any scientific discovery that opposed the bible's teachings were rejected and opposed, who knows how many discoveries were squashed and never came to light due to pressure from the church? How many years have we lost due to scientists being persecuted for their discoveries? How many scientists stayed quiet because they feared challenging the church's way of thinking? How many scientists were tortured or killed for their discoveries? Unfortunately religion has a dark side, as one's beliefs can be so strong that one can not accept any other truths uncovered by science. For example, why do people still believe the Earth is only 6000 years old? We have scientific proof that it is about 4.5 billion years old – that's a huge difference. We no longer believe the Earth is flat, nor the centre of the universe. We have uncovered evidence that proves these facts, and anyone stuck still believing wrong information is living in their own existence. Of course we may be misinterpreting the words of the bible if taken too literally. We must accept the fact that we don't fully understand everything, and leave room for doubt, scrutiny, or the ability to change our minds. I don't profess to know the bible, but from my own understandings of the verses I believe that these scriptures were written by men who wrote their own theories of existence. They may have been philosophers, or deep thinkers of their day, using whatever knowledge was available to them at the time. Unfortunately, we knew very little thousands of years ago about our physical universe. We hadn't even invented optics to create microscopes or telescopes, so we had only our 5 senses to rely on. Not being able to explain how things came to be, one could theorize that an all-knowing being (God) created everything in the beginning. How will religions deal with new science in the future that uncovers how the universe came to be, should that evidence be found through scientific study? I have my own idea of the universe, it is so wild that most people would dismiss it today. But if I wrote a book that later became a religion, as the bible did, would that mean it was correct? Likely not. Nobody ever will be able to understand everything, nor know the true truth. But that is what is so great about belief – we are all free to believe whatever we want to. Whether it's God, math, naturalism, dream, the Matrix, or any other conceived or not conceived concept of the creation of our existence.

  10. I agree that is not a coincidence that science came from Christians. Is also not a coincidence that Jesus in revelation accused the serpent of deceiving the world with their pharmakeia. Is also not a coincidence that Jesus said that many will come to him but he will reject them. It is also not a coincidence that Christianity change laws the time and festivals like it was prophecised by Daniel about the forth beast. So in short you're right but you're wrong also

  11. THey weremt but whe na cult takes over, you could argue that about anyhting but relfectiosn of voltaire have a vetter eye, and there is much missing here? What about hte bronze age? or otehr ages or mercahtns or metal works or otehr groups.. or other lawful societies, what about all teh mass killings from proto chrsitianity or hersioology? Where tehy would kill peopel by accusation, seems like the so called peopel of peace are behind the most diabolical nature and make other groups subdued unto them that are kind nad htus mix and hide like wolves and liars, much like the sotning throwing jews over rocks. So… science? Study of nature? Bishops killing those operating astrolabes? Theres somethign amiss here of history in your so caller revelations, or what about idiotic monks discovering reading in their head, LMAO…. comical past… comical time a comical world that destroys intellgience nad mind, or how about present, al lcults, isolate and eocnomically control the world… and access to it has a pass phrase god…. I don't knwo their god in that regard, but in americas its somethign perverse. like th eorthadox do it to act or pretend ot be as god, these poeple certianly care not about hte laws of other civilisations… but shifting and keepign law is important.. law is always good, in teh sense when logical its the whole punihsment bit that is a bit tiresome nad nonsensical but then… there is much abuse nad other problems i htink if you eat another human and kill a bunc hof peopel the removal of life … good life lawful life… and a wild savage of sorts in teh mix.. probably wouldnt want htem to breed, but the last hudnrds years is heading towards an apex of cirminal breeders, not executed by the state, so al lteh cults have done, is created a wreckoning, but tbh, should let humanity wipe itself out, unlimited and non stop exploitation systems are somethign else, I mean there is great humans but I have seen many cultures all have a price, one is worhsip, another is money, there is no god or freedom its all jsut a jungle of curelty… nad far from any sense of order… whilst influencing monkeys … create many many problems and hten attrition and destruciton of other human groups from state held lies and abuse through origin of state abuse… is commander king kong running th show? lol

  12. Because everyone was a Christian during that time period. They were indoctrinated at birth in a culture and family where any other belief was extremely taboo and ostracizing. David Hume’s atheism was only learned about after his death. And there was a slow evolution of deism and Christian deism and then came a time when u could be atheist without too much ostracism and social backlash


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