Jordan Peterson Made Up His Mind on JESUS & It’s Surprising @JordanBPeterson @ShawnRyanClips

Jordan Peterson Made Up His Mind on JESUS & It’s Surprising
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Almost a decade into his career, San Diego-based rapper Ruslan is Christian hip hop’s jack of all trades. When he isn’t writing and producing original music, he develops compelling content on Youtube, mentors up-and-coming artists, and runs his own podcast at Bless God Studios.


48 thoughts on “Jordan Peterson Made Up His Mind on JESUS & It’s Surprising @JordanBPeterson @ShawnRyanClips”

  1. I love how people quote Paul. I do believe you must have faith to do works or the want to do the works. However you can have faith and not do works. We have lived in a society that teaches prosperity and free grace religion. People literally believe they are saved just by believing and from my reading of the bible I don't see that anywhere. You can not have works with out faith and so there for he judges us by our works or lack of.
    mathew 25 41-46
    41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’

    44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’

    45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

    46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

  2. Grace = unmerited love and favor of God.
    Adding works to your salvation is like saying what Jesus did wasn't good enough. You have to throw something on top of it. It's a gift, it's unearned, so you can't boast. God isn't repaying a debt. God gets the glory!

    Works are an outgrowth of you being a new creature in Jesus, but it has nothing to do with the salvation you receive from him.

  3. So, I’ve seen this discussed over and over, but he’s arguing semantics. He believes that the story and allegorical value of Christianity are true. And thus, lives according to that truth the best he can. That’s true faith/belief. So, to ask if one believes in God isn’t a good indicator of their belief. As it is said, ye shall know them by their fruits.

  4. I love that Jordan is not taking this lightly. A lot of people do.

    I think Jordan when he finally unites himself with Jesus he is going to have such a deep conversion because he thinks so deeply,

    and I think he’ll connect with the Lord on that level.

    Most people do not. I think his wife does because she let the Holy spirit fill her.

    When he finally comes to a deep understanding and knowledge of God, the Spirit will finally burst through into his heart.

    I don’t think he’ll ever be the same.

    He wants to go deeper he will he doesn’t want to commit until he knows as much as he can possibly know, and God is working on him little by little drop by drop.

    Think of Saint Augustine he wrote, and did all this intelligent stuff for so long, and then finally he connected with the Lord.

    I think we’ve got another state, Augustine here, huh? Everybody? It might be the case you never know.

  5. What we say is not evidence of faith. What we DO shows we actually have faith. Words are cheap unless suffering for the words is an obvious consequence. True commitment and true belief is taking up your cross.

    “Christianity has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult, and left untried.” -Chesterton

  6. I came to this comment in 2017. My life completely fell apart. My family my friends, my church my finances . The rejection is real. God is so great to let me see what it took for him to save a fool like me. God is so good

  7. The hards thing you can do!! I built a boat from scratch, including the sails and spars. I named it Pretty Fly after the song, and if you understand the lyrics, that's where restraint comes into the equation.

  8. “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
    ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭2‬:‭14‬ ‭

    I would truly be honored to die in the name of Jesus the Christ. It would be my utmost pleasure and glorification of God if such an honor would be bestowed upon me. Let me die for the kingdom of God, that we would restrain ourselves from the weakness of the flesh and openly embrace the futile attempt at Satan’s corruption of our souls. What more can one ask? I would surely die for Christ, even today. I am a sinner, worthy of nothing but death, yet I shall never resign nor surrender my Savior under any pretense. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.

  9. If anyone truly believes that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, they would realize that their life, here on Earth, is infinitely short, and the only thing that matters is how our life affects our eternal existence. I understand Peterson's dilemma in narrowing down what "believe" means, but we still have a corrupt nature, and no one can live perfectly aligned with how we should live as believers. The thief, dying on the cross next to Jesus, didn't live his life for God, yet he expressed belief in Jesus, and Jesus said to him, "today you will be with me in paradise".

  10. I think that when Peterson says, "but I know what that means" he's referring to the high implications and the tall order that that requires of a man. So, in having to be truthful makes this very difficult to accept. It is a true refiner's fire.

  11. I became a Christian around 3 or 4 years old. At 5 years God told me I would be registered nurse. Then at age 9, I made a public conession of faith & was baptized. At age 19, Holy Spirit baptized me with the evidence of tongues. Im so grateful & thankful Jesus saved me when I was very young. I went to nursing school right out of high school. I've been following Jesus about 63 years. I'm so grateful & thankful Jesus called me and kept me so i could serve Him all of my days. He Is worthy of all my praise.

  12. So what is going to happen if Peterson eventually turns to god? You christians are going to then try to influence him into accepting Jesus as his lord and savior who died for his sins. What if Peterson announces he believes in god, but becomes a Mormon? Or a Seventh-day Adventist? or a Jehovas Witness? or a Muslim? All you would immediately start criticizing him for not believing in god the same way you do, and would immediately criticize him or hate him…
    This is why it's stupid to talk about your religious faith…you are going to piss somebody off, regardless of what you believe…

  13. If this is going on the way it went for the last 7 years, the guy will never make the statement that he believes that God exists in the ontological sense of the statement.

    His basis is believing in how reality plays out through narrative. He believes that narrative is more real than real. That in and of itself means nothing more than: The moral of the story, that which is written between the lines, is a general truth. There is no: Actual Jesus brings me actual salvation.

    There only ever is metaphorically speaking it's true. But that's not the ontological claim Christianity is making.

    So, he is still not any closer to making his statement unambiguously clear. He is where he was for the last 7 years.

  14. As Joseph Prince says, "The Law demands. Grace supplies". Jordan is approaching Christ from a Law perspective which is the covenant the Jews were under. But Paul approaches Christ from he Grace perspective. Christ also references Moses lifting up the copper serpent for the purpose of healing those who simply look on it. Simply looking to Christ in faith brings the healing from sin and death.
    A question for Jordan would be, what did Christ accomplish when he died on the cross? What would a person who follows Christ accomplish with their own dying on the cross?
    Another question would be, have you read Romans 6, where is says we have already died on the cross through faith with Christ?
    I think Jordan's biggest problem with simply saying I believe in God would be the massive contradiction he would necessarily face with Genesis 1 and Darwinism

  15. Actually, he(Jordan), is right.. it’s a total commitment. Think of the “rich man” who had everything perfectly setup to be a saint, but turned away in sadness because he held onto the world too much.. I think this verse concerns me more than any other. I don’t have great wealth, but holding onto the world too much is a real worry. Separation of flesh and spirit is the most difficult dedication.

  16. This is the difference between justification and sanctification . A sincere surrendering of your heart to the Lord is the free gift of salvation. At that moment you have the Holy Spirit deposited. That is justification. No one can snatch you from God’s hand. But the seed is meant to be watered and nurtured so it can grow into a fruit bearing plant. That’s sanctification. The transformational process of becoming like Jesus causes you to release the works that are the evidence of a sanctified Christ life. Many denominations miss this distinction when they limit the discussion to the justification only part of salvation. Salvation is not your heavenly reward. It is a free gift. Your heavenly rewards are measured by what you did with that seed of the Holy Spirit.

  17. Peterson sounds like a saint man, it’s committing your whole life. We cannot be perfect of course but God’s grace is sufficient if we give him our whole lives. Faith in salvation, faith not to give up. Believing means nothing if we do not commit our lives to him.

  18. I just want to get to heaven! I've never had that feeling. I love God and put myself to him to judge as he sees fit. I know he will be just and his judgement will be deserved, and I will accept whatever he decides.

  19. See the problem is when you said
    “ they could become a Muslim “ when you say have faith it’s like have faith in what ? The greater good an the truth, I feel like you an many other Christians just play with words, Peterson already said belief is a commitment, an then what your doing is asking
    “ a commitment to what “ as if it has to be your specific religion. It’s a commitment to the moral code in which is present, the truth an the morals that are to come that help for better living.
    You lean into the Bible too much still. I think is a bit ridiculous that you hold a position that other ways of life that have the same righteous that don’t go against morals are invalid.


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