Jordan Peterson EDUCATES an Atheist Student and Leaves Class SPEECHLESS…

Jordan Peterson EDUCATES an Atheist Student and Leaves Class SPEECHLESS…
Atheist Student asks Jordan Peterson a good question on the existence of God.
Note this video was taken years ago and some of Jordan Peterson’s religious views have changed since then. See more recent videos.
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31 thoughts on “Jordan Peterson EDUCATES an Atheist Student and Leaves Class SPEECHLESS…”

  1. No, Peterson makes himself look like the idiot he is. He is an atheist too. His god is not the god of the Buiybull. So he doesn't believe in the Christian god. He is just an atheist with no balls.

  2. I am a simple man and i had to watch this segment at least 5 times to understand the response. The bottom line seems to me that every human needs to believe in a higher power for the soul be be whole, if you believe you have one. The human in his his basic form is a believer in a higher power. I choose to believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

  3. The student asked a good question although clearly not an atheist, I do not thing Jordon Peterson answered the question. Why the music and video which I think is used to make the view think he got a religious response to a theist/secular question which it was not. Jordon Peterson as usual using intellectual phasing to try and sound smart without really saying anything except mis quote his favourite writer.

  4. Peterson's latest conversation with Konstantin Kisin begins to look at the actual reality of God's role beyond the merely utilitarian (existence beyond the realm of straightforward naturalism).

  5. GOD MADE THINGS SIMPLE ….EVEN A CHILD CAN UNDERSTAND. EDUCATION ONLY BRINGS YOU joy in your mind …..and thinking I must keep learning. in the Lord's Prayer, ……" NOT MY WILL, BUT THOU WILL BE DONE ." in reality , how smart is the the smartest man that does not know GOD ? THE beginning of wisdom is to fear GOD !

  6. I don't see how he "educates" an atheist. These headlines are ridiculous, but I like Jordan Peterson, so I'll listen. I think most major religions might have a problem with the definition of God as a value system and not the existence of an omnipotent God, and with some faiths, his son Jesus Christ. Here's a question – do people try to live a good life because there is a reward or punishment at the end, or do they live a good life because this is the only life we get?

  7. Word salad , nonsense posing as wisdom.
    Jordan what did you have for dinner? Depends on what you mean by dinner. 40 minutes of ranting…still don't know what he had for dinner.

  8. Little known secret. Jordan Peterson paid pianists to come into his classroom
    His skills as a teacher were so weak that he needed the emotional assistance –an appeal to the sensational of the listener and to distract them from the point at hand. Amazing.

  9. Title is misleading. He answered a question with common sense and great wisdom. He didn't EDUCATE an Atheist nor leave the class SPEECHLESS!
    He didn't say there was a god and he knows there is no proof that there is a god but that the pinnacle of virtue in any society or religion can be referred to as god or by any other religious 'god' name.
    This is why there are so many religions and so many 'gods'.

  10. Test to see if you are brainwashed here. If you do not answer these simple questions, this is a sign your religion has caused you to stop thinking as atheists and agnostics have no problem with these questions. Any atheists and agnostics who want to show them the proof you have no issues answering these questions are welcome as well. I am willing to bet %90 os christians wont answer these questions.

    There are 4 judges and 10 guilty criminals. Judge #1 orders punishment for all 10 criminals and does not forgive without punishment a single one. Judge #2 forgives without punishment all 10 criminals. Judge #3 forgives without punishment 9 of them and punishes 1 of them. Judge #4 punishes 9 of them and forgives without punishment 1 of them.

    1 Which judge is the most/maximally just?

    2 Which judge is the most/maximally forgiving?

    3 Is judge #3 either most/maximally forgiving or most just?

    4 Is judge #4 most/maximally forgiving or most just?

    5 is it possible for any judge to be both most/maximally forgiving and most/maximally just?

  11. Ummm consciousness is physical to the brain. split brain patients proves this. Unless you can rectify the problem of 1 consciousness have 2 favorite colors, and one half being theist and the other atheist, of the man who was beating his wife and trying to stop himself at the same time with the other hand. Consciousness being physical in the brain totally explains it while the idea consciousness is outside the brains is heavily challenged by it, I even say refuted.

  12. Because subjective internal experience is not the defining attribute of objective truth…
    (unless the truth being sought is the answer to a question concerning the details of a subjective internal experience… Eg: do you like the taste of that?)
    … So because of that separation the idea of subjective Vs objective is an irrelevant fabrication derived through an error in the categorization of scale in regards to events that happen within different scales or layers or aspects of what we loosely call existence.
    Sub atomic, atomic, molecular, biological, galactic, universal, multi-XYZ, … Whatever else there is…..
    Subjective, objective, dream, heaven, metaphysics, information, conceptual, other etc etc etc …

    The fact they all have differences is irrelevant when talking about truth.

    Objective and subjective are not separate.
    Subjective just doesn't exist. Or at least it's a gross perversion of objective with blinkers so big I'm surprised it hasn't collapsed to a blackhole… At least that would explain the massive holes in the argument for saying subjective experience is somehow separate or different from objective truth or shared real word hard reality.

    It's not.
    You can't have a subjective experience unless it's objectively true you had one.
    If you ask me my subjective experience about an event and I answer by describing my internal subjective experience of it to you…
    Am I lying? Or telling the truth about what I "honestly feel/think I experienced"?
    The answer to that question as silly or simple as it might seem, is the answer to everything… Ever.

    I CANT be telling the truth OR lying unless there was a "subjective experience I actually had"
    I have some ice-cream and you ask if I liked it or not.
    I answer "wow yes I love it!!! Mmm"
    That is true or false based on a hard objective reality.
    Either I felt like I like the taste a lot and was genuinely overwhelmed with taste pleasure in my internal subjective experience, when I DIDNT willingly choose it I just like it or I don't.
    And the truth about if I like the taste or have pleasing emotional subjective feelings ….or not … Is based on the truth about what actually happened when I tasted it.

    Because something actually happened.
    I had a spoon full, I tasted it, that actually happened and I either lied to or I didn't.

    Because your subjective internal experience, your emotions and feelings and internal dialogue are EXACTLY like every single thing in the entirety of ALL creation …
    Just like if it's day or night…
    Just the same as if its a square or a circle…
    Just like the reason 1+1 is 2…
    Just like the answer to the question of IF there are other realms or layers of scale, form or metaphysical whatever….
    Just like the flaw in the common understanding of what the "uncertainty principle" in particle physics actually means for objective hard reality….

    It's true because it is.
    Nothing can exist unless it's true it exists.
    Sounds silly or useless circle logic but it's not.
    It's the foundation of ALL existence in all forms of all types.

    Nothing can actually "be" .. unless it is.
    The truth is the ONLY thing that "actually" exists.

    So everything that "is" OR "isn't", is true.
    It's true I liked the taste … Or..
    It's true I lied when I said I liked it.
    It's not useless circular logic… It just LOOKS like it but because the self referencing is a natiral by-product of the truly foundational aspect of the "truth" being the 1 and ONLY fundemental aspect of ALL existence.
    So it's constantly feeling circular because describing it at this level is to only have 1 point of reference.

    Like trying to properly describe absolute nothingness.
    It's also very circular logic in sound cos it's no nothing not anything can't actually be but it's not that either.

    The truth is the most and only fundemental aspect of reality

    Everything else is an abstraction up the "scale" from truth.
    It's true that something exists…"something"
    It's true that, that "something" is, on at least some level of abstraction, different.
    There is more than 1 thing even if we say collectively all of existence is one…
    It's still divided internally into realms and layers and types and forms and numerical reality of the physical and cognitive/conceptual layers.

    So when the word "thing" is used in it's most raw form, it's most base generic all encompassing form, it's absolutely true that "something" exists, whatever it is.
    It's also true that more than 1 "thing" exists.

    Why explain this, like this?

    Because to say that 1+1 is 2 is a fundemental truth, is to do it a great injustice.
    1+1 is 2 because there was 1 thing and then 1 more thing so then it's now double the amount of things…
    It is an observation, not a concept or idea.
    1+1 is a thing that actually happens in hard reality as a function of there being more than 1 thing.

    It's the root of creation.
    The truth is that when you have 1 thing and then another thing it's now more things.
    What you call them is as irrelevant as your knowledge of the event.

    Either something happened or it didn't.
    The reason that's true and any Schrödinger's or uncertainty in measurements principle is NOT interpreted properly aka not true…
    Is because it doesn't matter why something happens when asking IF it happened at all.

    Either there is another layer or aspect of existence with what people call god in it…
    Or there isn't.

    Subjective experience doesn't fight against objective…

    It can't.

    The subjective experience can't even exist unless it's absolutely objectively true that it happened in the first place.

    That's truth.

    Your god is irrelevant in the debate about truth.
    Your so called subjective feeling or experience is irrelevant in the debate about the truth.

    Only what's true matters cos it's all that exists and if your idea or premise is based on the idea that truth is subjective and just a whimsical tool in the toolbox of philosophy, long since forgotten to dusty history with the modern consciousness hippy subjective reality cultists ….
    ALL because we all like different food….
    then you're insane.

    And dangerous in regards to real respected philosophical debate when that idea is so infectious and truly horrifying in social media MSM politics etc etc today.
    They use these ideas of subjective internal experience truth Vs objective shared hard reality as an excuse for their claims and attempts to force legal social political change etc.

    And it's utterly false.

    There is NO SUCH THING as a subjective experience..
    It's just mislabeled objective experience…
    due to the often misunderstood teachings of some deep thinkers…

    But more importantly now being used on mass by everyone to fight their insecurity of thought.

    The very people Mr Peterson fights against use THIS to fight the whole of society.
    And they're winning with it.

    It's a comfort blanket for people who want to think their idea of values etc etc are sorted and no need to question them internally at 2am can't sleep…
    No need to do research to see if that guys argument against you was valid or not…
    No need to ever worry about your principles or if you're a good moral person or not ..
    Cos it's all subjective…

    And it's allowing "subjective" to be swept up into normalized culture WITHOUT fact checking how it's being presented that has let this torrent of madness happen for the last 50 years.

    And how they got our kids, locked down.
    Parents fight back but it's no use it's still just everywhere and just targets younger and younger as well as getting more graphic and s3xual.
    It's devoured mental health services and counselors.

    All cos if I feel it it's true cos "subjective" truth is something that's culturally appropriate to say and have it be taken as gospel it's actually it's own separate category of experience, truth or reality ….

    And we haven't even started properly addressing the problem yet…
    Never mind have ideas for effective solutions if it's even poss ar this stage of education, politics, fashion, media, trends etc etc ….

    And we haven't even actually starte working out the full extent of the infections spread …OR the damage… Never mind predicted future without pushback….


    We're gonna need a bigger boat ⛵

  13. 'Consciousness' is merely short-term memory where the timeframe involved goes very close to zero *.

    * It's not zero, it's literally delayed by a good fraction of a second, in case you are not aware of that interesting factoid. This is in fact a clue that we're on to something here…

    You're welcome.

  14. The atheist is the least capable person on earth to define his own atheist religion, let alone the religion of the Bible… which does not teach religion. It teaches salvation in Jesus Christ. The atheist needs to vent his hatred of God and man as the link about Darwin explains. Each and every atheist who tries to answer my posts must change the subject and call childish names simply because he can not answer the charges therein. This is the default method of the atheists when backed into a corner. Their lack of knowing their own belief systems exposes them quite well. Ever heard the expression… "Thou protesteth too much?" Their continued assault against Christ and the Jews, and the Arabs and the Blacks evidence they're trying to convince themselves no Living God has set a Day for their Judgment. No God=no Judgment Day. All persons will be judged. So for now, they only a little bit have soothed their troubled minds that there is no God to answer to.

    Here's what Darwin is all about.

  15. Never watch JP videos that have video and background musical interpretations. The meaning is lost, especially when the captions are wrong, and the images rarely correctly support his point. Stick to JP’s own channel.

  16. Such a studied and seeking mind.

    It was not lost on Constitutional period theologians and academics that the Constitutional Republican structure was modeled on Old Testament. A federation of independent tribes. With their own patriarch, elders, and the assembly of the body of free people.

    All tied together by the one tribe set apart as priestly. Set apart from secular land themselves.

    A king was warned against. Even when the prophets reminded the king he was not above the law or God's ethics? Well, human nature is the one constant.

    The Jewish tradition has its own or perhaps the first version of Jeremiah. The antics of the tribe of Dan. I have to agree with my learned Rabi friend that the antics of the tribe of Dan are a good explanation for secular or materialist Jews. Who believes only in ethnicity, therefore, rules rather than ethics based civic. Would be petty kings themselves.

    The 'religion and morality necessary for our prosperity' is repeated over and over again in Washington's Farewell Address. The operators manual for our Constitutional Republic. Why would government schools purposefully obscure it? When it clearly is as Foundational as the Constitutional itself?

    "Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle."

    What we have here are likely brains of high potential. Which have been purposefully limited by a political faction within government schools. The other faction led by creatures like Mitch sells out our philosophy and history to enrich his special therefore personal interest.

    The big three and other amazing Greeks were without question aware of the Torah. Definitely struggled with the logically necessary civil structure to secure human liberty. (For some). Let alone the concept of history.

    Plotinus was very creative in inventing a superstition to displace the civic structure of the Torah. But of course, it proved inadequate. Unless the best which could is rule by a self-absorbed idle intellectual elite, as Paul addressed. (The unknown God is not surprisingly much deeper than it appears at first thought.)

    It is interesting but not surprising. The Protestant Reformation began with challenging deductive Scholastic absurdity with 'Platonic' (Talamudic) inductive necessity or the average Americans' common sense and experience. (No, the legalism of the Reformist tradition does not impress me. Until Barth)

    Should we be surprised free of a warning prophet, Dr. Faulty became the pettiest and most destructive of dictators? Equipped with the power of the assumed 'scientific' bureaucratic elite? (Material or deductive imposed state religion?) What common sense and/or 'educated' Americans should have expected to happen. Many of us did.

    Just thinking out loud to myself here. Material nihilism is not intersectionality. But just a deceptive name for a Babel collective of control. Look at the fruit this wanton ignorance bears.

    I agree completely with the Covenant American Jewish community who addressed George Washington. Resulting in the gem of Washington's Letter to the Jews.

    Dr. Faulty is a progressive scientism. Which should have no Americans more alert than our wonderful Black ethnicity. If Black History had not been subsumed and perverted like all Civic Education?

    The Jessica Tarloff or Karen zombies are dangerous herds of View-watching brain-eating creatures. No humility. Which goes along with thoughtlessness. Ignorance is what makes them always so angry in their wanton ignorance.


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