Jordan Peterson criticizes "meat haters"


24 thoughts on “Jordan Peterson criticizes "meat haters"”

  1. Just know that if the government deprived me of my glorious meat I will literally choose cannabalism. Y'all better shape up because youve chosen the life of victems, lions have to eat too. It may be inhuman but it's not in-saiyan.

  2. And perhaps look at the damage being done to the environment by the alternative milk production. Understand that they are sprayed with nasty chemicals and bees needed to pollinate the almond trees in California are dying because of these chemicals and the amount of water required is far in excess for real dairy. I would rather eat real dairy than fake crap made with multiple additives and chemicals. And many people can't process legumes without serious health problems such as inflammation and intestinal damage. People are getting very rich with the virtue signalling of alternative milk and meat products. Wake up people.

  3. Ive never heard anyone tell me I have eat bugs. So, on that..I just say wtf?? Mind you I respect Peterson, a very good speaker and thinker, I usually find something to glean from listening. This tirade is a bit much. Psychologist or not, his reference to " narcissism" doesnt color well. He of all people should know that slinging that term around to make arguments on debate is akin to juvenille mud-slinging. In fact if I were to say, he himself, sometimes embodies narcissistic traits. Dont get me wrong I usually enjoy his views and his way of backing what he says. But this little speech is a bit crass and arrogant. I expect better.

  4. He becomes the narcissistic person, he always saw himself confronted with, sadly.

    I guess he is doing it to protect himself, nobody is withstanding that for years

    The impact on climate and the animals is evident, just pure science, and that used to be what I admired him.

    A strong stance toward that.

  5. I’m actually for veganism, but even I recognize there’s a false narrative that’s being played out. I think we should lessen the harm we do to the animal kingdom, but it is definitely nothing but bad if it comes as a governmental ordinance. They’re not pro veganism because they love the earth. They’re pro veganism right now because they have to take a anti-freedom, top down totalitarian viewpoint. They just want you all to hate each other. I’m astounded by how many people have drank the anti-freedom kool-aid, but I guess I shouldn’t be.


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