Jonbenet Ramsey’s Dead Body

Unsolved – Episode 173: Jonbenet Ramsey’s Dead Body

Nancy Drew is getting more suspicious of Patsy Ramsey. She seems to act like the parent who killed her daughter.


17 thoughts on “Jonbenet Ramsey’s Dead Body”

  1. Parents are so guilty and the dad is still trying to save face and that guilty brother still trying to sue people parents covered for the boy it's so obvious there have been people convicted for much much less circumstantial evidence all because they had a little money which today 26 years later wouldn't be all that much comparable I think if that had happened today they would have got convicted someone in that household would have been charged

  2. You failed to mention, Patsy stayed in that room until her friends vame back in to get her. Shr just kept saying " what is it?"" What else could it be when Fleet is yelling call 911. Good point tho, how could she of known JonBenet was already dead???

  3. I wouldn't be thinking, where will I spend the night. I think most parents would be determined to be in the police station. I can't fault them for getting legal representation. But, it's suspicious that the lawyers immediately went into defensive mode. If the sealed documents and vows of silence were lifted, one may learn the truth.

  4. I don’t know if she would have been in a state of denial …I think panicky and hysterical are natural reaction to see your daughter whom you thought was missing, laying lifeless on the living floor after fleet white yells for someone to call 911. Just using context clues, Patsy could’ve deduced that Jon Benet wasn’t doing to good and upon seeing her not moving, arms possibly still tied and the garote still around her neck, yeah you’re not going to think she was taking a nap. You’re going to assume that your once missing daughter, now found is probably dead

  5. Both parents are 100 % part of the cover-up. A statement analysis of what John said when he "found" her body reveals that he knew that she was there. John removed the duct tape and the (fake) ties around her wrists but then he did not check if she was alive (!) because he knew she was already dead. Both John and Patsy later changed their stories. Both of them actually ignored the ransom letter. In interviews both of them only talked about the ransom letter when they were asked about it, and only talked about JonBenet when they were asked about her.


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