Jon Stewart Continues BEGGING for Relevancy

Jon Stewart premiered the debut episode of season two of The Problem with Jon Stewart on Apple TV recently. During his first season…Jon Stewart atoned for his privilege. For his second season…Jon Stewart chose to atone for a different violation of the Woke Commandments.

We reveal and react to Jon Stewart interviewing Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge. We discuss how the mainstream media is praising Jon Stewart for this interview. We disprove the narrative presented by Jon Stewart…and explain the reason the media is fighting so hard for this narrative to be pushed.


27 thoughts on “Jon Stewart Continues BEGGING for Relevancy”

  1. "We focus on children because by the time they're old enough to think for themselves,it's too late." These lunatics are hell bent on corrupting young minds with depraved hyper-sexualized brainwashing tactics meant to confuse and intimidate. This is nothing short of child abuse IMO. KC's right about indoctrination,that's all these so called teachers seem to care about. It's all about THEM,not the children they use and abuse to facilitate their sick ideology. Keep a close eye on your kids,these disturbed pedo's certainly are. Anyone referring to pedophiles as "Minor attracted persons" should NEVER be left alone with a child.

  2. I haven’t got a clue who your on about because I’m English 🇬🇧 🤷‍♀️ but I don’t care I still love the way you think 👍 and love your channel its hilarious and your brilliant, I’m learning who peeps are as I go along 👍 I do know some of them 👍

  3. Woe that is so sad to see him fall from grace like Wile E Coyote off a cliff. Children should be protected and its the parents that should be doing it. Any parent/parents who choose this for their kids they need pulled from the house and the parents go to jail

  4. You made that point the other day about these kinds, how they are addicted to attention. They are unsuccessful chameleons. I used to think that audiences ought to be thrown fish. His kind ought to be thrown insects, if that's possible. If not, sited in a suitable environment.

  5. Do you know the definition of an NFL fan that is a complete and total absolute loser And that is a saints fan . And just for the record I only lost money twice batting on the saints in 1979 If you thought I meant to win you're a bigger loser than I thought

  6. Half the Trans KIDS will grow up to be BALD MEN in their 40s no matter how many hormones and surgeries they take. Theyve never cured male pattern baldness. It'll be pretty hard to live their FANTASY THEN….ROFLMAO!!!!

  7. What people like Stewart who use the manipulative "trans kids are more likely to end themselves than non trans, so you should let them transition if you want them to live." argument don't tell you is that trans people are approximately 18 times more likely to end themselves after transitioning.

  8. At one point he had a brain then his Demorat affiliation took him to task and BOOM!!!! he became a marching in step what he used to hate, how’s it feel to be so wrong all the time John asking for people with common sense!!!


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