Joker Beats Superman's Sidekick

This is Worlds Finest 9-10-11 Last Time Want Energy Drinks & Anime …


38 thoughts on “Joker Beats Superman's Sidekick”

  1. No lie Aqualad a whole ass snitch he was on David ass for no reason and fuck Batman lame ass too he gonna tell Superman to depower David he would rather hinder a kid who just got tortured than actually try to guide him so he could help fight villains and save people lives all because he tried to kill joker also I bet had Superman actually depowered david he would’ve regained his power somehow and became a villain with a vendetta against the justice league (which he kind of did in kingdom come but he really only just killed joker which I agree on)

  2. Taking away David's power for simply burning someone's hands (especially the Joker) is a MASSIVE overreaction. Batman,Robin,Superman regularly break bones and skin and that's perfectly fine? That's bullshit. Even if it was done out of anger the fact that he COULD have killed Joker, but restrained himself shows he WAS practicing restraint.

  3. Wondering if martian manhunter can fix Joker’s mental state like he did once temporarily but permanently. All these telepaths and magic users that can fix him or put a spell on Joker to make him sane and non violent Bruce knows personally and he still does nothing.

  4. constantly showing mercy to joker like this is really dumb. The joker wont ever get a redemption. so it just leads to more crime and pain. Bruce is so unpragmatic and really does have the black and white morality of a 10 year old. No wonder Injustice happened

  5. Learning the Magog tie-in was very bad. It feels so pointless and desperate to tie it in so people will actually care. The only issue is it feels so cheap it makes Kingdom Come worse via the unnecessary connection IMO.


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