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27 thoughts on “JOJO BABYSITS MY KIDS!”

  1. people shaming you for crying are the same people who dont know how to process their own emotions. NEVER let someone shame you for feeling your feelings!!! apologizing for crying is ridiculous❤❤

  2. Usually I am a silent watcher, but you are such a big part of my life and my days. Especially from the pandemic to now. A moment of peace for me is actually sitting down and watching one of your vlogs. Right now with how busy the holidays were, I’ve been able to binge so many of them at a time and you and your family never fail to make me smile, laugh and even feel seen due to how relatable you are. Thank you for everything always and never stop being you ❤

  3. I have been having some really disturbing thoughts and I thought I was the only person with it and I was so ready to go because they were making me so made and doing things that well hurt me or people around me. But I held back from all of it and distract myself from it and it seems to work but not at the same time. So it makes me happy knowing one of my favourite people in the world goes through or know what I’m going through. (All though I wish you weren’t going through what I am because it is horrible!) but just keep saying to yourself that worked for me “I am strong” or just don’t think about that which I know is extremely hard because it happened to me. Think about something you love like you kids or Erik and family or something that is coming up that is exciting and you well forget about those negative thoughts hopefully! (That what kinda worked for me) ❤️❤️

  4. I’m not a huge commenter as well but I just wanted to say how much all your videos helped me over the holidays. I have tiny bouts of bad anxiety but I had a VERY bad bout of it over the holidays! Unfortunately my daughter, husband and I tested positive for Covid 2 days before Christmas. So for the first time in my life I couldn’t spend Christmas Day with my parents. I was sooooooo sad because of that even though we did feel a bit better on Christmas Day and tried to keep as normal as possible for our daughter. That day I also completely lost my smell and taste. For some reason the whole combo of being isolated for holidays stuck in the house not smelling or tasting any of the wonderful things about Christmas. It sent me into a total panic. I thought I would never get smell/taste back. I couldn’t calm myself down I had 3 really bad days were I would just pace and have to do things because I couldn’t sit and calm down. I would never wish that upon anyone. I had horrible thoughts that never experienced before. I slept for maybe half hour at a time and I would try to lay down and I always played one of your vlogs while trying to sleep and relax. Your voice and your children’s laughter was so comforting to me and I was able to have tiny bits of relaxation and focus on your videos. Thank you so much for getting me through that dark period. After 10 days I finally started to get back smell/taste and once I was able to go back to work, I finally snapped out of my funk. I love your vlogs and don’t ever stop being you. I love how real you are and you and Erik are amazing parents and your children are incredible you should be so proud. Also love Corey and your parents ❤️

  5. I think it’s really sweet how Jojo still shows up as a friend. I found it really hard to keep friendships once becoming a mother especially with those who are in different phases of life (unfortunately) but I love how Colleen and Jojo have kept their genuine connection. ❤❤

  6. This is awesome to relate to others because we all go through similar experiences. For me to keep balance in my head and thoughts, a balance of ego vs. self loathing is u tell myself things. Like I might not be the prettiest but I’m pretty, I’m not the smartest but I’m smart with some things, I’m not the most creative but I’m creative etc. and so on.

  7. OMG!!! when you were playing with the rocks and gravel, I was awestruck at how similar Flynn and Wes look. It's interesting how Maisy looks a lot like you and the boys look like Erik. You got a cute bundle of kids there, Colleen.

  8. Colleen you are one of the sweetest vlogers out there i feel less lonely when i watch you and your sweet kids sing or dance I have here thru the ups , downs with you . I feel like you are my therapy lots of light your way ❤

  9. despite us being at different times of our lives. me being in college you being married w kids. i love seeing your beautiful family and listening to you share things about yourself that others may be scared to.

  10. Seeing you talking about how you feel has helped me because not long ago maybe a month ago I had so much stress and anxiety it got me to the point where I could barely go to school I was scared to go and that even a small thing would happen and it scared me and hearing you talking about stress and anxiety and everything has helped me.

  11. I really love watching your videos Im 24 and I’ve been watching your videos since I was like 14! I started watching Miranda videos my favorites were always you and Joey! Now I’ve been here through Flynn’s pregnancy the twins, all the crying episodes and I’m still here! What you do matters and you’re truly loved by many!!! I genuinely feel like I’m just watching a friend when I see your videos! Love you!! 💕✨

  12. I too am a mom of 2, also a surrogate momma!
    I have depression and anxiety as well. It’s not easy and my children’s father doesn’t understand it. The surrogacy was so hard because I didn’t have the support I needed from him and I spiraled pretty bad during the pregnancy.
    I’m almost 2 months postpartum and I’m slowly regaining myself. I’ve been doing therapy every other week since October, and also doing some spiritual things on the side as well. And honestly this past week has been one of the best weeks I’ve had in a Long time.

    I just wanted you to know that you are definitely not alone! Love watching you and your family flourish!
    Much love from Canada 🥰

  13. Colleen your a great mom and I hope your kids has an amazing childhood ❤I’m so happy that you appreciate many people’s comments I touches my heart to hear that there are many people who love your videos and support you just like me!! 💕💖💙🎈🥰


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