Johnny Depp Suspected Amber Heard Was Having Affair with James Franco

During cross-examination on Thursday, Johnny Depp was questioned on whether he believed Amber Heard was having an affair with James Franco. Depp stated that he did indeed believe Heard was having an affair with Franco. Text messages related to the incident were also read aloud in court.

#JohnnyDepp #AmberHeard


50 thoughts on “Johnny Depp Suspected Amber Heard Was Having Affair with James Franco”

  1. Came across this video again where they play the recording of him presumably in withdraw or the “plane recording”. I can’t even listen to it sitting here and I don’t even know JD or have even met him before. How this was recorded or even submitted as evidence is beyond me. Just awful. Disgusting. Ugh 😣

  2. She had numerous affairs with numerous men and women. Glad she’s out of Johnny’s life. God help the next person she puts her narcissistic sites on. May God give her forgiveness.

  3. Does she wake up and say “what was I thinking?” “I married a man who actually loved me, who provided me and my loser friends (who had done nothing before or since on their own) an expensive, lavished and extensive lifestyle. I video/audio taped anything I thought would make my husband look bad. I got a TRO, leaked information to TMZ so they could film fake injuries. Leaked or had my attorneys leak picture of said fake injuries to People magazine. I wrote an OpEd to further try to sabotage my ex-husbands career. All I had to do was take his money after the divorce, get on with my life and I’d still be acting and not trying to figure out how I’m going to support myself and pay said ex-husband the multi millions ordered by the court.“. Just curious….

  4. I dont think he is a good lawyer. He doesnt understand that people are judging this. His level of disrepect is embarrassing for people to watch. Now i know that camille done this a few times to amber but often she didnt and let miss whineface talk her babbeling head off.

  5. You have to wonder why Johnny's team didn't press the issue of Amber's drug excesses. The picture of the "breakfast" table in one of the videos shows Amber's love of coke. She sent that picture to her friend, bragging about how her morning was going, not complaining about Johnny leaving 4 huge lines of coke behind. Those lines were her breakfast.

  6. Amber was promiscous always but especially during the marriage ha plenty lovers up in Johnny's Penthouse. And why was she on her Cell phone in Court as well as Eve Barlow looking at her phone and sending AH Messages ? One lady ahd to leave as a witness for Johnny because EB sent AH a message that his lady ahd been on Cell phone meanwhile her texts were from 2018!

  7. If he recalls all that and can convey it to Betany then he isn't blackedout, that was pretty descriptive. I can't even remember what I had for breakfast when sober.

  8. As a female i find this ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING that she would record him making sounds on the plane!! What kind of spouse does that. Rottenborn is just playing that several times to embarass JD! WTF does this have to do with anything other than embarass him. Now I feel a thousand times more bad for JD!! Evil Woman!!

  9. Yeah he needed to stay high around a narcissist that was setting him up because if he beat her in the face with those rings she would need plastic surgery everyone knows that Cmon!!!!

  10. From what I can gather, Johnny was hooked on pain killers and yes he did drink, but was recovering and on the Island he chose to detox. He wanted his sister Christi and his Doctor /Nurse to go with. AH didnt like that, she wanted to go instead of Christi, and then she told the Nurse and Doctor to go to their House on the other side of the Island as she would take care of him! Her cruelty went into overdrive, she refused to give him his meds when he was in pain, crying and doubling up in pain! If he had made a Will change in her favour as she wanted, Johnny may not be alive today. (The finger episode in Australia was the result of him asking her to please sign a Post nup) and she threw a fit and went berserk. That bottle if it had hit him in the temple would have killed him. Go well Johnny enjoy your music and be free!

  11. I wasn’t a big fan of Johnny’s but jeeze I am now I have total respect for him and standing up for the truth and he prevailed & got his name & reputation back…..I have watched most of his films now & omg amazing actor & just so talented in everything he does ♥️♥️♥️…..yes he’s done drugs & alcohol and he’s clean now he only went back on them because of the bitch…..I’m so proud of him ♥️♥️♥️

  12. Gen21.19 God poverty Revalation4.7 shivah love you Jesus revelation 4.7 7.1 save the soil no devil marlin m jonnhy d till l rob z f? Bible 🕉 worthy of worship Ezekiel Gen21.19 dutt4.15 mathew12.42 Revalation4.7 God liveing creatures but why would the devil Azazl antitrust jonnhy d marlin Manson antitrust sayed oth is f God and Jesus of Bible

  13. Name your self demanding antitrust Azazl devil is what it is well I'm going to scream ask the devil to flee he sayed he call the fbi he is jonnhy deep hacked my phone goggle Emails I am hindu Gen21.19 dutt4.15 mathew12.42 Revalation4.7 God liveing creatures are not 666 stop devils Azazl why are people texting me calling them self jonny deep then one tried to kidnap me hack my phone please help me stop the scamer I don't now if it was him but I am reporting him ase the devil he is scaring me ill show you the hack # but you can't be him but layer he didn't want me to speak to anyone I am scard

  14. Why is jonnhy deep fan club lieing about talking to him and go meat hiv piv pass Gmail hack my phone sayes he is going to the police to stop them the falls one but I only asked the truth are you the devil and he is coming keep it secret


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