John7 INJUSTICES in courts worldwide! #HolyDays Lawlessness #ReligiousPeople #InsecureLeader #Tyrant

#John7, the Festival of Tabernacle was near, Yeshua’s brothers advise him, to go to Judea publicly to show off his work. They knew their brother was hunted by killers. Why were they not concern for his safety? These are issues we sweep under the rug today.

Yeshua was in #Galilee He avoids going to Judea, because at the time the Sanhedrin exercised civil jurisdiction and also criminal authority over the laws. Historically the law has not been a fair process. These religious rulers use a twisted interpretation of The Mosiac law, because they kept authority over all final court appeals. In addition, the judges could have you arrested; guilty or not guilty. That is why Yeshua had to be tried before the Sanhedrin and Pilot (#John18vv31,32).

In this video we discussed: What are some reasons Yeshua was in Galilee? Why did He want to avoid Judea?

Section 1 (Jn 7:1-12). He revealed that the world hated him because He testified of its evil. Yeshua had to secretly go to celebrate the Feast. It is no different today, because we have to do a lot of things secretly, and also go into hiding to avoid the mobs sent to kill you.

Section 2, (#John7:45-52). The elite group of people questioned whether Yeshua was qualified to teach, because they are unaware of him having any formal education. Yeshua challenged their interpretation of the law and desire to kill him. Some weaknesses in the narrative are people’s self-centeredness and narrow-mindedness. What lessons can we learn? Let us bring Nicodemus back into the discussion (From #John3) because He was one of those leaders, trying to seek a just verdict on Yeshua’s behalf! #John7vv50 Nicodemus spoke boldly on Yeshua’s behalf. However, he was unable to prevent the high court from condemning Yeshua because he could not find another judge to be in agreement with interpreting the law, correctly, to declare an innocent man free. He argued with the evil counsel that they weren’t interpreting their own laws fairly #John7vv51.

As we delve deeper, into the teachings of John, you will see that at sentencing; people preferred to let a terrorist go free than to show mercy to the Son of God.

Key Insight gained.
Wisdom, courage and religions, and religious people are still at war today. How can the book of John help you celebrate victory over good and evil? When Nicodemus tried to do the right thing, the other Judges became suspicious of him. Can you believe it? Wake up people. And stop talking about woke or wokeness because people are saying, enough is enough, no more evil, we will not be silent. Although Yeshua possessed the power to kill everyone hunting him down to harm him–why didn’t he resist them by using violence? Compare Yeshua responses to the normal everyday responses. What are the biggest differences?

Let me pray for each of you.
Our Father in Heaven, May you always keep your promise to your children. By shaping their thoughts according to your words and continue leading us towards goodness.
Help those people who are angry find ways to control their anger and learn to forgive and be kind to everyone. Please, help those that have strayed to return to your love ❤️ and peace. Thank you Father for your support, and protecting us, in Yeshua’s name [amen].


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