John MacArthur | TMS Chapel | Q&A


28 thoughts on “John MacArthur | TMS Chapel | Q&A”

  1. Since the AC has to be revealed BEFORE Jesus can come, what's wrong with looking for his appearance? (Hint: He already is here – been standing in that church in Rome since 606 AD, calling himself the infallible vicar of Christ) Next is the Second Coming of Christ.

    2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV
    Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

  2. I am so thankful to the Lord for such a godly example as dear Pastor John!! I hope and pray that God will continue to use him for His service for as long as He will!! Thank you Pastor John MacArthur for your tremendous faithfulness!!!❤❤❤

  3. I am a longtime supporter of you and call on you for prayer. This country is engaging in predatory displacement of many people and attempting to take private property away from people. We have an intense motion on Friday. I am disabled and a senior. My mother passed in late 2021 and I am taking care of my severely disabled 40 year old schizophrenic bipolar sister. My husaband of 32 years is an unbeliver with congestive heart faillure and dementia, My 30 year old son a computer engineer also lives with us. The HOA engaged in embezzlment or mismanaged property and levied astronomical asessements against the owners. I have a legal background could not afford as we are on social security and filed lawsuit for breach of contract, emotional distress lawsuit. Immediately I began being harassed when out with my walker by male residents bikers terrorizing me. I had never had issue beforehand but this has been going oin for six years. Farmers insurance out of switzerland owned by zurich has tormented us. The Lord helped me write the 4000 page complaint. The judge is extremely corrupt as is this Alameda County Superior Court. The court granted restraining order on me the victim by the elderly toxic biker that has criminal case pending for pulling gun on african american delivery driver during the pandemic. There is such lawlessness. We are afraid of being homeless despite paying our assessments, our mortgage. This can happen to anyone. It is clear that the HOA model was probably set up in the 1970s to do just this engage in equity theft. Do not buy a home, condo with HOA as they can charge any amounts they want, they have unlimited power that the courts do not watn to address. This has taken such a toll on my family. HUD will not help, no one will hellp. My sister that is so disabled cannot even go outside due to the extreme harassment. Trial is in 2 months.

    Mark Levin interviewed Yeonmi Park, who escaped North Korea, calls in to talk about her new book, While Time Remains: A North Korean Defector's Search for Freedom in America. Yeonmi Park discusses communism taking away property from people how this is happening here now

    I believe the forces behind what I am going through are communist as well this is a huge property

  4. You are always in my prayers Pastor John Macarthur. It is under your teaching that God open my heart to the truth. We need a man like you in this country. I pray that God will give you good health and that He will always keep you safe. Thank you.

  5. If the truth were being told then the prophecy of Matt. 24:14 would have occurred years ago, shortly after the advent of the world-wide-web. This fact proves that the prominent teachers(MacArthur and his ilk) are false teachers.

    All glory to God. Amen

  6. Love you pastor! You are a huge blessing for the body of Christ–church. I have gained a lot from your books and sermons. You are so bold and solid gospel preacher and teacher. My prayer to your health as well as to your ministry!

  7. I remember the Godly Pastor of Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN was asked if he did any personal counseling. Dr. Lee Roberson said he counselled people in his sermons Sunday Morning, Sunday Night and Wednesday Night! Personal counseling and discipleship should be carried out by mature Godly believers with a Biblical view of the Scriptures. I am immensely helped by my Pastors preaching! At the same time, a Pastor can't do it all!

  8. The only pastor who ever impressed me was one who said "I don't know" to a question I was asking. John MacArthur coould never, ever admit he doesn't have all the answers to every question. The ego does get in the way.

  9. In the name of Jesus we pray for a complete recovery for Pastor MacArthur. We also pray for profitable doctor visits. Give him with the right medical experts that can aid in his recovery. We pray that no medical mistakes happen. We pray psalm 91 over Pastor MacArthur and ask that no harm come to your servant dear Heavenly Father. We are thanking you in advance for your help in this situation Dear Lord Jesus! Thank you!!

  10. Christianity is a joke. The gospels were written by anonymous people with the intent to make Jesus fulfill OT prophecy and be recognized as the messiah


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