Joel is Not a Beloved Character!? | EFAP Highlight

Cosmonaut Variety Hour delivers atrocious arguments in favor of The Last of Us Part 2 by… claiming nobody liked Joel?


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22 thoughts on “Joel is Not a Beloved Character!? | EFAP Highlight”

  1. I was one of those heretics that claimed The Last of Us is one of the most overrated games ever made. All it does is rip off George A. Romero's Living Dead films and all other zombie film media for the last 30 to 40 years with a Naughty Dog trope bow on it. All the bad tropes of cut scenes over gameplay, "man is more evil" over the monsters, clickers are knock offs of zombies designs from other games and I could go on. I'm glad to see the sequel people finally see what a hack company Naughty Dog actually is.

  2. You're still delusional about TLOU 1, Joel is obviously and demonstrably the bad guy; there never was any hint of doubt that the vaccine could be produced, that is something you made up in your fan fiction.

    Just as a reminder.

  3. People got pissed off with how Dr. Beckett died in Stargate Atlantis. He wasn't a full main character in the series. And didn't get many episodes featuring him. He died in a similar crappy, shock value way. And his death was hated by fans. Where they had to write him back in, as a clone. If you are going to kill off a character. And they aren't total unknown background fodder. You have to give them a death that makes sense. Here's another example. Xena Warrior Princess. She got her own show. Now, instead of Xena starting a redemption arc. After she left Hercules. The writers left her the horrible murdering psychopath, for the series. NO ONE WOULD WATCH. That is what they pulled with Abby. Here's the character that killed your player character. First thing anyone would do. Once they got control. Is kill Abby themselves. You either went through the motions of the game. Not caring about the game anymore. You shut off the game and refunded it/destroyed it. Or you never cared about the games story. You just want to shoot stuff.

  4. I cant wait to see how they handle this is S2. Having recently watched the series (and ofc the efap tvs, don bless) I cant imagine how Joel's decision would be considered as dooming world when i found that the show went out of it way to emphasise how a cure is impossible (The scene with the mycologist in Jakarta who says "I've studied these things my whole life…there is no cure, there is no vaccine") and society has morally degraded(Henry and Sam episodes, cannibal cult).
    Its going to be very interesting to see if Mazin and Druckman keep the same story or change it…

  5. The only Cosmonaut video I ever watched was his video on Star Wars Rebels. I had never watched the show, it looked meh. He talked it up quite a bit, made it seem like a good watch, so I have carried a generally positive view of the show since then. This is now making me question anything Cosmonaut has ever claimed.

  6. Not beloved, yet every single Sony Playstation advert is featuring him since the game came out.Every second cosplayer have dressed as him. Now beloved. Cosmotard.

  7. They knew if they went through the real scenario where all the tests a real live specimen would've gone through( ues the specimen needs to be alive and if possible awake), just for them to fail(1 specimen is not enough) the fireflies would've been seen as the evil monsters we know they really are. Ellie wouldn't have been saying her death would've matter, she would've been begging for death and would've hated the Fireflies with her entire soul.
    In either scenarii, Joel made right call.

  8. Imagine how good the narrative drama could have been if Joel had to outright tell Ellie that she was never going to save the world with the Fireflies, and before she can reconcile with that she watches him die and has to struggle with immense survivor's guilt and her unresolved messiah complex.

  9. Joel started off hating Ellie because, aside from her being so abrasive, he was broken and closed off after his own daughter died. Over time, he grew to see her as family and threw away the prospect of a cure because he valued Ellie so much that he couldn't bear losing his daughter a second time.

    Joel is loved because he's a father who would go through hell and back for his kids. Additionally, Joel can be killed in a way the audience would accept: heroically fighting off humans or infected in the process of protecting Ellie.

    It really blows my mind how people will run defense for this game's treatment of Joel. As the primary protagonist of the first game, he deserved better than to be sacrificed on the altar of progressive politics in games. TLOU2 is a mess from top to bottom.


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