Jim Morrison The Doors rehearsal space in Venice Beach

As told by Ray Manzarek in his auto-biography, “Light the My Fire” combined with photos of The Doors at the time as well as movie footage in which the rehearsal space appeared in the background. Visit https://JimMorrisonTheDoors.com or https://reddit.com/r/JimMorrisonTheDoors for more


14 thoughts on “Jim Morrison The Doors rehearsal space in Venice Beach”

  1. The exact address is 4419 Oceanfront. I was forever trying to find the exact address while making a video about that rehearsal space and I finally found a document where Ray put down the address. I'm not sure that it's the exact house that you see in Model Shop but certainly nearby. I did use the same footage in the open of my vid because it's the closest I could get. That and a house from an early episode of "Canon."

    Here's the vid if anyone is interested in the early Doors vibe:

  2. Say man, I found the "rehearsal house" 5 years ago!……. One can see same sans the "Mondrian Windows" on my channel- "Clyde Beck" on You Tube…. I found same by matching the photo of "THE DOORS" standing relative to the "Venice pier"…….. And a big chunk of help from reading "John Densmore's biography…… That is, he said that the house was NORTH OF WASHINGTON BLVD….. I know Ray said same was at Northstar…. Which would make the "rehearsal house" south of Washington… However, if Ray's memory were correct, then the old photo of "THE DOORS" would have the Venice pier to their right in said photo; in which said pier ISN'T……. Hence, John's memory is correct!!!!…… Just please go check my video out ALL YOU FANS OF "DOOR'S" EPHEMERA…….

  3. I've seen others try to speculate as to the exact spot in Venice of that last photo, but your overlap at the end nails it. Living in LA, I can't help but wonder sometimes how much of it would Jim recognize today.

  4. This was cool. Nice research. Jim would have laughed & told us a story about fallen idols , why fame is only a vehicle & to properly respect ourselves in this all too brief life , to only worship the Sun .


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