Jim Cornette on The Passing Of Darren "Droz" Drozdov

From Episode 489 of the Jim Cornette Experience

Artwork by Travis Heckel!

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49 thoughts on “Jim Cornette on The Passing Of Darren "Droz" Drozdov”

  1. You look at life a whole lot differently when you go through something like Droz did for the rest of his life and he actually used it as a positive to help other people who have been paralyzed to realize life isn't over once you lose your mobility. Nobody wants to see it happen to them, but someone like Droz proves that what can be a huge negative can be turned into something positive when the person decides to make it that and who is to say that stem cell therapy couldn't have helped him.

  2. RIP Droz. A good person, who suffered a bad accident, but retained a very positive outlook on life.
    If he'd wallowed in misery and anger for the rest of his life after the accident, nobody would blame him.
    He didnt. He was inspirational because of that. Sad to hear he's gone. Rest easy.

  3. Droz was better than Bret Hart.
    Droz is better than Bret Hart.
    Droz will be better than Bret Hart.

    Darryl Drozdov got his neck broken, his life ruined and was reduced to a chair he had to blow on to move and still made peace with D-Lo Brown who injured him and assured multiple times it wasn't his fault and lived with a smile on his face for the rest of his days.

    Bret Hart had it all and threw it away many many times by being a massive mark for himself, believing that he was that hot shit for a 20 year contract when not even Hogan had one like those, then decides he's way too hot stuff to lose in Canada and keep the belt of a company that didn't had him on a contract just because he was Bret Hart, then goes to WCW out of spite instead of Japan or Mexico and gets sidelined by Hogan, then he's forced to do the job for someone the great and mighty Bret Hart decided worthless (Goldberg) takes a stupid kick that barely touched him but decides to blame the man for the rest of his life for the concussions he himself provoked, keeps full mobility but rejects doing any kind of therapy or work to get back to the ring he allegedly loves so much even if it's once for one last match, then goes to AEW because he thinks he'll be a demigod there and they they bring his dead brother's likeness by her widow and he signs a legends contract with the company that allegedly screwed him and proved to kill his brother, then calls the widow of said dead brother a soured out woman and stops speaking to his nephews because they don't suck the teat of the man whose company killed Owen to begin with.

    Great man that droz, I'd trade all the Hart family for him to come back and never have that accident.

  4. Dude was so down to earth. Even when talking about him getting paralyzed. He had no I’ll will towards delo brown. It was just an accident that happened. Dude played pro football and then became a wrestler. He never ran the business down and actually tried to learn. Much respect to that man. RIP Droz/Puke.

  5. When one of these 160lb guys lands a 450 wrong and is folded in half the the bad way….well, it’s gonna be horrific, but it’s also gonna be like something from Idiocracy.

  6. Droz endeared himself to me when he called his mom upon being hired by the WWE. Any man that cares enough about his mom to call her with good career news gets some respect from me. Despite being given a useless gimmick and being paralyzed for life the guy continued to have a strong, positive outlook (and immediately and repeatedly forgave D-Lo for it, after D-Lo was devastated by the accident). I only wish I could be as positive about life as this guy was during his. RIP Droz!

  7. I don't wanna dump on anyone when they just died, (what a great way to start a post) but For the life of my i can't remember anything memorable he did in wrestling. Yes i do remember the beyond the ring bit, at the time it was a fun scene.

  8. damn. what a shitty way to find out Droz passed away. i was fascinated with wrestling in the small window of time that Droz was around. he was gone as quick as he came. i never truly knew what happened to him until way later in life. RIP Droz. Glad he got some kind of coverage.

  9. Droz Got hurt because back then it wasn't a cartoon. They went for a move, It went wrong for whatever reason and Droz was injured. Today, It's a cartoon. The wrestlers dance to the ring, Once they get in the ring they spend 20 minutes taking off their sunglasses, And flowers, One guy throws the other into the ropes, They go outside, Someone gets thrown into the announce table. They roll back into the ring. Someone either does a curb stomp or a tight pull for the win. Match over. Now, I've been a wrestling freak for fifty years….. But, Anyone with some sense knows that today's wrestling SUCKS! PERFECT example. Let's take the no rules match last night on Raw. Theirs a no blood clause in wwe because, They "Want to connect with their younger audiiences. BULLSHIT! If you don't want your kid watching wrestling, Send the little puke to their room! In short, It's PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING! YOU ARE GOING TO GET HURT! Its not needle point.

  10. i heard years ago that the injury to droz was kind of like the wreck that killed earnhardt. just a slightly differnt angle nad it wouldn't have killed dale and same with droz he'd of got hurt probably but not near as bad. just one of those unfortunate just an inch or two either way we're telling a different story

  11. RIP Droz. I was nt a huge wrestling fan for very long, but i was into it hardcore in the late 90s watching raw every monday. Always enjoyed droz. Loved seeing him in those dark side episodes, it was good to know he was doing well considering. Always wondered what happened to him.. did nt find out till years later and was heart broken


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