Jim Bakker has an anti-woke contract for pastors to sign (really) | Woke Jesus | Part 3

Jim Bakker had Lucas Miles on to talk about his new book, Woke Jesus. They also talk about the contract found on his website that he wants people to pressure their pastors into signing – an anti-woke contract. it’s absolutely absurd.

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45 thoughts on “Jim Bakker has an anti-woke contract for pastors to sign (really) | Woke Jesus | Part 3”

  1. Atheist are more often closer to Jesus actual teachings then the Christians are as atheist seem to have morals that are not for sail as easy as the Christian morals are, we tend to vote more democratic then republican witch is much more in line with the teaching of Jesus! We don’t need to be threatened with eternal punishment to make us be good to others unlike the Christians do yet they are the moral majority LMFAO when you point it out to them they lose there’s hit but it is so true

  2. I love that you call it "Breath of the Wild 2", lol, you're not wrong, though I am enjoying it thusfar, and part of the reason I picked it up on a sale recently was watching some of your gameplay on videos like this. As for the fairy, haha, I do remember those…overly amorous fairies from Breath of the Wild. She was just giving Link an underwater hug…yeah….that's it.

  3. Owen you have a fantastic voice, I could listen to Audio books narrated by you. I really wanted you to keep going and finishing the book

    Hello from Australia by the way. Love your content. Long time lurker, first time commenter

  4. OMG! I looked all that up YESTERDAY! You're the FIRST person I've seen address this besides myself, . The reason I looked it up is because I was trying to get the SOURCE of the QAnon movement, and traced DIRECTLY back to the TRASHY Protocols of the Elders of Zion book AND the Evangelical christian End Times narrative! (I was RAISED in the Evangelical faith and I KNOW their crap backward and foreward! QAnon is a BLEND of the Evangelical Eschatology and Neo Nazi types! Everything you're now saying is what I put almost word for word in an email I sent to a friend this am. (SADLY, she is full-blown QAnon!) All of this is so VILE and EVIL! (And SADLY, again, I have NO group that I can align myself with because I AM what you refer to as an _"Anti-vaxxer" and even though I worked in the Medical "profession ?" for 40 years I now DETEST them and what I call Big Pharma . I am a LIBERTARIAN politically. But because I do share many of the Anti-Vaxx beliefs with the Q types I am being FALSELY labled as PART of them! That SUCKS-especially since I am 1000% AGAINST ALL televangelists and mainstream"christians" and I also am 1000% OPPOSED to ANY form of Anti-semitism-to the point where I will NOT allow anyone in my home who spouts it-even my OWN daughter! I will continue to stand ALONE.

  5. The commandments might have said, "Thou shall not kill" but in Exodus 32: 28 you will read that God had the tribe of Levi, after seeing they had made the golden calf to worship, to go into each tent and kill a brother or a friend or a neighbor and they killed about 3,000 of their own people from that command. Also when Jesus was ask about the eunuchs he had this to say, " For there are some eunuchs, who were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, who were made eunuchs of men: and there are eunuchs, who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." The people the Jews wanted to avoid were the Samaritans….." In Jesus' day, the Jews usually avoided passing through Samaria because of the enmity between the Jews and the Samaritans that spanned centuries Yet Jesus praised the good Samaritan because of his good deed in helping the man left beaten and robbed on the side of the road, one that three priest past by and did nothing to help.

  6. P.S. And the BIGGEST irony is that MOST of this group is AGAINST the covid shots and entire covid protocol (The ONLY thing I have in common with them) yet they completely IGNORE the fact that it was TRUMP who almost single handedly got the damn shots on the market YEARS befoe they SHOULD hve been (Operation Warp Speed) He proudly admits it-even brags about it-and continues to encourage EVERYONE to take the shots and boosters! Some of them actually think the shots are "the Mark of the Beast) I do NOT-I have other reasopns for being against them. Anyway if TRUMP is their "Messiah" sent by "God" to SAVE them from The Bad Guys- why the HELL is PROMOTING "the Mark of the Beast!? " But if you ASK any of them about this they either go dead silent or verabally BULLISTIC!!

  7. I've gotten to where I can't even listen to these assholes anymore. It makes so mad to hear these folks speak lies with a straight face. And then go around the country preaching and giving their holier than thou bullshlaka!

  8. The thing is that there's ALWAYS been a left-leaning group of christians, because of course there was. A large part of the abolition movement was primarily led by liberal Christians in England who got more people to sign a referendum to add anti-slavery provisions to the treaty of vienna in 1815 than the amount of English voters who came out to vote in the previous federal election there a few years prior. So it's just Bakker showing a total ignorance of not only history in general, but Anglo-Christian history in particular.

  9. I don’t believe in a God or Jesus, but if there were, they’d be lefties. They certainly wouldn’t be rightoids. Why do they think like this? Probably because they’re ghouls.

  10. Every time I hear them mention "Woke Jesus", I'm reminded of that comedy sketch about GOP Jesus. "What does a man gain if he trades his soul for the whole world… A lot; he gets a lot. One soul versus the entire world. That's a pretty good deal."

  11. It's bitter sweet that I get to watch you play breath of the wild 2. My son was a huge fan of breath of the wild to the point where we included it in his funeral. He passed 5 years ago due to kidney disease. He was 23. He would have loved your show! Thx man. 😁

  12. Christians are such incredible snowflakes. They have to meet weekly or their religion will crumble to dust. It's a drug that has to be administered weekly or they will suffer immensely.

  13. He accuses other christians of being unrighteousness, while claiming to be persecuted and being accused of being unrighteousness.
    How can one be both oppressor and be oppressed at the same time?

  14. It is so scary to think that our own governor in Oklahoma is part of this dangerous death cult and it's already hurting our education system by pretending to be persecuted in order to insist that only Christian teachers will be able to apply for the job and to ensure that only Christian prayer is allowed and enforced in Oklahoma scools! It's not just unlawful, it's embarrassing at an international level!!!!

  15. The excerpt of the Articles of Zion that you read almost sounds like these people would support Affirmative Action because they want representation that reflects the overall population. I guess it's only when they're the minority.

  16. Question to Owen: why do you think the bible is the leading authority in questions of the christian faith? It sure wasn't leading for Jesus, the apostles, or to the first christians because it didn't exist yet.
    Edit: Also, the first settlers didn't emigrate to America because they couldn't worship like they wanted to (they could in Holland), they emigrated because they got kicked out of various protestant countries in Europe. They were so radical they couldn't stop meddling with other denominations, they constantly told the people who welcomed them in their midst that they dressed too frivolously, that their religious practices were sacrilegious, and that everybody except them would go to hell, which soured relations with other denominations quickly. They even got kicked out of Holland which was the most religiously free country in the world at the time.

  17. Even if there is a difference regarding faith. The Bible says that the first (adan) came from clay, that just means, from stone! The new creationists are arguing that we didn't come from a rock…but where does the clay come from? So many when God was looking for an excuse for not knowing where he himself was. Genesis, second day of something! Living in the dark.

  18. 34:15 you were thinking of the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar. He had the golden statue, but he repented and turned to Yahwey after the three Hebrew boys supposedly didn't die when he threw them in a furnace. The show may have mentioned that, but the more common Trump bible parallel is the Persian king, Cyrus the Great, who freed the Jews from Babylonian captivity. 🙄🙄🙄

  19. book is crap and the idea that nothing exists when one dies is sad and people to believe in notingness is so sad when there is a god and heaven and as they say we were created to create.


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