JetBrains Fleet — Visual Studio Code Killer?

Jetbrains have released their all new code editor Fleet into public release today. This is obviously aimed at competing with the juggernaut Visual Studio Code… the question is, how well does it does? Fleet transforms from a fast (aka… fleet) text editor to a full blown IDE with the click of a button.

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36 thoughts on “JetBrains Fleet — Visual Studio Code Killer?”

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  2. "(free version) Requires login and periodic connection to JetBrains servers to verify the project."
    Burn it. Bury it. Throw it into the sea.
    This vscode "killer" will not work without internet connection. I'm not even interested in trying. I don't need prima donna editor which can decide that it will not work on my project.

  3. I wouldn't say this is a "Visual Studio Code Killer" or even a "competitor". This is something else that targets a completely different audience.
    Mostly corporations wanting "more cloud" and a "one click environment" where they can just push the software and not have to spend the time setting it up.

    The fact that it's closed source AND functionally limited compared to a paid version, means it was never made with an intent to improve or better anything.
    It was just JetBrains looking at the popularity of Visual Studio Code and going "Oh man I bet we could make some fat stacks of money off of that 🤤".

  4. I'm still happy with my old friend SublimeText. I didn't switch to VSCode, which takes so many ideas from Sublime, because the variius configurations file are messier compared to Sublime Text.
    But hey, you do you I do me 😉

  5. A clever move by JetBrains: they have stated:Free to use during public preview. I imagine they want to attract as many people as possible before switching to be paid service. By then some users will get addicted to it features and be more inclined to switch from their other free tools.

  6. Just tried it (wasn't part of the beta-testing).
    Opened a Go app I've been working on. It identifies it as Go in Settings, but states that all imports and "string", "bool" etc. etc. are all undefined entities. So already at the very begining of testing it it fails. … wonder if they will remove the Toolbox thingy – annoying to have a tool to install an application that then lingers on in the toolbar afterwards and not telling where Fleet is installed.

  7. Jet Brains products are way chunky! It distracts from the core process which is writing working programs.

    I know Jet Brains typically make IDE that's different from text editors as VS code but again, VS code just does the task whereas Jet Brain forces you to learn and employ unnecessary stuff.

    In almost, every programming tasks, core task is to write useful code that solves a program, I really don't know any Software Engineer who spend majority of time thinking and trying to solve a problem on paper and on meeting (mostly applicable for big companies) than staring at a screen and write code aimlessly.

    If Jet Brain really wants to compete with VS code then they should come-up with something that's fast and way minimal than VS code with high functionalities than's actually used by almost 90% programmers


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