Jehovahs Witnesses Release Caleb And Sophia Video About Isolating Children

In this video, I debunk a caleb and sophia video about who you should have as friends. the answer? definitely not outsiders. jehovahs witnesses only. This is episode 47.

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23 thoughts on “Jehovahs Witnesses Release Caleb And Sophia Video About Isolating Children”

  1. 9:19 Broooooo!! I totally get it now!! She was on an empty bus cuz the class went on a field trip to the science museum, where they got prizes and to do all kinds of cool stuff. And Sophia because her parents are religious fundamentalist did not get to go.

    EDIT: Obviously wrote before the teacher talked lol

  2. Idk why this bugs me so much, but they just made up the whole story about Martha's friends! That's not in the bible at all! So, how was Sophia supposed to read up on Martha and get a lesson about friendship??

  3. The only time I've ever heard jewess is in really really old stuff or anti Semitic stuff. JW is probably old mindset stuff more than anti Semitic, but extreme Christians always have an under current of that because they blame the entire Jewish community for the acts of the pharisees.

  4. Being a JW ruined my formative years and I ended up quitting on college to 'serve' Jehovah and get married. I have a few online friends who live in other countries, but no real friends. I gave up on an education and career to pioneer and be a SAH mum. Now I'm out, and free of the husband I married far too young, I feel like I've missed out on my life. I try not to be bitter but it's hard.
    And it's a fricking tortoise, not a turtle!

  5. I feel you on the respect for your mom. My mom had no idea that her husband was sa me or that when we left him that she saved me. It has made me do some really messed up things because of that deep seeded respect . I've taken swings ment for my mom because of it

  6. What you said about them only being able to be friends with someone who is interested hit home. I am autistic and so friendship didn’t come easy to me, I remember the excitement of making friends with a girl at the park. It was huge for me!
    But I went to hang out with her for the first time, and it was at a church event where everyone had to bring one outsider with them to attend 😅 they talked about how we are born in sin because childbirth harms our mothers, and that sin is sticky. And to demonstrate that, they had us spread peanut butter on each other which was massively icky for me since I struggle with sticky textures.
    The girl never messaged me again after I decided I didn’t want to go back because of a bad experience 😅😅😅😅

  7. Out of curiosity, if you are in public school and have a school program that requires you to have randomly assigned team-mates (like my school did) would you be allowed to work with your team-mates?

  8. my final year of 3rd grade i couldnt go on a field trip cos im special needs and they had no TA's to spare for a week, its still messes with me (im in the UK btw so i tried to put this in a US setting)

  9. I think you missed the subtle feminist message they tried to slip in there. It seems small but I think it's very powerful. When he mentions that jesus is teaching women and it's wrong because good women belong at home serving men. As you mentioned JWs dont allow women to perform several tasks but it's interesting how they dont mention that but they mention Jesus teaching women. When I was a young girl learning about history and a womens job to be subjugated by men, it was refreshing to hear stories where women are allowed into positions where they're "not supposed to be". I would latch onto those stories when I could as a child. Feling the weight of just how awful society has treated members with the same genitals as me so badly for decades for such an arbitrary reason is painful to comprehend at such a young age. Children love to talk about what time period they would travel to if they got a time machine but when you're a little girl a lot of the time you just think about what parts of your life would be restricted just because of your genitals

    So I feel like they're using it here as a psychological trick to capture the same feeling in young JW women. I've been noticing a recent uptick in feminist language being used by conservative Christian women to convince women to join their organizations. Some protestors at a pro choice event I went to tried to convince various women that abortion was actually a tool of the patriarchy for men to avoid responsibility and when it was pointed out to her that 99% of the people and organizers at the rally were women, she just said we were all brainwashed by men. A video recommendation that popped up on my timeline recently was about the effects of birth control on the brain, I was curious so I clicked on it expecting a scientific review of how different birth controls can affect you and how they work. It was instead a woman saying over and over how there were chemicals and fake hormones in birth control and how you cant trust anything synthetic and it was just being used to harm and control women. I clicked on her channel and sure enough it was a Christian channel dedicated to biblical femininity but mysteriously she didnt bring up her beliefs in the birth control video

  10. The fact that it was a goofy looking atom shows that they probably went to some sort of science center. Not only was Sofia not allowed to go because she’s not allowed to befriend the other kids, but she likely also wasn’t allowed to go because it teaches science and facts that go against her religion. So not only are they alienating her from possible relationships, they are alienating her from places of education to keep her ignorant so she stays in the religion. It’s subtle but insidious in how they physically and mentally isolate their members.

  11. As an outsider, these videos are absolutely incomprehensible to me. All I can think of are those moments in media where an alternate universe where the villain wins is shown, and we see how corrupted the minds of everyone are through TV propaganda where they preach absolute unthinking obedience to Lord Evil. This cult does not just go against every advancement in psychological and social theory since the dawn of man (isolating children is one of the WORST thing you can do to them, for one example), but it's straight up anti-human!


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