Jason Momoa Speaks On Suing Amber Heard For Paying Media To Hate On Him

Jason Momoa Speaks On Suing Amber Heard For Paying Media To Hate On Him

It looks like the truth behind Amber Heard and Jason Momoa’s relationship is finally seeing the light of the day. And it is not what you might have expected. Amber Heard is coming for Jason Momoa and is trying everything in her power to ruin his fame and reputation. So what is Amber is up to now? Will Jason do something about it?

Jason Momoa was one of the few celebrities whose name was also dragged in the deflation trial between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. Jason’s name came up everytime Aquaman was mentioned. On the trial, Amber testified that due to the controversy surrounding the trial, her role of Mera from the movie Aquaman was significantly reduced. Amber revealed that she was actively preparing for the second Aquaman movie, but all communications stopped once Johnny sued her.

#jasonmomoa #amberheard


38 thoughts on “Jason Momoa Speaks On Suing Amber Heard For Paying Media To Hate On Him”

  1. Stardom is like political power today. Power of fame and money without any responsibility to society. True characters come out of people. She wanted to have fun and be powerful by bullying Johnny Depp, her Godfather in the industry. And Johnny marrying, even actors swapping partners like a phase of life shows the empirical example of what people do when they have name and fame. I think too much fantasy and reality has merged into society’s consciousness.

  2. Don't know shite about this situation but people blaming HER for HIS marriage breakup is absolute bull! It TAKES TWO, and more importantly HE had to WANT his marriage broke up or it would never happen, THAT is why there are RULES… such as, I dunno….
    How about the 7th Commandment?
    7. You shall not commit adultery… (Period!! )
    Or how about 10. You shall not covet…
    β€œYou shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”.

    And most importantly, he is an ADULT & a man he should know better than this especially given his age! He is not some 18 year old kid, still wet behind the ears! He made a conscious choice all on his own, to do what ever he did. (I have no idea what was done really, other than what I watched in THIS video but its all irrelevant as it will ALWAYS come back around to we have FREE WILL! but along with free will we have personal responsibilities as well.

  3. I will be honest and say that I don't care anymore.
    It has been shown that many hollywood elite, many media stars, and many in positions of power and government are disgusting humans that prey on children and enjoy backstabbing each other for pleasure.

  4. Clickbait Title notwithstanding, Amber is the textbook reason as to why "believe all women" is just as dangerous, stupid and as big as a folly as that ridiculous black lives matters and it's legion of cultists. In practice AND concept even.
    That horrible woman lied in court. She manipulated and coerced her friends to lie for her. In yet ANOTHER failed attempt to destroy the career, reputation, and life of a man that she could never, ever hope to stand next to. She knew that she was out of her League. She was completely undeserving and unqualified.
    She is a degenerate liar, a thief, a perpetually jealous little girl that no matter where she is or who's in the room she just can never seem to measure up. She tries to correct and cover for her shortcomings and character flaws by outright lying, bragging, and disparaging those who are clearly better and saner than her.
    She shit in her own bed and lied about that for years. What a disgusting, wretched little girl.

  5. For those who can't see the dislikes hidden by YT: this vid has 2K dislikes (vs 2.1K likes) as-of this post.

    YouTube's API still shows dislikes, so they literally do still count. Helpful for those of us using apps/extensions that show dislikes, by warning against false & misleading videos, such as this one.


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