James O'Brien's farewell message to Boris Johnson | LBC

This is James O’Brien’s farewell message to Boris Johnson as he steps down as Prime Minister

#JamesOBrien #BorisJohnson #LBC

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35 thoughts on “James O'Brien's farewell message to Boris Johnson | LBC”

  1. Don't agree with your observations about Corbyn. He was completely undermined by the right-wing party bureaucracy, and in effect by his MPs : the parliamentary party. Add in the Israel lobby and the rest of the "legacy media" and those are the people who "handed the premiership to BoJo 🀑 gift-wrapped". With the aid of the new bauble to distract the working classes, Brexit. 😏

    I know @mrjamesob doesn't think so: but Corbyn is the best prime minister we never had.

  2. Fortunatly we can just switch James O'Brien off , sure Boris is not the best , but he is far better than any of the opposition. Which is a sad state of affairs , the quality of the opposition is so poor it's why Boris got in .Despite his shortcomings .

  3. Nobody can expect you of knowing the culture of respect and honour awarded to a Prime Minister by his ministers. They disbelieved, hid and ignored his untruths and incontinence giving him a right to over rule all. Then it all got too much. Speaking is easy, criticising even easier. What have got to show your honesty, integrity and faithfulness. If you can understand and deal with everything, become a doer rather than undoer

  4. I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments James, but lets not forget that YOU and the rest of the MSM enabled these criminals because you were terrified at the prospect of a progressive socialist government. STILL waiting for the BBC to depict Boris wearing a Russian style hat superimposed Infront of the Kremlin!

  5. Can someone please tell me how the man who owns the biggest news paper here, who literally influences elections is a Lord and a non dom tax exile? This is literal evidence our country is run by the elites and the corporations for their best interests. It absolutely shouldn't be allowed. I cannot wait for the day we eat these parasites.

  6. Please take your medication everyday bro. You're totally loony. "Remainder" mental illness has now crushed your mind and consciousness. Be careful you're now in a state of mental breakdown.

  7. tom swarbrick is one of johnsons bag men…along with nick ferrari, Iain dale, and it should be illegal for Rachel Johnson to have a show on LBC… that in iteself should be classed as corruption

  8. I think they should make Daily Mail printed toilet paper with a picture of Boris. A fitting tribute to this piece of S**t PM. I would gladly wave as it disappeared down the U bend


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