James Cleverly outlines UK's multifaceted approach to China

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly delivers a speech at Mansion House where he will outline the UK’s policy towards China.

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37 thoughts on “James Cleverly outlines UK's multifaceted approach to China”

  1. Mao's famine is no different than Venezuela and Cuba's famine. All were artificially made by external forces. Those nations who causes the suffering of millions yet don't see the evil of such actions is just mind boggling. The colonalist travel around the world slaughtering native and stole their lands have the gal to lecture about morality and human rights.

  2. Another buffoon!! Got no idea or pretend he has got no idea. British Empire days are over!! Get real! BREXiT, no one wants to trade with U.K.!! No point setting up shop in U.K. and it is so expensive to produce and shop elsewhere in particular to EU!!

  3. Facts British induced famines in India were even bigger than the famines in China.

    When Mao came to power China's life expectancy was a meager 36 years of age. When Mao died in 1976 China's life expectancy was over 76 years of age.

    Before Mao came to power there were famines in China every 2 to 3 years.

    The famines that happened during Mao were the last famines China has experienced in more than 60 years ago.

  4. When its belligerent master, d US, points a finger n says bark, the old senile weakened bulldog goes..woof, woof, woof.. forgetting to think about its own well-being n future.

  5. He purposely and intentionally forgot to mention the opium war that killed millions of Chinese people! His remarks perfectly reflects the UK government and politicians in general are still day dreaming and comfortably but stupidly living in a bubble that simply does not exist!

  6. China and India (but especially China) will entertain the UK till they get back all the loot illegally taken, much of which are priceless items in British museums.

  7. Dear Foreign Secretary Sir James, your speech is the most rational since the first Trump Presidency. It displayed that the UK is still the most mature with deep sense of history.
    But critically speaking if China has been the most prosperous 20 out of 22 centuries, why should she subscribe to Western Democracy and values? Hasn’t it shown that democracy is not the solution to build wealth not would it help eradicate poverty?
    Socrates had stressed that like all professions government should never be left to a candyman elected by the people; when we don’t expect the candyman to perform as a doctor. Would we leave our lives to a “doctor” elected by the people rather than through intense medical training?
    By the way China’s imperialism system may seem dictatorial or autocratic but it isn’t. The underlying basis of this authority is delivery of societal goods. Any Emperor failing to deliver will find themselves in the middle of revolt.
    While it may seem violent, human societies have never seen anything less in resolving changes. It’s not unique to China but quite excessive in American history where only 16 years of it’s existence has there been no wars.
    So it is not true that Western democratic values are universal nor is it the most ideal…. It just doesn’t have the illustrious success of China’s 2244 years of a united polity!

  8. China had always been doing trade and living int peaceful co-existence with the Western World. She produced good that the West desired, like Silk, Tea and China. U.K.on the other hand produced not much that China needed.

    To re- balance the trade deficit, U.K., the self proclaimed country that uphold " Human rights and Democracy" firstly smuggled Opium into China. When that was not enough, it then forced sale of Opium into China by initiated and fought 2 Opium Wars. It further profited by exacting astrnomical sums of " war indemnity " from China. Demanded for "Zones of special influence" in Ch😮ina. Together with 7 other nations, almost completely carved up China.

    Whereas, China has done nothing similiar in reverse.

    Now this person is putting the guilt on China for producing good that the West needs but cannot produce. He places the blame on China for the "carbon emission" resulting from producing these goods for the West.

    He blames China for being able to stsnd up and fend for hrself.

    Smells like he is wishing to have the old U.K. conquest and brutality back.

  9. British policy towards China is driven by its masters in Washington DC. Conveniently ignore the plight of the peoples of Palestine, and Africa otherwise it will make our narratives on the support of the Muslims in Xinjiang sound hypocritical! Oh … did we create the Palestinian problem?

  10. Honestly Britain is just an irrelevant country with politiicians dreaming about the past , China does not gives a damm what Tiny Britain thinks & we would be better off to stop following Americas lead as its in decline, theres a reason why other European countries queued to see President Xi to further business/economic links in the huge economic Chinese market as it betters their economies & their own citizens.

  11. British has always been a giant in words but a dwarf in action; immediately after Cleverly’s speech British diplomats are working in their best ways to “bribe” the Chinese officials in order to win contracts in China.

  12. Typical British hypocrite as always. More and more clear now British people are walking on four legs close behind its master the US hegemony. Barks when told !

  13. We haven't got a lot of choice but to engage -the UK is an insignificant small island in the grand scheme of things -we have nothing the Chinese need -whereas we need China to keep the shareholders of UK PLC happy

  14. I‘m sorry, but to be honest, in Chinese we say these people are like flies – they fly, creating some sounds, indeed somehow annoying, but not harmful and not meaningful…. Sorry for saying this, but I’m not meaning to hurt the ordinary people in the UK.

  15. It’s not the interests of UK and EU to see the US dollar as THE only world currency anymore. EURO on its own, is not strong enough to challenge the dominance of the US Dollar. So UK and EU are welcoming the Chinese Yuan to come in as a major international currency. (why is that the trade between EU and China done in US dollar?). Hopefully in the future, the USA can’t not use US dollar as a weapon to bully the rest of the world anymore. 😂

  16. Capitalist greed has brought the whole Europe in an unacceptable strategic position with respects to China and vital supply chains. The tories seem determined to keep it that way, judging from Cleverly's weasel worded "outline".


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