JAMAICA NOW: Flight with Indians leaves Jamaica | No cries for justice for four men killed by police

MAY 11, 2024: Over 200 Indians who arrived in Jamaica on a chartered flight repatriated… Jamaica is pushing for safe, humane and regular pathways to migration… No cries for justice for four men killed by police in downtown Kingston… The Government and Opposition continue to lock horns over the Constitutional Reform process… The hearing of evidence at the trial of the Jamaica Defence Force soldiers charged in connection with the May 2010 murder of Keith Clarke was again delayed until Monday… Jamaica eliminates mother-to-child transmission of HIV and Syphilis.

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49 thoughts on “JAMAICA NOW: Flight with Indians leaves Jamaica | No cries for justice for four men killed by police”

  1. Why the goverment telling us rass lie the india come in to stay and work did they show us them in side the plain no and the one we see that all go back.what i want to tell our jamaican if you see india you never see befor them are the one that come in dont trus andrew

  2. The government continue to abuse there position not to the benefit of the people of Jamaica. Please do not insult Jamaicans intelligence by trying to fob us off with bare faced lies, humanitarian reasons Jamaica has enough issues with the Jamaicans who can't get jobs and those that are low paid and sub standard housing much less being so accommodating to a flight full of people who have no business in Jamaica is there a committee that overlooks what this shabby, shower of government are doing with Jamaica because the Jamaican people are not at the forefront or priority of this government at all and its totally obvious.

  3. God knows, I am wondering what is happening In Jamaica where else these things happen. No matter what they said you can't believe them is it that Mr. Holness said I don't care I am getting my money and that's all that that matters. Can you imagine some of these people could be murderers. Talking about humanitarian cause. When you have people in the Country needing humanitarian aid. I am wondering why people Vote.its as if pure thieves and liar's in Government.

  4. Every one repotin plain leave the plane must leave its not frm jam where is the passenger did all of the leave yu dont need university to know all of them leave jamaica where is our lite island why so much other country fiti g to get jamaica while citizens do t have watrr water and blood is life if the Gov taking water from us do the mat i dont think u all realy that fool my God have mercy

  5. We already have some many illegal Indians already living in Jamaica , especially in Ochi Rios and Montego Bay.
    We need to start enforce immigration in Jamaica . It’s like jamaica is an easy access for play for all these countries.
    We need stronger immigration, free from corruption.


  7. Everybody's glorifying jamaica because they're benefitting from the corruption that they're endorsing the crime minister with these evil set of monsters creating sufforage on the citizens of the country but god's not sleeping he sits high and he looks low and also he never sleeps

  8. People you are the government the head of state is the prismester call to him to chain the crocodile from all Ect if him.dont I can .tell you people .of. Yam maca island of the sun people you don't see nothing people u will suck shalt out of wooden .spoon u can fight anglis the police of Jamaica for Jamaican is very .out law on the
    Up head of Jamaica .can't do anything because Jamaica is 3 times bigger than America. So the prime's can't ungle.sches a large contentment. The government is the people may the holly spirit be with u and every one in Jamaica must mend your ways the .primester is a evil man people dieing every day on night on holl inness never said gunmen or gunboy bring you.gun to police station schools
    Or church know one will arrest that day in Jamaica it must to stop girl on limited of baby I think the Jamaica girl them have baby every three weeks that man is Evil

  9. Why these illigal aurcraft are headung to Jamaica,I strongly believe that this have been going on for a long long time the government, pribably was using Jamaica as a trans shipment port fir a ling time but they are just revealung it now, the prime minister is known to give the ports of Jams to criminal foreigners to run in 2021 to run, jamaica is on the list if countries involve in human trafficing

  10. Oh, the innocent Jamaicans, where the US State Department has issued a Level 3 advisory, citing violent crimes such as “ Home Invasions, armed robberies, sexual assaults, and homicides as frequent occurrences. A level three warning is one level below the most severe.

    One must assume India does not update their citizens on the deplorable state of some other countries.

  11. I dont even like to hear this information about Indians being accepted in Jamaica. I dont understand why outsiders are readily accepted into Jamaica the next stories we will hear is that they are promoted above our own people. This happens only in certain Caribbean countries and Africa with black people who value money over their own people Those same immigrants soon opened businesses of which nothing is wrong with that. The problem with me is when they develop themselves and starts to abuse our local people. that is when it becomes my problem. The government plays deaf ears to these issues while our people suffer silently. Working without medical insurance, sick leave, vacation without getting proper scheduled off days.
    And last but not lesat underpaid salaries, being abuaed verbally and physically and no department to report incidents. There are departments of course but no solid places where camplains are reported and will see justice because of the level of curruption in Jamaica. Outsiders paid money to the people in charge of certain government agencies in order that they can abuse the poor local people.

  12. Jamaica will no longer be "out of many one"
    It will be a divided country if we take in refugees. Jamaica will resent new immigrants if their standard of living superceded theirs.

  13. Jamaicans are tired of hearing PNP talking against JLP and vice versa. Shut up, because what you are saying doesn’t even make sense won’t do nothing and change nothing just talk, shut up, we’re all tired of all a unnuh.

  14. It's so so ridiculously ironic, the Prime Minister fighting about the National Identity bill which has been in works since 1970s, yet 200 plus individuals of different nationality that enter the country via plane with no identification…dont you see something wrong here…when they voted on the bill in 70s, many could not comprehend nor foresee the future effects of such bill and or many bills of the past decades, let alone the innovation and regulatory use of technology nor the effects of the advancement of. It's a new world now, we need our independence first and foremost.


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