Jackson city council member speaks out on Mississippi’s water crisis

Jackson city councilman Aaron Banks discusses the city’s history of water crises, as major flooding has created an emergency, leaving thousands without running water.

#mississippi #watercrisis #abcnews


43 thoughts on “Jackson city council member speaks out on Mississippi’s water crisis”

  1. It is too hard to fix a water pump and a filter. Did they even try? Probably not, so out of there own neglect they want to a billion dollars for it. LOL A JOKE.

  2. Aaron banks is too young too really know why the city is at the point it is the city have had too many do nothing mayors and do nothing governors to upgrade the water system in their tyme in Office this has been developing over tyme and it has exploded in their faces the only one trying to do anything at all is the mayor who's there now…..

  3. Look at the Agenda 2030 map. If your city or town is not in a mega region, their plan is to GET YOU OFF THE LAND and moved into a mega region. Your town will either be flooded, burnt out by “wildfires”, or your water or sanitation will be shut down, your electricity or natural gas will be shut off…or they will stop delivering gasoline to your town, or make it unbearably expensive to buy…or internet and telecommunications will be shut off. They will FORCE you one way or another into a mega region, where they will be building the new factories, and where they will need the labor for those factories. Wake up Americans.

  4. American 🇺🇸!!!!
    Federal and state level!!!
    Are responsible to keep up structure of water 💦 systems
    the EPA supposed to be checked on the federal and state level this show how government system don’t care!!!
    How American 🇺🇸!!! what happen in Flint Michigan history will continue repeat it self!!!
    How many more city’s or town’s in nation big issues happening!!!
    Wake up American 🇺🇸 pay taxes this is what Citizens get in state!!!!
    Here we want go Moon and Mars can’t fix issues on world!

  5. The National Guard should have water purification units. Why there isn't purification units from the US Army there already. Well it's nothing but a failure of the Socialist Biden Administration.

  6. The condition of Jackson isn't the State's fault. Jackson, Mississippi was not like this back in the day. It started declining the year a democratic Mayor was elected and they've voted in democratic Mayor's ever since. The City of Jackson is 100% to blame but Jackson's elected officials are pocketing the tax money so, of course, they will never admit it…Bennie Thompson included. They've had plenty of time to fix these issues but all they do is talk, make false promises, and never take action. They blame everyone else for their mismanagement of the city. New Orleans is one of the oldest cities in America, it's literally a bowl that requires water to be pumped out 24/7 but they get it done and make sure their citizens have clean water. If other cities can do it, so can Jackson. The water was brown when I worked in Jackson 15 years ago, it's nothing new! No excuse whatsoever as to why this hasn't been fixed; the only logical cause is incompetence and corruption. Do you honestly think that 30 years of tax revenue isn't enough money to fix the water infrastructure? Everything the elected officials of Jackson touch turns to garbage. Not only do they have a water crisis that they've had more than enough time and resources to correct, Jackson also has the highest property taxes of any county in the state (the property taxes on large homes in Jackson average $5,000 to $7,000 EVERY year & my Honda car tag was $980 EVERY year I lived in Jackson…for a HONDA!) But the City of Jackson officials claim they don't have funds to fix the issues? Where is the money going??? In Jackson, prisioners literally walk out of the front door of the jails on a regular basis, the schools are the worst in the entire state, the city is full of abandoned drug houses, people are shot everyday, they find dead bodies laying in the streets, they can't get companies to pick up the garbage so it's flowing in the streets, there are pot holes and sink holes so big that a school bus fell in one (not an exaggeration, it was on the news) and, as of 2021, Jackson is the second deadliest city in America. Wake up people, those things don't just happen by accident. Why isn't anyone asking him about the tax money paid by the people of Jackson? Where is it? It certainly wasn't invested in the streets, schools, and water system. When EVERYTHING about a city is awful, it's obvious that the elected officials "running" the city are the ones to blame…PERIOD! For the life of me, I cannot fathom why the people of Jackson keep voting for these "leaders". They take your money and do absolutely nothing and the current condition of the city proves it. Stop voting these people in office just because they are the political party you support. Give someone else a chance to make the city better because you literally have nothing to lose at this point.

  7. Tate Reeves and all the MS REPUBLICAN PARTY has robbed and stolen and denied Jackson it's resources for decades all by design that racism you can't see don't start talking about the education and lack of quality food situation this is new age racism the kind you don't see MS will continue and always be last long as Good Ole Boys Network(REPUBLICAN) are in charge

  8. I was born & raised in Jackson. I remember when I was in 6th grade (currently 24) we were out of school an entire week because the water was unsafe. Although I’m glad this issue is finally getting attention, something should have been done YEARS ago!

  9. Dancing 💃 dolls A good reflex on life… you would think… making habitat for existing residents who where there before and not making resolution for it… I'm surprised 😮 that isn't the only thing…

  10. This is a failure of government at all levels. This is America, people, and it's 2022. Get your stuff together, get off the time-wasting politics of identity, and start fixing what's really broken. What have they been doing with the millions from the fed the last decade? Creating "bike lanes" and "green spaces?"

  11. its happening again because they got the same ignorant buffoons they voted in back then. Damn you for asking the federal government for money to fix your piss-poor decisisions. Pay your own way like everybody else. BUMS

  12. Let's be clear, taxes don't pay for your water, your water bill does. The water infrastructure in this country is very old and outdated. The pumps that failed New Orleans during Katrina were built in the 1930s. It's a federal problem and should be addressed as such. Repairs aren't the solution, replacing must begin because at least 30%-40% of the country will have this problem. If blaming people is the solution, the problem won't get fixed.

  13. the places that don't need or want rain are getting the rain.. so much rain that its destroyed there water system.. meanwhile there are other places that need rain but don't get rain and lakes are drying up severally to critically low levels…. this is the world we live in…

  14. When your home does not have access to running water, your Property Value drops to Zero. Poor people. Hopefully this will be a wakeup call to all Government Leaders in the area, but most importantly hopefully people there, and everyone else watching this unfold will become Preppers. ….Preppers are now becoming some of the smartest people in our Society. They were all laughed at in the past. Nobody is laughing anymore.

  15. this plane flying around in mississippi all day is obviously a radio controlled aircraft . its done as a distraction from the water problem they have there. the plane is most likely a military exercise just like nato did on 911 for bush and cheney. they have no shame. the water flooding was done on purpose by the powers that be there to poison all the wells and make the people move out. they want them to not have free water but to now hook up to town water and sewerage systems that cost money. the rich want to steal the water and the land while getting paid for it. they are republican grifters just like they have in michigan and down in louisiana. stealing water and land and mineral rights and putting the poor people in the streets. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKXmmXa1bso call the army core of engineers to fix it all for free with federal emergency money.. arrest bush and cheney for murder of 3000 people and stealing 21 trillion dollars on 911. ive seen and heard of guys getting arrested, beaten to a bloody pulp, cavity searched, home and automobile seized and auctioned, and they were tried and found guilty for having one joint of marijuana and had to do 25 years hard time. and the trump gang, and atleast a few thousand others working within our government like them, do a million times worse and are accountable for nothing and to nobody. nothing but pardons and immunity and secrecy under national insecurity!!! cia, fbi, supreme court and secret service obstruct & erase criminal evidence just like they did for reagan with iran contra, bush and cheneys 911 horror show, and now trump with his massive national security and voting machine data dumps and theft of computer data. dont forget the kennedy muders and the 125 murdered witnesses. another ongoing coverup. there is no statute of limitations on 3000 murders at the twin towers or murders at the capital or seditious conspiracy or treason. gulliani was in charge of the cia records building 7 destroyed on purpose. jeb bush was in charge of security for the twin towers. cheney and rumsfeld covered the pentagon and nato. https://www.voltairenet.org/article174656.html there was a nato global military exercise that day sept. 11, 2001. https://tinyurl.com/2h62v8dw 21 trillion dollars was missing as a result, causing the financial crash of 2008, https://tinyurl.com/ycknnzdd and now adding to hyperinflation. meanwhile trump gives away 7 trillion dollars to the ultra rich tax free that tax payers have to now pay back. a million people died and trump and jared and pence give no help for covid . the treasonous flynn brothers pentagon sucks up 1 trillion a year into a black hole. the world bank, the cia and pentagon did nothing to stop 911 or the insurrection at the capital but with no accountability. they caused this war between russia and ukraine for profit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnAf9YnjeLs arrest putin and zelensky for war crimes and bring them both to trial now. dismantle nato , the cia and defund the pentagon. https://www.voltairenet.org/article189895.html arrest anyone who is selling weapons or using weapons to kill people and committing murder. outlaw standing armies and weapons sales between countries and war profiteering globally . http://en.people.cn/n3/2022/0424/c90000-10088344.html these pro war people are dangerous ,insane and should be in prison. this is all just nato play games and doing target practice while making hundreds of billions of dollars grifting like the trump gang.. they are destroying the planet and any chance of peace. they do it for money. dont let it happen. the world must stop them now. arrest them. end it now. the trump gang and the murderous military industrial profit machine people. they need to all go to jail.

  16. I am reminded of hurricane Katrina. Incompetence local mayor. Clear politics by the Governor. Similar history.

    Blacks and Whites in the Deep South need to get their collective acts together. They need to get past their horrific shared history.

  17. Can't afford to hire the necessary licensed water operators deemed only legal levels by the department of health? It sounds like there is a lot of corruption. They don't have enough money to hire the right people with all the water sales revenue, sales tax revenue. As their president says c'mon man 🤣


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