J.R. Majewski responds to claims he lied about active duty military service

Republican Majewski is running against incumbent Democrat Marcy Kaptur for the House seat representing Ohio’s 9th congressional district. Voting begins on Nov. 8.

READ MORE: https://www.wtol.com/article/news/local/jr-majewski-military-service-records-responds-to-ap-marcy-kaptur-ninth-congressional-district/512-68d5deff-b6f6-4cb4-a4a0-a883bdbf05f9

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29 thoughts on “J.R. Majewski responds to claims he lied about active duty military service”

  1. He played the "it's all classified" card – the surest, most desperate play of a confirmed liar. He knows he's busted, and it's obvious to everone. Somehow, we know where, when and who was on the Bin Laden raid – just a little classified – but he can't prove he was somewhere. I was at Camp David for 3 yrs – that's a LOT of classified – and somehow, it's right there in my record all 3 yrs Amazing!! Did a full hitch and got out as an E2 – strong work! Literally one stripe richer than boot camp. <sigh>

  2. No. The disgrace is you lying and claiming to be or served where you weren't. This is so typical of mad little man Napoleon tendencies that make you feel more vluble then you earned station. The integrity issue lies with you. You got low self esteem, you feel the world has not given you what you were promised and you are agery. You blame everyone else for your lack. OWN YOUR…!!

  3. If it was classified, it would say so in his record and on his DD214, including clearances as on mine. As a vet and mother of a retiring soldier, this man is pathetic, and I would call it stolen valor…

  4. Stolen valor how low can you go , but it’s many more out there who have infiltrated the ranks of morals, but as long as he is running for a republican seat and definitely is unwilling to admit his lies he will get backing, I actually feel empathy for the people who are on this train
    We used to joke about political figures as full of it , it’s becoming rapid and a new normal. Who chooses to stay blind to their own facts .

  5. Phoenetic: MY-ESS-KEE is the correct pronunciation of his last name.
    Jeeez WTOL, you would think since Toledo has a large Polish population, you would have a clue on this; I think they take pleasure in the mispronunciation.

  6. Bla bla bla says the trump maga sore LOSERS! Just Tired of other trump losers crying they lost & blaming other spoiled republucan babies that never belonged in leadership roles to begin with. Maga cult is a disgrace to any party. Shut up now! You lost!

  7. Ill urge anyone to remind him of basic disregard to true valor. And the right to silently kneel during the National Anthem. ….. Keep in mind the pledge of allegiance when you have to hold your right hand over your heart is not the same as the National Anthem.

  8. This pussy. My father ACTUALLY served 8 years in Afghanistan special forces and guess what???? There's proof. Again, this pussy simply wanted to wear the vet status a cover up for his poor campaign stance.

  9. Every squad had that "one guy." That "one guy" who only joined the military because he thinks he can 360NoScope the whole Taliban but rode the whole 12 mile run in the back of the truck, got put on probation for nearly shooting a superior by accident because he accidentally pulled the trigger while the safety was accidentally left on, doesn't listen to anybody's orders because he thinks real war is like a COD game, got caught drinking a beer on base, leased a Mustang at 24%APR despite everyone screaming at him not to because he just wanted a Mustang and spent most of his four years cleaning toilets because he couldn't be trusted with anything else. Majewski was that "one guy" in his boot camp, his squad and his warehouse


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