I've Been Struggling..

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Intro Music: “If I Told You” Performed by Lois Mahalia, Written by EJ Cox

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29 thoughts on “I've Been Struggling..”

  1. Cam you are a single mom, it is hard for any single mom to get on top of things especially after a move. It can be frustrating when you have set goals and you get all excited to start and then stuff happens and its like well S***. You are not alone in how you feel. Advice I don't know if this will help too much but for me when I get like this (which has been often) I redo my list and fo the absolute things to the well I can get by another day. A really long shower (not a bath person) has always helped too. Hey think about it this way the new year is coming up and maybe you can start fresh (er) on Jan 1st.

  2. I’m in the same boat and my father told me something wise you don’t have to get it all done at once but do a little bit day by day step by step and you’ll get there it hit me hard thought you could you that fatherly wisdom right now love you Cam you got this it’s okay to be dramatic at times it’s part of adulthood if one single adult looked at me and said I’ve never been dramatic even if it was behind closed doors my conversation ends there because that is a very bold faced lie. Little by little step by step and it’ll get done a little bit everyday is better then nothing and it will make you feel accomplished

  3. I completely relate. I just moved into a new home on my own with my 3 girls who are 3 and under. I'm only 23 and working 2 jobs, juggling child care. And in the last two months I've had strep, covid, and TWO colds back to back. For weeks. It's horrendous.

  4. I know this is very personal, but if you dont mind, What do you talk about in therapy (related to this problem of mental health and lack of productivity) im in the same place but dont know how to make therapy help

  5. Cam please don't be so hard on yourself. We all struggle sometimes but don't beat yourself up about it. Just do whatever you CAN do at the moment and whatever that is, even if it is just waking up and existing, that's ENOUGH!!!

  6. I appreciate how real this video was. It made me feel like I wasn’t alone. A concept that my English teacher taught me my freshman year of collage was the writing style of the shity first draft. It has helped me so much. I am the type of person who gets grand fantasied visions of how I want my ideas to play out, then sit stumped by the towering expectations I have created for myself. With the concept of the shity first draft you just write, or film or do whatever you are trying to do. You just sit down and do it. Not for profession, not for even for completion. You simply write, with the only expectation being it will be shity, because that’s how first drafts should be. I highly recommend looking into the concept, we watched a video on it in class and it has slowly moved from a writing method to a modification for other areas of my life. Anyway, sorry if this didn’t make any sense, it is almost 2:00am, I am sick, and I accidentally took too many puffs of my inhaler so my hands are clumbsily shaking across the keyboard as I struggle to type this. As much as I know I need to go back and review this post for errors, that the moment I know my brain is not in the space to concentrate on that and that is okay.

  7. Thanks for always being honest, raw, real, relatable, and always amazing councel even in your darkest days. I've been struggling so much as well lately, and this vid helped me.

    Congrats on your first paid gig – that's huge and I'm so proud of you!

    Well done also for the realisation that your book should be a docco, I'm excited to see it, it'll definately be worth the wait.

    I recommend getting the headspace app, practicing gratitude daily, reading positive quotes and mantras,and especially doing deep breathing (amigdula breathing), it helps me a tonne.

    Put on some easy listening music( I recommend the teskey brothers) and set a 10 min timer and try to do a speed clean, if you want to stop at the end of 10 mins that's fine, reward yourself after that time with something nice.

    Merry Christmas and happy new year,

    Thanks for all you do.

    Merry Christmas, happy new year.

  8. Its okay to feel the way your feeling. I just want you to know that how I cope is telling myself that everything happens for a reason.💛 I like to believe it makes us stronger. Just find ways to get through it and you'll see that its only temporary.. It just sucks at the moment.

  9. Cam, sweetie, don’t be so hard on yourself. You have taken on so much and you are doing a wonderful job. We can only do the best we can, and when we do the best we can we have accomplished everything. You have every right to be upset and throw your adult tantrums; but don’t take it out on yourself and so hard on yourself. Seeing you struggle is heart breaking. I wish I could take all this stress and pain away from you. You don’t know me; but if I was close to you I’d come unpack your whole house for you and help you. Go buy some airborne gummies and take them daily; they help so much. You have gone to one environment to another that’s totally different, your body will take some time to adjust. You are a bad ass mom and a bad ass person and I look up to you so much. I don’t say these things lightly, I truly look up to you. Even in your bad days give yourself a hug and tell yourself you are enough and doing enough. ❤

  10. Definitely going through this loop myself and my two year old has the flu and now I might have it as well so spending Christmas alone wasn’t in my plans and I had so much house work I wanted to get done but I’m feeling awful today 😢

  11. Whoever tells you you’re being over dramatic is BEING so insensitive. When I get in this spiral there’s NO stopping it or talking me out of it. You need to ask your doctor about possibly being on antidepressants. I was in a loop like this and the meds help me to stop over thinking and just do it. Sometimes women can’t shut off their anxiety because is a instinct for our babies. I’ve been on lexapro and I don’t feel any different except I have had waaaaaayyyy less day’s spiraling and more days getting things done.

  12. Hi Camryn. Maybe you should really consider not moving every year, because moving is very draining, especially with two toddlers, especially being a single parent on your own. Try to create that stability by sticking to a place and traveling less. Have family go to you instead

  13. Girl setting up a house is rough. Especially when ur trying to do it yourself. You seriously need to hire someone to come n do the organizing and the cleaning n the set up done for u. It’s prob like a 1,000.00 job. But ur in a funk. I bought a house in July n i haphazardly threw this house together for the housewarming. But like I am legit in a funk too. U need to have the house stuff done for you so u can focus on other things n that way ur house is comfortable. Also don’t add any deadlines to your life aside from ur freelance job. Just take a breath

  14. hey Cam, as a fellow art student, I've been thinking of what to say for the past week but I hope you read this. have you thought about going back to education (college) and pursuing your interests there? I can be rewarding and you can find a course suitable at your own pace. It can challenge you to explore and push yourself further, also in the industry, while being supported by the college. If you like photography and editing, you can browse through digital courses that may seem interesting to you, although the hard part is being out of the schooling cycle, getting back into the cycle may take up some time. If you like storytelling, you can think about illustration, sculptures, filmmaking, storyboarding, literature, game development, prints & graphics… Yes, there are many things that comes with getting a degree, but for some people they get to make new friends and learn about independence in a new place; they can enrol with an "undecided" major, starting fresh and find their way around their passion and strengths in their skills through university. Not to mention, the student discounts 😉

    Edit: I should also clarify that this is my optimistic perspective since I am able to find maybe even my top second choice careerpath-wise.


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