I’ve Added a Desert Canyons Biome to my Voxel Game

Hey everyone, here’s a showcase video for the new biome ive added to the game. Explore winding canyons baked in unrelenting sunshine with new locations to explore and new challenges to overcome.



22 thoughts on “I’ve Added a Desert Canyons Biome to my Voxel Game”

  1. How do the chunks generate this quickly? Takes longer than the time it takes me to walk to the world border in CyubeVR on my 6700k, and the voxels in this game are 0,5m*0,5m*0,5m big, so much bigger than in your engine

  2. Is there anywhere that you post updates or have a community other than twitter (and obviously youtube)?
    I like to keep up with projects like this, but I don't use twitter.


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