It's Time To Talk About THAT Starfield Delay…

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31 thoughts on “It's Time To Talk About THAT Starfield Delay…”

  1. I understand that waiting and actually taking time is good for the game but I think that delaying became a marketing thing nowadays. I mean look everyone it talking about the game again

  2. crazy to think that the last time a proiper bethesda game came out, i was still in high school. I graduated from uni 2 years ago lol.

    Then again, there is a mass effect mod being made for a game called sins of a solar empire that i remember being excited for all the way back in my first year of high school and it's still not done i dont think.

  3. At this point delaying a game is free marketing for triple a studios. Setting unachievable release dates to get tons of publicity when announcing the game. A new media cycle

  4. I'm always pro-dev, and I think gamers should start waiting until a game is in their hands before getting too hyped. These companies should also try a lot harder not to lie, and to understand the capabilities of their employees. Good games are not made and finished based on your quarterly earnings reports.

    Now, the real question is what happens if it gets delayed again, or doesn't. I believe that every project has a momentum. When it's going, you feel it. Stuff gets done, ideas slam together and create something better, people want to get back and work on that thing they thought about all morning. Once momentum stops, it can be hard to get anything done. You look back at your day and realize you just sat around for hours waiting for someone else who is waiting for someone else.

    Wish you well Bethesda, let's light that lamp a couple more times eh boys?

  5. I'm okay with the delay. But to be honest all this Delay talk is happening because Xbox decided to say "these are the games coming in the next 12 months" Game development is variable, you cannot predict if a game is really coming in the next 12 months. I hope they drop that in the next showcase, if you want plan it internally, but NEVER, NEVER say that to your customers in this case the players.

  6. Xbox has been a complete joke since Covid. Following liberal logic is never smart! Letting your employees sit at home is just plain dumb. Especially when they aren’t even really risking very much. We know the Covid death numbers were way inflated because even if you died of a gunshot, you got counted as a Covid death if you happened to have it at time of death. Also super dumb. Bill maher did a poll and 40 something percent of democrats thought 50% of people who caught Covid ended up in the hospital. What in the living under a rock type of shit is that?


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