It's The Same Old Theme, Since Nineteen-Sixteen | Mass Effect 2 | Blind Let's Play Through | Ep. 17

Welcome to my completely blind experience of the Mass Effect trilogy! Since this is a blind play through; I have NO idea what this game is about or what to expect. I’m so excited to share this adventure with you all and I hope you enjoy the play through 🙂

In case you missed it, check out my play through of Mass Effect 1!

SUMMARY/NOTES: In today’s adventure, we complete Tali’s loyalty mission. She has been accused of treason and could be banished from her flotilla forever. Once aboard, we find out the true nature behind the treasonous charges and dive deeper into politics, the geth and Tali’s father’s past.


Some timestamps for you!
0:00 Intro / Mission Info
7:14 The Migrant Fleet
16:04 Tali’s Trial / Talking Politics
53:13 Alarei’s Geth Situation
1:19:30 Tali’s Judgement
1:23:40 Post-Trial Discussion
1:30:58 Messages / Crew Chat
1:41:58 Shepard, Out


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19 thoughts on “It's The Same Old Theme, Since Nineteen-Sixteen | Mass Effect 2 | Blind Let's Play Through | Ep. 17”

  1. Looking at the crew missions so far, with Miranda (saving sister), Grunt (adulthood), Mordin (saving protege) and now Tali (politics), they're all quite different so far, don't you think?

    On another note, doesn't it feel like Admiral Xen and TIM are kind of similar personalities?

    Important request

    Congratulations, even after death you still get scam mails 😉


    He feels bad because he's strong without having to get strong. Other dead Krogan tried, made an effort to become strong even though they failed. Even though he's an adult now, he's still searching for his purpose, proving himself on the battlefield. He has no accomplishments except for killing the Thresher Maw, making him feel like people don't respect him.

    Dark Energy

    I really enjoy thinking of the Dark Energy topics that were on Tali's missions, but unfortunately with all the foreshadowing in ME2 it is never used in ME3 due to a conflict about the plot. The Lead Writer left Bioware, which means the story for ME3 shifted substantially. The pivotal Dark Energy plot device ended up shelved because of that. Nobody ever disclosed what the original plot was though, so we can only speculate.

  2. I am sure someone else mentioned this but did you catch the subtle joke with Koris mentioning a respectable ship name "like the Iktomi"? He'd be Zaal'Koris vas Iktomi. I love BioWare's subtle humor like that.

  3. There is only one thing you need to do to learn about the Geth, go get the IFF, its that simple, you might even regret not doing it.Dont listen to any about "Cant do it on a first playthrough" its perfectly safe to do.

    1/10, you think that geth group on the science ship is 1/10 of the Geths total forces? its not even a platoon, those 30 or 40 geth represent as little as 0.00000001% of the geth total forces. It never occurred to you that there are only 17 million Quarians when every other species numbers in the billions? the Geth kill 99% of Quarians during the war. 300 years of escalation and undocumented military build up, its gonna be rough

  4. Another great episode Kali! The geth/quarian dilemma is one of my favorite “ongoing” dilemmas in the Mass Effect trilogy.

    You seem like you really want more perspective on the geth/quarian conflict, and I don’t blame you. If you do…

    I’m going to phrase this as carefully and delicately as I can, because I respect your interest in no spoilers although I also want to respect your interest in more perspective on that conflict. With that in mind: I would encourage you to consider doing the Reaper IFF mission sooner rather than later as others have suggested. Afterward you’ll have the opportunity for a better understanding of that whole dilemma. I won’t say what form that takes or how it plays out, simply that you’ll have access to more of the answers you’re currently looking for on that situation. It’s fascinating and really cool. I won’t say anything more specific though, that would take from the fun of discovering things for yourself.

    I wouldn’t have even recommended this but others have recommended saving the Reaper IFF for last and I know you’ve seen that, so I have to push back. If you value lore and characters in this story I think doing it sooner than the end, if not right now, would make you happier. I hope I’ve been appropriately vague with respect to your interests. Cheers. 😊

  5. The Quarians are responsible for the war with the Geth. They enslaved AI, they tried to execute them all when the AI developed consciousness, it's all the Quarians fault. The Geth didn't leave their system until Sovereign and Saren showed up and they aligned with this new AI race. Sure, they are the major enemy you fight in ME1 but they aren't necessarily bad. They are just trying to survive while all organic races want them dead

  6. Most of your questions will be answered later. In me2 or 3. Answering you might spoil some things. You making theory and you opinions is great, especially when the game goes in a complete different direction.
    Again, I love your playthrough. It is my favorite thing to watch during my free time. Can't wait for you to go further ❤

  7. A lot of the reasons I've lived this franchise is they did such a good job knowing when to be funny, when to be horrifying, when to be heartwrenching sad, when to be sexy, and when to be mysterious. They hit on a wide range of emotions while delivering a nice shot of adrenaline with the gameplay.


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