It's OVER (Finally) and I'm LEAVING

I can finally tell you whatโ€™s REALLY been going on. ๐Ÿ‘‰Links to mentioned heroes in the description. ๐Ÿ‘ˆ. Iโ€™m Mary. Welcome to my full time travel vlog. My house is a skoolie named Max; my home is wherever itโ€™s parked. Ride the short bus to adventure with me and my dog Captain to places youโ€™ve always wanted to go and places youโ€™ve never heard of. Maybe even some places youโ€™re scared of.

Sometimes it works out great, and we all learn something. Sometimes itโ€™s a disaster, and we all learn something. Are you sensing a theme here?

Travel with us, learn with us, laugh with us, cry with us. We saved you a seat โ€“ get on the bus!



If youโ€™d like to support the channel, you can use the โ€œThanksโ€ button below the video, or:
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Music Used In This Episode: โ€œSee You Throughโ€ by Graham Colton.
Unless otherwise specified, I license music for my videos through MUSICBED.


โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! โ€”โ€”โ€”-

Leave a voicemail at (229) MAX-MINI (629-6464).

Send mail to:
Maximalist Minibus
182 Endicott Avenue
Revere MA 02151

Email me: [email protected]


39 thoughts on “It's OVER (Finally) and I'm LEAVING”

  1. Prayers Liftedโค I just bought my frist bus in AZ 3-31-23…. enjoyed the road trip as used to live in az the spring flowers are amazing right now ,went near searchlite I'm converting it for ICE household horse etc dog, cats rooster coach to evac in the to many fires we've been going through these last several yrs. Part of a class action settlement I recently got because of a fire started by pg&e neglect paid for my bus….long story but getting excited to the adventure ahead…. your one of the frist i watch about registerung in ca. Etc.
    Be Bless't
    Your in my thoughts and Prayers


  2. Hip, hip hooray… Hank has saved the day. My heart is so happy for you. Travel safe and stay well. Much love from another Massachusetts native. ๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒŽโ˜ฎ

  3. Glad to hear your bus is working well. I hope you get the treatment you need and have good health. I will be in Whatley, Mass, near Deerfield, May 21-24 and in Bar Harbor over the Memorial Day weekend.

  4. Getting ready to head back to Maine
    Third winter in Quartzsite!
    It seems winter is clinging to Northern states. I planned to take a northern route to see some National Parks, but still cold!

  5. So happy to hear that things with Max are settling down… Yay!! Good friends are hard to come by. Looks like you found a great one. Lucky you. I hope Capitan is doing well. Now it is your turn… take care of yourself now. Your health is #1. Blessings to you, Captain, and Max. Safe travels..
    Will be watching for your next video. Mary, please be safe..๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธโœŒ๏ธ

  6. YAY! I'm so glad you finally got to the bottom of the trans problem. Happy Kat stayed with you, I watch all her vids too and the 2 of you make a great team. Praying for your health problem to be fixed, Captains also. Stay safe out there. I'm hitting the road next week. Just me and my little tent โค

  7. This makes me SO happy for you. You handled this misadventure with grace and strength. I truly enjoyed getting to meet you and I hope to see you again someday (though I wouldn't blame you if you avoided QZ for the foreseeable future).
    Happy trails, Mary. I wish you nothing but the very best…always.

  8. Thanks for the update. Life seems to demand that we have to power through and keep trying. When we get to the other side we can rest a little for the next challenge. Be proud๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŒพ

  9. My admiration and respect for you came long before we met in person. So many hours on the phone baring our souls. Your wise words and caring counciled me thru some very hard times and still do. I've learned so much about myself, you open my eyes to new perspectives.
    Then we met in person, spent the winter together where my admiration and respect kept growing.
    When disaster strikes your brain kicks into plan mode. For you that means plan A, B, C, and D. If you make it to C you start working on E and F. Honestly I don't know how far you made it into the alphabet on this saga. And in spite of it all we had a great winter in a beautiful desert, met wonderful people, made great friends. Yes tears needed to be shed, but you were always ready to leave them behind and enjoy all the good things. Always ready to count your blessings. Our catch phrase game "But luckily" always brought laughter, we did more laughing than crying. I would have been in full nervous breakdown mode. You didn't allow disaster to keep us from having a great winter. I am blessed to have you as my tribe, or as our pups would say, pack. Your strength is awe inspiring. You are a warrior princess! I'm honored and proud to call you Sister.

  10. Here's to the dorks! Such a pleasure to meet up and spend a bit of time with you. And Kat. I'm so happy you are on the road again. Safe travels. As you head to Mass., I am heading to Montana. Come up to the Big Sky Country some time. I'd love to see you! Take care darlin and I'll see ya down the road๐Ÿ˜Šโค๏ธ๐ŸŽถ

  11. Hey Mary really glad to hear from you and very wonderful to hear you in such high spirits:)
    Josie ๐Ÿพ and I have been thinking about you and Captain ๐Ÿพ praying and sending positive vibes your way.
    It is crazy how things unravel sometimes.
    Thank You for another entertaining provoking life on the road commentary . It is amazing how things come together;)

  12. Kat is an incredibly kind, caring and funny person! This sums up the whole ordeal perfectly. Sometimes itโ€™s not about the hard stuff, itโ€™s about the people who got us through. Safe travels!

  13. How do you look so beautiful in the morning right after you wake up? I'm so happy you are finding people like Kat who stand-by you and who are actually fixing Max. I'm going to have to write that man in Mesa name down. Thank you for sharing your journey Mary. โคโคโค

  14. Whoa!!!! Exciting. Iโ€™m so happy for you. What a sigh of relief ๐Ÿ˜…. That is beautiful of Kat to of stayed with you. Good on both of you! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  15. I don't know Kat personally but she seems like she would be a sweetheart and a half. So glad you've gotten Max back better than ever. It's like God knew you needed Max in tip top shape to get you back to the east for your treatment. Good luck with that by the way. Godspeed to your doctor

  16. This story really makes me smile! I just love your positive outlook on everything you encountered. I am subscribed to Kat and Dogs on Wheels and enjoy it so much! I hope to be out on the road finding my adventures one day. Who knows…maybe we will cross paths and I can be part of the tribe! Safe travels always to you and I look forward to the next update!

  17. Thank you so much for this piece. Two of the very few facets of Life that seem to me to stay stable through time, and true through long experience are: 1) Life is mostly about simply getting back up off the ground, and somehow putting one foot at a time in front of the other foot: somehow, just standing back up; and 2) As you say, ever-seeking and supporting a tribe of people, of others, some closer some further, but people; others are Life, a tribe will save your life, help one to get back up, almost every time.

    Like apple pie, Solitude can be a great meal when needed, but even apple pie gets tiring after two weeks of apple pie.

    Thank you so much for telling these stories in the context of Life as it is happening. -C

  18. I have enjoyed watching you go through your life journey. The good, the bad, and the interesting twists and turns. Thank you for sharing this journey with us. Your channel is growing! Yay!

  19. I'm so glad you got the long term problem figured out finally! And I would do the same thing – get it fixed rather than scrap and start over. Vehicles are always going to have mechanical issues here and there, that's the nature of the beast. Just like you pointed out that you wouldn't get rid of a house because it has a problem, why would you get rid of your home just because it's on wheels?! I look forward to your journey back East and hope that your health issues are easily remedied.

  20. Ah, Mare! I'm so happy for you that Max is back on one piece and taking you on your way again. I'll bet one of the biggest lessons this year + has been patience bc you've really been challenged to wait and keep waiting and then wait some more. Kat is a very good friend!!


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