It’s Not Even Close


42 thoughts on “It’s Not Even Close”

  1. Homelander would obviously win, if batman did all of that, homelander would kill batman, and say something like "sorry, everyone.. a plane crashed into my good and more best friend, you know him as batman.." or something like that, and everyone would believe him

  2. Batman drops down behind Homelandar

    Homelandar: Noir…

    Batman: John, raised as a lab experiment with the mind of a kid trapped in an adult's body…

    Homelandar: Wait, what the f##k did you just say?

    Homandar turns around but Batman is not standing there

    Batman: I subdued Noir and the rest of the Seven, you're next…

    "Homelandar laughs then uses his lazy eyes where he heard Batman talk"

    Batman: My turn

    Homelandar gets frustrated but batman uses a gas mask and other gasses to put Homelandar to sleep


    Batman calls Superman

  3. ……..this man is stupid. If homelander gets broken then he would stop wearing his "insecurity necklace" and start whar we call the mass murder/massacre. Batman being batman would obviously come to save people and then he is just one laser away from death.
    Similarly if superman just had 10 more iq then would stop staring and giving dialogues and would rather just starts to beat the fuck out of batman. Also superman can fight with same speed as flash so their ain't no way that he can't avoid he can't avoid kryptonite has, bullets and whatever unless he has some serious kryptonite addiction and just wanted to smell that shit.

  4. ……..this man is stupid. If homelander gets broken then he would stop wearing his "insecurity necklace" and start what we call the mass murder/massacre. Batman being batman would obviously come to save people and then he is just one laser away from death.
    Similarly if superman just had 10 more iq then would stop staring and giving dialogues and would rather just starts to beat the fuck out of batman. Also superman can fight with same speed as flash so their ain't no way that he can't avoid kryptonite bullets or gas unless he has some serious kryptonite addiction and just wanted to smell that shit.

  5. He probably won't laser himself
    But he definitely will make himself as worldwide enemy
    The entire world will fight against him and will actively hunt him

    And that's just give Batman more time to find a way to beat him or even kill him

    Man created weapon that able to hold Superman so Homelander is no big deal

  6. “Yo brain is built like a broken snickers bar and you look like a dollar store superman you have no dad no mom no family you can’t have daddy issues because you don’t have a dad in the first place your body is built like a crappy granola bar and you cry about everything and you mental state is a wet piece of cardboard you have no love life because you don’t love yourself and you make passive threats like I’m gonna take that seriously do me a favour and watch low tier god he’ll be very helpful to you because your just a sad pathetic man child who can’t be loved because he can’t love himself your nothing but a sad wet fart on a Monday morning”


  7. Lmao this theory sucks cuz it was debunked in the show. He called Starlights bluff to ruin his reputation. He’s definitely insecure af, but he’s also not the kinda guy to go suicidal-even if his image is tainted.

  8. Homelander also doesn’t have any physical weaknesses. So Batman can’t kill him with some specialized suit. Obviously it would have to be homelander killing himself-but he’s not the kinda guy to do that. He’d just go postal.

  9. Knowing Batman, he would’ve gotten the compound v serum, reversed engineered it to have no deadly side effects then have taken it, and have taken on homelander. Maybe he get similar powers like butcher and with his skills, he’d easily kill homelander

  10. I hate how much people jerk off Batman. “With enough prep time he could solo anyone!!!!!”. Like dude, Goku and Superman move planets and are so fast they affect time. He would be dead before he had a second to think. However, Homelander is no where in their league. Even a hater like me is taking Batman. You’re 100% right!


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