It’s hidden in plain sight in the sky


39 thoughts on “It’s hidden in plain sight in the sky”

  1. This is what they want us to build for them. Hence they killing off the old people and pushing for more babies. So a younger generation can be further enslaved to build their castles in d sky. We are also converted to minerals for that construction. No happiness for us in d future.

  2. Right NOW it's good vs evil with Trump's military. They've been putting holograms in the sky for us to figure out. That Sun is giving a message to us and it matches the Star Wars symbol for sure. Very cool discovery 💯 Get ready for fireworks to start 🔥😏😍👽🐸💪

  3. Happy New Year Gina et al +++ ⚓

    1 🌞 Be impeccable with your word.

    2 🌞 Don’t take anything personally.

    3 🌞 Don’t make assumptions.

    4 🌞 Always do your best.

    5 🌞 Have fun!

  4. Hi Gina, there are TONS of ships in our Solar System. Yes. The galactic federation of Worlds. There are also NO DARK FLEETS left in our Solar System. See Elena Dannon. Disclosure is coming. There were galactic wars have been completed.

  5. Before I forget there’s a young boy , who has created a device that collects atmospheric energy and converts to use but he describes the Bible as the quantum physics book which describes the creation of man / I will put the websites in for you so you can locate and understand. I’m always trying to understand and comprehend what and I pray they give us one more day- Zuckerberg was confronted & that group wears it, it’s part of the agenda

  6. The monsters are coming back up we gotta get ready !!!!!!!! I'm not going to explain this to people who won't take our freedoms and safety seriously they know about the monsters or dinosaurs or whatever Mud fossil University explains this down to the tee "we all" need to get ready for a civil war and monster's if they drop nukes it's over for Except for our military and there astroid proof deep under ground base's we all need to get ready man there a petrified monsters and giants and gods of old Jesus is one of them he turned most of them monsters into stone with a Cristal of some sort its obviously noticable go to Africa on Google maps you'll see yourself and zoom in do your own research it's almost like a camouflage Picasso painting or one of those art paintings that you have to look at a certain angel to see what I'm talking about there's a hole at the top of earth something went in and it's on its way back out to feed again it probably has young it needs to feed expect to see something soon like to the end of this year or in the middle of it and this is my thoughts on it like I seen a faceless man running at me but when you go looking up faceless people nothing shows up there definitely hiding something a lot of people seen and been apart of or something that they tried looking up and got no type of information about to this day I'll never be outside in Phoenix Az at night never again got me f*** up we need to start asking homeless people to they probably have witnessed monsters who morph into humans to lure in a victim

  7. Gina, the Cosmic war has been won. But the battle is not over. Gina, you have been given the keys to that victory. Learn by the Holy Spirit to use those keys that Jesus Christ has given you for your Joy and peace for the setting of prisoners free in the name of Gods son. You got this Gina. The blood and love of Jesus Christ over you and yours

  8. So what I think is happening except that symbol has Always been in the sky, but sister frequency is picking up and there's things they cannot alter anymore. We are now seeing it in our face thank you so much for sharing

  9. Gina, I’ve heard that in 2024 alternative media and opinion is going to be shut down – completely. I think that’s what’s going on. Others are getting slammed too. There has been a Dark Space Force for quite some time. A branch of the Nazi’s. There is also a good side, Space Force/Solar Warden – that have been going on for less time but a lot longer than we realize.

  10. Are they getting ready to turn on the light show?? Project blue beam going to make us think giant aliens are here while they blow us up and bomb buildings for giggles while watching us scatter from zone to zone..

  11. I've noticed myself that there's something up with the moon. It never rises in the same spot nor goes down in the same spot. If it was due to the upcoming pole shift, then why isn't the sun doing the samething. About 6 months ago, a whistle-blower from the SSP made a statement that something big would occur with the moon. Whatever it is, it's planned. He stated that the truth would be seen.🥰💯


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