IT'S HAPPENING! The Earth's Poles Are Flipping! Should We WORRY?

Imagine waking up and finding out the world was upside down. Maybe you live in New York City. You get in your car and drive northโ€ฆtowards Florida. You turn around and start driving southโ€ฆtowards Boston? What in the name of Einsteinโ€™s ghost is going on here?.

In reality, the world isnโ€™t really upside down; the poles have just reversed their magnetic charge. But when this does happen, you may not be alive long enough to drive anywhere.

Welcome back to Factnomenal. Today, weโ€™re exploring what will happen when the Earthโ€™s poles flip.

And it is a matter of when, not if.

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46 thoughts on “IT'S HAPPENING! The Earth's Poles Are Flipping! Should We WORRY?”

  1. Our memories are also magnetic in nature so we could be back to being hairy barbarians learning to make a fire again, but I believe this time we will ascend out of the upheaval to a higher dimension, we just need to vibrate high and make peace with the past and with everyone, through compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, and detachment. By taking our foot off the gas and easing into the slow lane to focus on inner work. The answers are all here on Earth if we want them enough to look for them. We got this. ML. โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

  2. If you understand what you are explaining why have we not got
    Energy in the same form. Einstein
    Well we have and we have had this
    Energy for many 1000s years but for
    Profit persons get Silenced

  3. Before people had electricity, they didn't need electricity. The Amish will be just fine. Only modern Western consumers will have any real problem, because they don't know how to do anything.

  4. You seem worried that you must keep the internet the functioning afterwards with satellites I'm more worried about the one mile-high waves burning Hot Perth solar flares in the atmosphere and radiation and then the mad Max aftermath

  5. It's not flipping… There was a mass increase using inverse magnetic flux… It's temporary. Rotational flux between the upper atmosphere and it's density and the mantle and it's density. The flux shift increase pressure in one area. But decreased it in another. The magma released density inversely in communication.. as though saying thanks for the energy..but I have enough. "See" and the temp change does it after.

  6. The magnetic poles have to be reversed to their original locations. As the moon has an influence on the female menstrual cycle, it having been constructed many thousands of years ago by the Draco Reptilian alien extra-terrestrials as a space station for their negative activites on planet Earth. Those two changes to our planet robbed the female of our species of full control of their fertility. That is why the planet is over populated. The Galactic Federation of alien e.t's came here to rid us of the Draco Reptilians and reverse the changes they made to our planet.

  7. We should be worried about technology and all that it provides us. Learn to live without technology and comforts of modern life. Food, water, shelter, and heat will keep you and your loved ones alive.

  8. I believe this is why underground cities exist even today and why the pyramids where constructed to survive the apocalypses. The Mayan's tracked the stars, constructed pyramid's and made a calendar calculating the ticking clock of human existence as they perceived it so it would not be forgotten but it was not a warning, it was a mathematical prediction.

  9. If you think they are flipping then yes it is an extinction-level event.
    But do not worry you will not be around long enough to be that worried about it. Momentum is a thing.
    You should not take life so seriously. It is not permanent.

  10. whats fascinating is that the core flips over and then flips back, its a reset ( thats fascinating) unintentional or by design? opens up so much speculation. anyway you wouldnt be driving anywhere , the earth stops for 6 hrs approx , 1000mph winds, 2 mile high tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, tectonic drift. all life on the surface wiped out.. all life except for those far underground who are not in a volcanic ,coastal or low lying areas may survive. estimates that this has happened at least 5x in our geologic history. plus you are either on the frozen dark side or the superheated sun side this also exacerbates the possabilites of cme's ( not that that would matter anymore).

  11. That's not the way a flip occurs. It's relational to a flux variance. It doesn't actually rotate the earth. It affects air density and the air density is a counter force to the induction. Along with insulating waters like oceans and oil under dirt. The weaker the pressure the easier to evaporate a liquid will become. Right? Well that means most earthquakes will not occur in high elevation high atmospheric density areas not around insulation.

  12. Just remember, these people have almost no idea what their talking about… Science has become a cult, Armageddon is always on the table and that's why they need more of your money, to bribe the Earth Gods.

  13. It's comical how you talk about the earth's so called inner core when nobody at any time anywhere on earth has ever produced anything other than theories of the earth's so called core!!
    Theories are not facts


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