It’s Actually Women Who Feel Entitled to Men | Grunt Speak

When two girls find out a man they desire already has a girlfriend, the claws come out and civility goes away.
#TerrencePopp #Frenemies #NoLoyalty

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27 thoughts on “It’s Actually Women Who Feel Entitled to Men | Grunt Speak”

  1. That's interesting. Wahmen are the same no matter the location. So, south american here, and I too was used as a third wheel, but for a non established couple. So, I wanted to date this girl, and made it very clear what my intentions were. Buuut, she was interested in a friend of ours and she put me in the friendzone. So she would call me to go out with her, but aways with "hey, maybe you could call the John Doe to go out with us" (At that time I didn't realized that she was interested in him, or didn't want to admit it). She used to call me too to go out alone with her too so she could try to make him feel that he had competition (it didn't work). She also enjoyed the attention that I used to gave her, because no matter when or what, if she needed me, I was there. Yeah, they'll use the average men to get to the ones that they really want. Or for attention too. Long story short, I watched a video saying "if you are in the friendzone, run! No matter what you do, you'll never be able to turn friendzone situation into a romantic situation", so I did just that, got the hell out of that situation.

  2. I don't know about some of your audience , no hate but maybe they wear pink t-shirts . The state of the world does not make me want to self delete . But instead makes me meaner and crazier , makes me want to be a mercenary . Fight fire with fire ! Like a wild animal backed into a corner . " Transcendent rambling railroad blues " by Colter wall

  3. Sorry. The sidekick is getting on my nerves with his over-acting. He seems to get worse with each episode; boy, does he like to hear himself talk. Preferred it when he was in the background. two cents

  4. Can't say I have been through this but when I started I had a older girlfriend that would kind of pimp me out to her friends/ sister and others to have sex. I didn't complain and went through with it. Thank you dawn w.

  5. Women feel entitled to men, men's status, men's money, men's labour, men's protection, men's attention, men's time, men's bodies and even men's sperm.
    You'll see the truth of this when bullets start flying, criminality happens to them, difficult or dangerous work needs doing, some disaster occurs, or something needs paying for.

  6. Love you guys , I have a son who's 19 & very successful already . He's not having any luck meeting a worthy girl. I have him subbed to your great wisdom platform , & he's really digging in to your insights & knowledge! Thank you guys & God Bless you both 👊

  7. I count myself as fortunate to have learned from the mistakes of others regarding the female of the species. I suppose you could refer the attitude I developed as 'red pilled' when I met my best friend soon after his 1st divorce (he eventually had 3) in the late 80's so you could say he didn't learn his lesson until it had cost him a hell of a lot. I had observed him through several 'live in' arrangements (state we lived in had common law marriage on the books at the time) and his second marriage and divorce before his 3rd marriage saw him moving many states away and basically out of most contact until his last divorce since you know, women will often cut you off from your friends. Later we occasionally chatted on the phone for a number of years but never were able to arrange to meet up in the same city as circumstances never really worked out. He passed away some years ago and had on various occasions expressed regret over having wasted so much time, energy and money over the women he chose to get together with especially after his first wife managed to get his custody rights to his only child taken away. The lessons I learned from his example drove home deep in to my brain – Don't shack up, Don't marry, and for the love of all that's holy DON'T IMPREGNATE.


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